Source code for khoros.utils.tests.test_bulk_data

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:Module:         khoros.utils.tests.test_bulk_data
:Synopsis:       This module is used by pytest to test the Bulk Data API module
:Created By:     Jeff Shurtliff
:Last Modified:  Jeff Shurtliff
:Modified Date:  25 Nov 2022

import requests

from . import resources

[docs]def test_base_url_without_helper(): """This function tests the functionality of the :py:func:`khoros.bulk_data.get_base-url` function. .. versionadded:: 5.0.0 """ # Test without parameters base_url = bulk_data.get_base_url() assert base_url == '' # Test European URL base_url = bulk_data.get_base_url(europe=True) assert base_url == '' # Test with explicitly defined Community ID amer_base_url = bulk_data.get_base_url(community_id='') eu_base_url = bulk_data.get_base_url(community_id='', europe=True) assert amer_base_url == '' assert eu_base_url == ''
[docs]def test_core_object_settings(): """This function tests to ensure the bulk_data element exists in the core object with all of its fields. .. versionadded:: 5.0.0 """ khoros_object = resources.initialize_khoros_object() assert khoros_object.bulk_data_settings for field in ['community_id', 'client_id', 'token', 'europe', 'base_url', 'export_type']: assert field in khoros_object.bulk_data_settings
[docs]def test_export_type_header(): """This function tests the retrieval of the appropriate ``Accept`` header value depending on the export type. .. versionadded:: 5.0.0 """ assert bulk_data._get_export_header('csv') == 'text/csv' assert bulk_data._get_export_header('CSV') == 'text/csv' assert bulk_data._get_export_header('json') == 'application/json' assert bulk_data._get_export_header('JSON') == 'application/json' assert bulk_data._get_export_header('other') == 'text/csv'
[docs]def test_valid_header_construction(): """This function tests the construction of the API call headers when valid parameters are provided. .. versionadded:: 5.0.0 """ khoros_object = resources.initialize_khoros_object() headers = bulk_data._construct_headers(khoros_object, '12345') assert isinstance(headers, dict) and 'client-id' in headers and 'Accept' in headers assert headers.get('Accept') == 'text/csv' or headers.get('Accept') == 'application/json'
[docs]def test_valid_parameter_construction(): """This function tests to ensure the parameters get constructed appropriately with valid data. .. versionadded:: 5.0.0 """ # Define input values from_date = '20220313' to_date = '20220314' fields_string = ',action.key,' fields_list = ['', 'action.key', ''] # Define expected output value expected_params = { 'fromDate': '20220313', 'toDate': '20220314', 'fields': ',action.key,' } # Test to confirm that the function works properly assert bulk_data._construct_parameters(from_date, to_date, fields_string) == expected_params assert bulk_data._construct_parameters(from_date, to_date, fields_list) == expected_params
[docs]def test_bulk_data_query(monkeypatch): """This function tests the ability to query the Bulk Data API and retrieve a JSON response. .. versionadded:: 5.2.0 """ # Instantiate the core object khoros_object = resources.get_core_object() # Overwrite the requests.get functionality with the mock_post() function monkeypatch.setattr(requests, 'get', resources.mock_bulk_data_json) # Make the mock API call response = khoros_object.bulk_data.query( community_id='', client_id='ay0CXXXXXXXXXX/XXXX+XXXXXXXXXXXXX/XXXXX4KhQ=', token='2f25XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXa10dec04068', from_date='20221031', to_date='20221101', export_type='json' ) # Verify that the API call was a success assert 'records' in response and isinstance(response['records'], list)
# Import modules and initialize the core object bulk_data, exceptions = resources.import_modules('khoros.bulk_data', 'khoros.errors.exceptions')