Source code for khoros.utils.tests.test_communities

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:Module:            khoros.utils.tests.test_communities
:Synopsis:          This module is used by pytest to verify that the ``communities`` module functions properly
:Created By:        Jeff Shurtliff
:Last Modified:     Jeff Shurtliff
:Modified Date:     29 Sep 2022

import os
import sys

from . import resources

# Define a global variable to define when the package path has been set
package_path_defined = False

[docs]def set_package_path(): """This function adds the high-level khoros directory to the sys.path list. .. versionadded:: 5.1.0 """ global package_path_defined if not package_path_defined: sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../..')) package_path_defined = True
[docs]def test_community_details(): """This function tests the ability to retrieve community details. .. versionchanged:: 5.1.1 The function has been updated to support GitHub Workflows control data. .. versionadded:: 5.1.0 """ # Retrieve the control data control_data = resources.get_control_data('communities') # Instantiate the Khoros object set_package_path() khoros_object = resources.get_core_object() # Test retrieving the community title title = khoros_object.communities.get_title() assert title == control_data.get('community_title') # Test retrieving the community description description = khoros_object.communities.get_description() assert description == control_data.get('description') # Test retrieving the tenant ID tenant_id = khoros_object.communities.get_tenant_id() assert tenant_id == control_data.get('tenant_id') # Test retrieving the primary URL primary_url = khoros_object.communities.get_primary_url() assert primary_url == control_data.get('primary_url') # Test retrieving the sign-out URL sign_out_url = khoros_object.communities.get_sign_out_url() assert sign_out_url == control_data.get('sign_out_url') # Test retrieving the active skin active_skin = khoros_object.communities.get_active_skin() assert active_skin == control_data.get('active_skin') # Test retrieving the community language language = khoros_object.communities.get_language() assert language == control_data.get('language') # Test retrieving the date pattern date_pattern = khoros_object.communities.get_date_pattern() assert date_pattern == control_data.get('date_pattern') # Test retrieving the email confirmation requirement setting email_conf_req = khoros_object.communities.email_confirmation_required_to_post() assert email_conf_req == control_data.get('email_confirmation') # Test retrieving the friendly date setting friendly_date = khoros_object.communities.friendly_date_enabled() assert friendly_date == control_data.get('friendly_date') # Test retrieving the community creation date creation_date = khoros_object.communities.get_creation_date() assert creation_date == control_data.get('creation_date') # Test retrieving the friendly date max age friendly_max_age = khoros_object.communities.get_friendly_date_max_age() assert friendly_max_age == control_data.get('friendly_max_age') # Test retrieving the maximum attachments max_attachments = khoros_object.communities.get_max_attachments() assert max_attachments == control_data.get('max_attachments') # Test retrieving the permitted attachment types attachments = khoros_object.communities.get_permitted_attachment_types() assert isinstance(attachments, list) and 'jpg' in attachments
# TODO: Test retrieving Ooyala Player branding ID # TODO: Test retrieving top-level breadcrumb setting # TODO: Test retrieving show community node in breadcrumb setting # TODO: Test retrieving top-level categories enabled setting # TODO: Test retrieving top-level categories on community page setting