Source code for khoros.utils.tests.test_core_utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:Module:         khoros.utils.tests.test_core_utils
:Synopsis:       This module is used by pytest to verify that the core package utilities work properly
:Created By:     Jeff Shurtliff
:Last Modified:  Jeff Shurtliff
:Modified Date:  09 Jun 2022

import os
import sys
import importlib

import pytest

[docs]def set_package_path(): """This function adds the high-level khoros directory to the sys.path list. .. versionchanged:: 5.0.0 Removed the redundant return statement. """ sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../..'))
[docs]def import_core_utils(): """This function imports the :py:mod:`khoros.utils.core_utils` module. .. versionchanged:: 5.0.0 Removed the redundant return statement. """ set_package_path() global core_utils core_utils = importlib.import_module('khoros.utils.core_utils')
[docs]def test_url_encoding(): """This function tests the :py:func:`khoros.utils.core_utils.url_encode` and :py:func:`khoros.utils.core_utils.url_decode` functions. .. versionchanged:: 5.0.0 Removed the redundant return statement. """ raw_url = " id from users where login = 'admin'" encoded_url = "" assert core_utils.url_encode(raw_url) == encoded_url # nosec assert core_utils.url_decode(encoded_url) == raw_url # nosec
[docs]def test_query_string_encoding(): """This function tests the :py:func:`khoros.utils.core_utils.encode_query_string` function. .. versionchanged:: 5.0.0 Removed the redundant return statement. """ query_dict = { 'user.login': 'exampleuser', 'user.password': 'Ch@ngeM3!#$', 'restapi.response_format': 'json', } encoded_string = 'user.login=exampleuser&user.password=Ch%40ngeM3%21%23%24&restapi.response_format=json' encoded_string_raw_pw = 'user.login=exampleuser&user.password=Ch@ngeM3!#$&restapi.response_format=json' assert core_utils.encode_query_string(query_dict) == encoded_string # nosec assert core_utils.encode_query_string(query_dict, no_encode='user.password') == encoded_string_raw_pw # nosec
[docs]def test_html_entity_convert(): """This function tests the :py:func:`khoros.utils.core_utils.decode_html_entitles` function. .. versionadded:: 5.1.2 """ html_string = 'This & That' converted_string = core_utils.decode_html_entities(html_string) assert converted_string == 'This & That'
[docs]def test_decode_binary(): """This function tests the ability to decode binary into a string. .. versionadded:: 5.1.2 """ binary_text = b'This is binary text' decoded_text = core_utils.decode_binary(binary_text) assert isinstance(decoded_text, str) and decoded_text == 'This is binary text'
[docs]def test_base64_conversions(): """This function tests various types of base64 string conversions. .. versionadded:: 5.1.2 """ # Test basic plain text to base64 conversion plain_text = 'This is my example text' base64_text = 'VGhpcyBpcyBteSBleGFtcGxlIHRleHQ=' assert core_utils.encode_base64(plain_text) == base64_text # Test URL-encoded conversion url_encoded_base64_text = 'VGhpcyBpcyBteSBleGFtcGxlIHRleHQ%3D' assert core_utils.encode_base64(plain_text, url_encode_object=True) == url_encoded_base64_text # Test binary return value bytes_base64_text = b'VGhpcyBpcyBteSBleGFtcGxlIHRleHQ=' assert core_utils.encode_base64(plain_text, return_bytes=True) == bytes_base64_text
[docs]def test_numeric_eval(): """This function tests the :py:func:`khoros.utils.core_utils.is_numeric` function. .. versionchanged:: 5.0.0 Removed the redundant return statement. """ numeric_string = '12345' integer = 12345 non_numeric_string = 'ABcd1234' assert core_utils.is_numeric(numeric_string) and core_utils.is_numeric(integer) # nosec assert not core_utils.is_numeric(non_numeric_string) # nosec
[docs]def test_remove_tld(): """This function tests to the :py:func:`khoros.utils.core_utils.remove_tld` function. .. versionchanged:: 5.0.0 Removed the redundant return statement. """ url = '' \ 'single-API-call/m-p/596532#M17061' control_data = { 'with': '/t5/Developer-Discussion/Add-multiple-tags-to-a-message-with-a-single-API-call/m-p/596532#M17061', 'without': '/t5/Developer-Discussion/Add-multiple-tags-to-a-message-with-a-single-API-call/m-p/596532' } assert core_utils.remove_tld(url, strip_anchors=False) == control_data.get('with') # nosec assert core_utils.remove_tld(url, strip_anchors=True) == control_data.get('without') # nosec
[docs]def test_merge_and_dedup(): """This function tests the :py:func:`khoros.utils.core_utils.merge_and_dedup` function. .. versionchanged:: 5.0.0 Removed the redundant return statement. """ control_data = ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 6] test_data = core_utils.merge_and_dedup('one', 'two', 'two', ('two', 'three'), ['four', 'four'], {'four', 'five'}, 6, {6}) assert test_data == control_data # nosec
def _check_type_and_items(_converted_item, _control_item, _new_type): """This function facilitates testing the :py:func:`khoros.utils.core_utils.convert_set` function.""" _correct_type = True if isinstance(_converted_item, _new_type) else False _items_present = True for _item in _control_item: if _item not in _converted_item: _items_present = False return all((_correct_type, _items_present))
[docs]def test_convert_set(): """This function tests the :py:func:`khoros.utils.core_utils.convert_set` function. .. versionchanged:: 5.0.0 Removed the redundant return statement. """ some_set = {'test', 1, 'two', ('three', )} some_list = ['test', 1, 'two', ('three', )] some_tuple = ('test', 1, 'two', ('three',)) assert _check_type_and_items(core_utils.convert_set(some_set), some_list, list) # nosec assert _check_type_and_items(core_utils.convert_set(some_set, 'tuple'), some_tuple, tuple) # nosec assert _check_type_and_items(core_utils.convert_set(some_list), some_list, list) # nosec assert _check_type_and_items(core_utils.convert_set(some_tuple), some_tuple, tuple) # nosec assert _check_type_and_items(core_utils.convert_set('some string'), 'some string', str) # nosec
[docs]def test_display_warning(): """This function tests the ability to display a warning message. .. versionadded:: 5.1.2 """ with pytest.warns(UserWarning): core_utils.display_warning('This is a warning message')
# Import the khoros.utils.core_utils module core_utils = None import_core_utils()