Source code for khoros.utils.tests.test_users

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:Module:            khoros.utils.tests.test_users
:Synopsis:          This module is used by pytest to verify that the ``users`` module functions properly
:Created By:        Jeff Shurtliff
:Last Modified:     Jeff Shurtliff
:Modified Date:     10 Jul 2023

import os
import sys

import pytest
import requests

from . import resources

# Define a global variable to define when the package path has been set
package_path_defined = False

# Define constants
USER_ID = 216
USERNAME = 'joeCustomer'

[docs]def set_package_path(): """This function adds the high-level khoros directory to the sys.path list. .. versionadded:: 5.1.2 """ global package_path_defined if not package_path_defined: sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../..')) package_path_defined = True
[docs]def test_impersonate_user(): """This function tests the ability to impersonate a user. .. versionadded:: 5.1.2 """ # Instantiate the core object khoros_object = resources.get_core_object() # Perform the API call to impersonate a user khoros_object.users.impersonate_user('joeCustomer')
[docs]def test_create_user(monkeypatch): """This function tests the ability to create a user. .. versionadded:: 5.1.2 """ # Instantiate the core object khoros_object = resources.get_core_object() # Overwrite the requests.get functionality with the mock_post() function monkeypatch.setattr(requests, 'post', resources.mock_success_post) # Perform the API call and assert that it was successful response = khoros_object.users.create( login='testUser', email='', first_name='Test', last_name='User') assert response.get('status') == 'success'
[docs]def test_failed_create_user(monkeypatch): """This function verifies that the appropriate exception is raised if the user creation process fails. .. versionadded:: 5.1.2 """ # Instantiate the core object khoros_object = resources.get_core_object() # Overwrite the requests.get functionality with the mock_post() function monkeypatch.setattr(requests, 'post', resources.mock_error_post) # Perform the API call and assert that it was successful with pytest.raises(exceptions.UserCreationError): khoros_object.users.create( login='testUser', email='', first_name='Test', last_name='User')
[docs]def test_unsupported_update_sso_id(): """This function tests to ensure the ``CurrentlyUnsupportedError`` exception is raised when trying to update the SSO ID of a user. .. versionadded:: 5.1.2 """ # Instantiate the core object khoros_object = resources.get_core_object() # Perform the API call and assert that the exception is raised with pytest.raises(exceptions.CurrentlyUnsupportedError): khoros_object.users.update_sso_id('abcdEFGH', user_login=USERNAME)
[docs]def test_get_user_identifiers(): """This function tests the ability to retrieve the identifiers for a user. .. versionadded:: 5.1.2 """ # Instantiate the core object khoros_object = resources.get_core_object() # Retrieve the User ID and assert the response was expected user_id = khoros_object.users.get_user_id(login=USERNAME) assert isinstance(user_id, int) and user_id > 0 # TODO: Troubleshoot why the test below fails with a LiQL invalid query syntax error # user_id = khoros_object.users.get_user_id(first_name='Joe', last_name='Customer') # assert isinstance(user_id, int) and user_id > 0 # Retrieve the email address through various methods and assert the response was expected email = khoros_object.users.get_email(user_id=user_id) assert isinstance(email, str) and '@' in email email = khoros_object.users.get_email(login=USERNAME) assert isinstance(email, str) and '@' in email # Retrieve the User ID using email and assert the response was expected user_id = khoros_object.users.get_user_id(email=email) assert isinstance(user_id, int) and user_id > 0 # Retrieve the username through various methods and assert the responses username = khoros_object.users.get_username(user_id=user_id) assert username == 'joeCustomer' username = khoros_object.users.get_login(user_id=user_id) assert username == 'joeCustomer' username = khoros_object.users.get_username(email=email) assert username == 'joeCustomer'
[docs]def test_users_table_query(monkeypatch): """This function tests the ability to query the users table. .. versionadded:: 5.1.2 """ # Instantiate the core object khoros_object = resources.get_core_object() # Overwrite the requests.get functionality with the mock_post() function monkeypatch.setattr(requests, 'get', resources.mock_success_post) response = khoros_object.users.query_users_table_by_id('login', USER_ID) assert response.get('status') == 'success' response = khoros_object.users.query_users_table_by_id(['login', 'email'], USER_ID) assert response.get('status') == 'success'
[docs]def test_get_counts(): """This function tests the various functions that involve retrieving user-related counts. .. versionchanged:: 5.3.0 Added assertions for the :py:meth:`khoros.core.Khoros.User.get_users_count` method. .. versionadded:: 5.1.2 """ # Instantiate the core object khoros_object = resources.get_core_object() # Test retrieving the album count and verifying the response album_count = khoros_object.users.get_album_count(user_id=USER_ID) assert isinstance(album_count, int) and album_count >= 0 # Test retrieving the follower count and verifying the response followers_count = khoros_object.users.get_followers_count(user_id=USER_ID) assert isinstance(followers_count, int) and followers_count >= 0 # Test retrieving the following count and verifying the response following_count = khoros_object.users.get_following_count(user_id=USER_ID) assert isinstance(following_count, int) and following_count >= 0 # Test retrieving the images count and verifying the response image_count = khoros_object.users.get_images_count(user_id=USER_ID) assert isinstance(image_count, int) and image_count >= 0 image_count = khoros_object.users.get_public_images_count(user_id=USER_ID) assert isinstance(image_count, int) and image_count >= 0 # Test retrieving the messages count and verifying the response msg_count = khoros_object.users.get_messages_count(user_id=USER_ID) assert isinstance(msg_count, int) and msg_count >= 0 # Test retrieving the roles count and verifying the response roles_count = khoros_object.users.get_roles_count(user_id=USER_ID) assert isinstance(roles_count, int) and roles_count >= 0 # Test retrieving the authored solutions count and verifying the response solutions_count = khoros_object.users.get_solutions_authored_count(user_id=USER_ID) assert isinstance(solutions_count, int) and solutions_count >= 0 # Test retrieving the posted topics count and verifying the response topics_count = khoros_object.users.get_topics_count(user_id=USER_ID) assert isinstance(topics_count, int) and topics_count >= 0 # Test retrieving the posted replies count and verifying the response # TODO: Troubleshoot why the response below returns TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str # replies_count = khoros_object.users.get_replies_count(user_id=USER_ID) # assert isinstance(replies_count, int) and replies_count >= 0 # Test retrieving the posted videos count and verifying the response videos_count = khoros_object.users.get_videos_count(user_id=USER_ID) assert isinstance(videos_count, int) and videos_count >= 0 # Test retrieving the kudos given count and verifying the response kudos_given_count = khoros_object.users.get_kudos_given_count(user_id=USER_ID) assert isinstance(kudos_given_count, int) and kudos_given_count >= 0 # Test retrieving the kudos given count and verifying the response kudos_received_count = khoros_object.users.get_kudos_received_count(user_id=USER_ID) assert isinstance(kudos_received_count, int) and kudos_received_count >= 0 # Test retrieving the online users count online_users_count = khoros_object.users.get_online_user_count() assert isinstance(online_users_count, int) # Test the variations of the get_users_count() method users_count = khoros_object.users.get_users_count() registered_users_count = khoros_object.users.get_users_count(registered=True) online_users_count = khoros_object.users.get_users_count(online=True) assert isinstance(users_count, int) assert isinstance(registered_users_count, int) assert isinstance(online_users_count, int) with pytest.raises(exceptions.InvalidParameterError): khoros_object.users.get_users_count(registered=True, online=True)
# Import the exceptions modules exceptions = resources.import_modules('khoros.errors.exceptions')