Working with Boards

Boards are the primary residence of all content in a Khoros Community environment, and they can be created, queried, manipulated and even deleted using the Khoros Community APIs.

This section addresses how the Khoros Community Python library leverages these APIs to harness these boards.


All of the board-specific functions reside within the khoros.structures.boards module. However, they are also fully integrated into the khoros.core.Khoros object by way of the khoros.core.Khoros.Board subclass and the associated khoros.core.Khoros.boards object class.

After initializing the core object, the functions covered in the following sections can be leveraged for board-related operations.


This tutorial assumes that the core object has been initialized as khoros per the naming convention best practices defined on the Introduction page.

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Creating a New Board

A new board can be created using the boards.create() function via the initiated core object, as demonstrated below.

>>> khoros.boards.create('my-board', 'My Board', 'forum', return_status=True)

The table below lists the arguments that can/must be used in the function, which leverages the khoros.structures.boards.create() function.






The board ID



The board title/name



The type of discussion style (e.g. blog, contest, forum, idea, qanda or tkb)



The description of the board



The ID of the parent category (if applicable)



Defines whether or not the new board should be hidden from lists and menus



Type of labels permitted (freeform-only, predefined-only or freeform or pre-defined)



Indicates that only freeform labels should be permitted



Indicates that only predefined labels should be permitted



The list of predefined labels that are permitted



The media type associated with a contest (image, video or story meaning text)



The approved blog authors in a blog board as a list of user data dictionaries



A list of User IDs representing the approved blog authors in a blog board



A list of logins (i.e. usernames) representing the approved blog authors in a blog board



Indicates that comments should be enabled on blog posts within a blog board



The designated moderators in a blog board as a list of user data dictionaries



A list of User IDs representing the blog moderators in a blog board



A list of logins (i.e. usernames) representing the moderators in a blog board



Indicates whether or not a user can only submit one entry to a single contest



Indicates whether or not a user can vote only once per contest



The date/time a contest is closed to submissions



The date/time when the submission period for a contest begins



The date/time when the voting period for a contest ends



The date/time when the voting period for a contest begins



The date/time the contest winner will be announced



Indicates whether the full, raw API response should be returned



Indicates whether the Board ID should be returned



Indicates whether the Board URL should be returned



Indicates whether the API URL (i.e. URI) of the board should be returned



Indicates whether the HTTP Code of the API response should be returned



Indicates whether the status of the API response should be returned



Indicates whether the Developer Response Message (if any) should be returned


The fields labeled with an asterisk (*) are required.

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Return Options

There are multiple ways to return data when creating a board, which can be explicitly defined using one or more of the following function arguments:

These arguments are explained in more detail within the sub-sections below.

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Simple Boolean Response (Default)

Unless explicitly defined, the function will return a simple Boolean response (i.e. True or False) indicating whether or not the operation was successful.

>>> def create_and_check():
...     successful = khoros.boards.create('my-new-forum', 'My New Forum', 'forum')
...     result = "It worked!" if successful else "It failed!"
...     print(result)

>>> create_and_check()
'It worked!'

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Full API Response

If you’d rather return the full, raw response from the API request in order to parse it later at your convenience, then this can be done by setting the full_response argument to True in the function call as shown below.

>>> response = khoros.boards.create('my-new-forum', 'My New Forum', 'forum', full_response=True)
>>> if response.status_code != 404:
...     response = response.json()
...     print(response['status'])

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Return the Board ID

If it makes sense for you to return the ID of the board you just created then you can do so by defining the return_id argument as True as seen below.

>>> forums_to_create = [('first-board', 'My First Board'), ('second-board', 'My Second Board')]
>>> for forum in forums_to_create:
...     board_id, board_title = forum
...     forum_id = khoros.boards.create(board_id, board_title, 'forum', return_id=True)
...     print("Forum Created:", forum_id)
'Forum Created: first-board'
'Forum Created: second-board'

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Return the Board URL

Very likely the most popular return option for this function, defining the return_url argument as True will return the URL of the newly created board, as shown below.

>>> khoros.boards.create('python-lovers', 'The Python Lovers Blog', \
... 'blog', return_url=True)

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Return the Board API URL

If additional API calls will be immediately performed following the creation of a board, it may be useful to return the API URL (i.e. URI) for the new board by defining the return_api_url argument as True, as shown below.

>>> khoros.boards.create('python-lovers', 'The Python Lovers Blog', \
... 'blog', return_api_url=True)

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Return the API Response HTTP Code

Another potentially useful return option is to define the return_http_code argument as True, which will return the HTTP status code for the API response, as demonstrated below.

>>> khoros.boards.create('python-lovers', 'The Python Lovers Blog', \
... 'blog', return_http_code=True)

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Return the API Response Status

Alternatively, it is possible to return the status of the API response (as defined by Khoros in the JSON response) by defining the return_status argument as True, as shown below.

>>> khoros.boards.create('my-first-blog', 'My First Blog', 'blog', \
... return_status=True)

>>> khoros.boards.create('my-first-blog', 'My First Blog', 'blog', \
... return_status=True)

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Return Any Error Messages

If you want to ensure that you see any error messages when applicable but don’t want to return the full API response, you can define the return_error_messages argument as True, as shown below.

>>> khoros.boards.create('my-first-blog', 'My First Blog', \
... 'blog', return_error_messages=True)
"An object of type blog-board already exists with the 'id' property value 'my-first-blog'"

This argument captures both the message value and the occasionally populated developer_message value. If one of the values is blank or if they are exactly the same, such as in the example above, then only one of the values will be displayed. Otherwise, if both values are defined and do not match then they will be returned in the {message} - {developer_message} format. (i.e. The two values will be separated by spaces and a hyphen.)

If you wish to return both fields regardless of their values then you can define the optional split_errors argument as True as well to return a tuple containing both values, as shown below.

>>> khoros.boards.create('my-first-blog', 'My First Blog', 'blog', \
... return_error_messages=True, split_errors=True)
("An object of type blog-board already exists with the 'id' property value 'my-first-blog'", "An object of type blog-board already exists with the 'id' property value 'my-first-blog'")

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Return Multiple Types

You are not restricted to choosing only one of the return options. You can enable as many options as needed and if multiple types are detected by the function then they will be returned as a tuple with those values, as demonstrated in the example below.

>>> response = khoros.boards.create('my-first-blog', 'My First Blog', 'blog', \
... return_http_code=True, return_status=True, return_error_messages=True)

>>> if response[1] == 'success':
...     print(f"The board creation was successful with the HTTP code {response[0]}.")
... else:
...     print(f"The board creation failed with the following error:\n{response[2]}")
The board creation failed with the following error:
An object of type blog-board already exists with the 'id' property value 'my-first-blog'


The tuple will return the values in the order they are listed as function arguments.

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Creating a New Forum

To create a new forum, it is necessary to set the discussion_style argument equal to forum when calling the boards.create() function. All other arguments, with the exception of the board_id and board_title arguments, are optional.

>>> khoros.boards.create('my-new-forum', 'My New Forum', 'forum')

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Creating a New Blog

To create a new forum, it is necessary to set the discussion_style argument equal to blog when calling the boards.create() function, in addition to defining the board_id and board_title.

Blog boards also have the option of explicitly defining approved blog authors and/or designated blog moderators at the time of the board creation. The easiest way of doing this is by supplying a list of User IDs (via the blog_author_ids and blog_moderator_ids arguments) or by supplying a list of logins (i.e. usernames) via the blog_author_logins and blog_moderator_logins arguments. These options are demonstrated below.

This example shows how to define authors and moderators using the User ID values.

>>> authors = ['23', '44', '67']
>>> mods = ['5', '19']
>>> board_id, board_title, discussion_style = 'my-first-blog', 'My First Blog', 'blog'
>>> khoros.boards.create(board_id, board_title, discussion_style, \
                         blog_author_ids=authors, blog_moderator_ids=mods)

This example shows how to define authors and moderators using the user login values.

>>> authors = ['Ron Weasley', 'Neville Longbottom']
>>> mods = ['Hermione Granger']
>>> board_id, board_title, discussion_style = 'my-first-blog', 'My First Blog', 'blog'
>>> khoros.boards.create(board_id, board_title, discussion_style, \
...                      blog_author_logins=authors, blog_moderator_logins=mods)

Alternatively, if you happen to already have the fully formatted authors and moderators fields for the API request, which would be a list of dictionaries containing user data, then they can be used instead via the blog_authors and blog_moderators function arguments, as demonstrated below.

>>> authors = [{"id": "45"}, {"id": "57"}]
>>> mods = [{"id": "12"}]
>>> board_id, board_title, discussion_style = 'my-first-blog', 'My First Blog', 'blog'
>>> khoros.boards.create(board_id, board_title, discussion_style, \
...                      blog_authors=authors, blog_moderators=mods)

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Creating a New Tribal Knowledge Base (TKB)

Creating a new Tribal Knowledge Base, or TKB, is very similar to creating a forum, except that the discussion_style argument will be defined as tkb as shown in the example below.

>>> khoros.boards.create('product-knowledge-base', 'Product Knowledge Base', \
...                      'tkb', return_status=True)

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Creating a New Q&A Board

Creating a new Q&A board is also similar to creatinga forum, except that the discussion_style argument will be defined as qanda sa shown below.

>>> khoros.boards.create('product-questions', 'Product Questions', \
...                      'qanda', return_status=True)

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Creating a New Idea Exchange

Idea Exchange boards (used for ideation) can be created by defining the discussion_style argument as idea, as shown below.

>>> khoros.boards.create('product-idea-exchange', 'Product Idea Exchange', \
...                      'idea', one_entry_per_contest=False, \
...                      one_kudo_per_contest=True, return_status=True)

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Creating a New Contest

Contest boards can be created by defining the discussion_style argument as contest. Contests also have several unique optional arguments that can be used, which are listed in the table earlier in this tutorial and again below.






The media type associated with a contest (image, video or story meaning text)



Indicates whether or not a user can only submit one entry to a single contest



Indicates whether or not a user can vote only once per contest



The date/time a contest is closed to submissions



The date/time when the submission period for a contest begins



The date/time when the voting period for a contest ends



The date/time when the voting period for a contest begins



The date/time the contest winner will be announced

A function call using some of these arguments is shown below.

>>> khoros.boards.create('product-innovation-contest', 'Product Innovation Contest', \
...                      'contest', one_entry_per_contest=False, \
...                      one_kudo_per_contest=True, media_type='story', return_status=True)

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Optional Configuration Items

There are several other optional arguments that may also be passed in the function call to define other elements of the new board, which are addressed in the sub-sections below.

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Adding a Description

As it is an SEO best practice to include a description when creating a new board, it is recommended that you define the optional description argument whenever using the khoros.structures.boards.create() function, as demonstrated below.

>>> khoros.boards.create('upcoming-events', 'Upcoming Events', 'blog', \
...                      'Get the details on our upcoming events and product releases.')


As the description argument immediately follows the three required arguments in the function call, it is not necessary to define it using a keyword argument. (e.g. description='Get the details...')

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Defining the Parent Category

By default, a new board will be created at the top-most level of the community environment. However, if you intend to create the board below a specific category then this can easily be done by supplying the ID of said category via the parent_category_id argument, as demonstrated below.

>>> khoros.boards.create('upcoming-events', 'Upcoming Events', 'blog', \
...                      'Get the details on our upcoming events and product releases.', \
...                      parent_category_id='products')

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Creating a Hidden Board

If you do not want your new board to appear in lists or menus then you can flag it as a “hidden” board by defining the hidden argument as True in the function call, as shown below.

>>> khoros.boards.create('tkb-archive', 'Archived TKB Articles', 'tkb', hidden=True)

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Configuring Label Settings

While creating a board, you can configure the label settings up front via the function call if desired, rather than configuring them later in the Community Admin UI or via separate API requests.

The first setting you can configure is whether or not the board will allow freeform labels (i.e. where users can create their own labels), predefined labels (i.e. where community managers define the labels and users can only select them) or both.

There are two ways to do this:

  • The first method is to define the allowed_labels argument as either freeform-only, predefined-only or freeform or pre-defined.

>>> khoros.boards.create('product-discussions', 'Product Discussions', 'forum', \
...                      allowed_labels='freeform-only')
  • The second method is to define the Boolean arguments use_freeform_labels and/or use_predefined_labels as True.

>>> khoros.boards.create('product-discussions', 'Product Discussions', 'forum', \
...                      use_freeform_labels=True)


Defining both use_freeform_labels and use_predefined_labels as True is the equivalent of defining the allowed_labels argument as freeform or pre-defined.

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Retrieving a Board ID

The majority of Khoros Community API calls–and therefore the majority of functions and methods in this library–relating to boards require a board ID to be provided. As such, it will often be necessary for you to quickly retrieve a board ID, which is easy to do via the khoros.core.Khoros.Board.get_board_id() function.

This function requires only the URL of the board and can be called from within the core object (i.e. khoros.core.Khoros) using the khoros.core.Khoros.boards.get_board_id() method call as demonstrated below.

>>> from khoros import Khoros
>>> khoros = Khoros(helper='~/helper.yml')
>>> khoros.boards.get_board_id('')



This function will work with boards for all discussion styles.

The retrieved board ID can then be used in other functions and methods to perform any necessary tasks.