Source code for khoros.utils.core_utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:Module:            khoros.utils.core_utils
:Synopsis:          Collection of supporting utilities and functions to complement the primary modules
:Usage:             ``from khoros.utils import core_utils``
:Example:           ``encoded_string = core_utils.encode_url(decoded_string)``
:Created By:        Jeff Shurtliff
:Last Modified:     Jeff Shurtliff
:Modified Date:     23 May 2022

import os
import base64
import random
import string
import warnings
import subprocess
import urllib.parse
from html import unescape

from .. import errors
from . import log_utils

# Initialize the logger for this module
logger = log_utils.initialize_logging(__name__)

[docs]def url_encode(raw_string): """This function encodes a string for use in URLs. :param raw_string: The raw string to be encoded :type raw_string: str :returns: The encoded string """ return urllib.parse.quote_plus(raw_string)
[docs]def url_decode(encoded_string): """This function decodes a url-encoded string. :param encoded_string: The url-encoded string :type encoded_string: str :returns: The unencoded string """ return urllib.parse.unquote_plus(encoded_string)
[docs]def decode_html_entities(html_string): """This function converts HTML entities (e.g. ``&``, ``'``, etc.) back to their original characters. :param html_string: The string containing HTML entities to be decoded :type html_string: str :returns: The string with decoded HTML entities """ return unescape(html_string)
[docs]def decode_binary(binary): """This function decodes a binary into a UTF-8 encoded string. .. versionadded:: 2.6.0 :param binary: The binary to be decoded :returns: The properly decoded string :raises: :py:exc:`TypeError`, :py:exc:`ValueError` """ return binary.decode('utf-8')
[docs]def encode_base64(object_to_encode, str_encoding='utf-8', url_encode_object=False, return_bytes=False): """This function encodes a string or bytes-like object .. versionadded:: 3.0.0 :param object_to_encode: The string or bytes-like object to encode as base64 :param str_encoding: Defines the encoding (``utf-8`` by default) to utilize :type str_encoding: str :param url_encode_object: Determines if the base64 string should be url-encoded (``False`` by default) :type url_encode_object: bool :param return_bytes: Determines if the base64-encoded object should be returned as a bytes-like object rather than a string (``False`` by default) :returns: The encoded object as a string or bytes-like object :raises: :py:exc:`TypeError` """ if isinstance(object_to_encode, str): object_to_encode = object_to_encode.encode(str_encoding) base64_object = base64.b64encode(object_to_encode) if not return_bytes: base64_object = base64_object.decode(str_encoding) if url_encode_object: base64_object = url_encode(base64_object) return base64_object
[docs]def run_cmd(cmd, return_type='dict', shell=False, decode_output=True, strip_output=False, exclude_stdout=False, exclude_stderr=False, exclude_return_code=False): """This function executes a shell command on the operating system. .. versionchanged:: 3.5.0 The default value of the ``shell`` parameter has been changed to ``False`` to avoid unnecessary `security <>`_ risk and added a logged warning if the value is manually set to ``True``. .. versionadded:: 2.5.1 :param cmd: The command to be executed :type cmd: str :param return_type: Determines the format in which the results should be returned (``dict`` by default) :type return_type: str :param shell: Determines if the ``shell`` argument in the :py:func:`` function should be ``True`` :type shell: bool :param decode_output: Determines if the binary output should be decoded as a UTF-8 string (``True`` by default) :type decode_output: bool :param strip_output: Determines if the escape character(s) should be stripped from the output (``False`` by default) :type strip_output: bool :param exclude_stdout: Determines if the ``stdout`` output should be excluded (``False`` by default) :type exclude_stdout: bool :param exclude_stderr: Determines if the ``stderr`` output should be excluded (``False`` by default) :type exclude_stderr: bool :param exclude_return_code: Determines if the return code from the command should be excluded (``False`` by default) :type exclude_return_code: bool :returns: The results from the executed script :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ if exclude_stdout and exclude_stderr and exclude_return_code: raise errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError("At least one output type must be enabled.") if shell: warn_msg = "It is recommended that the shell parameter be set to False to avoid introducing risk of " \ "shell injection attacks in your code." logger.warning(warn_msg) output =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=shell) stdout, stderr, return_code = output.stdout, output.stderr, output.returncode results = { 'stdout': stdout, 'stderr': stderr, 'return_code': return_code } for stream in ('stdout', 'stderr'): if decode_output: results[stream] = decode_binary(results.get(stream)) if strip_output: results[stream] = results.get(stream).strip() output_types = {'stdout': exclude_stdout, 'stderr': exclude_stderr, 'return_code': exclude_return_code} for output_type, excluded in output_types.items(): if excluded: del results[output_type] if return_type == 'list': results = list(results.values()) elif return_type == 'tuple': results = tuple(results.values()) else: if return_type != 'dict': raise ValueError(f"'{return_type}' is not a valid return type.") return results
def _is_zero_length(_element): """This function checks to see if an element has a zero length. :param _element: The element of which the length will be checked :returns: Boolean value stating whether or not the length of the element is zero """ return True if len(_element) == 0 else False def _structure_query_string(_url_dict, _no_encode): """This function constructs a query string where one or more fields must not be URL-encoded. :param _url_dict: Dictionary of URL query string keys and values :type _url_dict: dict :param _no_encode: Designates any dictionary keys (i.e. field names) whose values should not be URL-encoded :type _no_encode: list, tuple, set, str, None :returns: The URL query string in string format """ if type(_no_encode) == str: _no_encode = (_no_encode, ) _delimiters = {True: "", False: "&"} _query_string = "" for _field_name, _field_value in _url_dict.items(): if _field_name not in _no_encode: _field_value = url_encode(_field_value) _delimiter = _delimiters.get(_is_zero_length(_query_string)) _query_string = f"{_query_string}{_delimiter}{_field_name}={_field_value}" return _query_string
[docs]def encode_query_string(url_dict, no_encode=None, json_payload=False): """This function compiles a URL query string from a dictionary of parameters. .. versionchanged:: 3.2.0 Introduced the ability to pass the query parameters as JSON payload to avoid URI length limits. :param url_dict: Dictionary of URL query string keys and values :type url_dict: dict :param no_encode: Designates any dictionary keys (i.e. field names) whose values should not be URL-encoded :type no_encode: list, tuple, set, str, None :param json_payload: Determines if query parameters should be passed as JSON payload rather than in the URI (``False`` by default) :type json_payload: bool :returns: The URL query string in string format """ if json_payload: # Structure the query string using only the field names query_string = "" for field in url_dict.keys(): delimiter = "&" if len(query_string) > 0 else "" query_string = f"{query_string}{delimiter}{field}" elif no_encode: query_string = _structure_query_string(url_dict, no_encode) else: query_string = urllib.parse.urlencode(url_dict) return query_string
[docs]def is_numeric(value): """This function checks whether or not a value is numeric either as an integer or a numeric string. .. versionadded:: 2.3.0 :param value: The value to be examined :type value: str, int :returns: Boolean value indicating if the examined value is numeric """ return True if type(value) == int or (type(value) == str and value.isnumeric()) else False
[docs]def convert_set(iterable, convert_to='list'): """This function casts a ``set`` variable to be a ``list`` instead so that it can be scriptable. :param iterable: The iterable to be evaluated to see if it has a ``set`` type :param convert_to: Defines if the iterable should be cast to a ``list`` (default) or a ``tuple`` :type convert_to: str :returns: The converted variable as a ``list`` or ``tuple`` (or untouched if not a ``set``) """ if type(iterable) == set: if convert_to == 'tuple': iterable = tuple(iterable) else: iterable = list(iterable) return iterable
[docs]def convert_single_value_to_tuple(value): """This function converts a single value of nearly any type into a tuple. .. versionchanged:: 3.2.0 The function has been aesthetically updated to be more PEP8 compliant. .. versionadded:: 2.3.0 :param value: The value to convert into a tuple """ value = (value,) return value
[docs]def convert_string_to_tuple(value, delimiter=''): """THis function converts a value to a tuple if in string format. .. versionchanged:: 3.5.0 The typecheck has been updated to use ``isinstance`` and the function can now split delimited strings as needed. .. versionadded:: 2.3.0 :param value: The potential string to convert :type value: str :param delimiter: The value (e.g. ``,``) used to separate values in a delimited string (empty by default) :returns: The tuple (if original value was in string format) or the original value/type """ if isinstance(value, str): if delimiter and delimiter in value: value = value.split(delimiter) else: value = convert_single_value_to_tuple(value) return value
[docs]def is_iterable(var): """This function identifies if a given variable is an iterable. .. versionadded:: 3.5.0 :param var: The variable to check :returns: A boolean value indicating whether or not the variable is an iterable """ is_iter = any((isinstance(var, list), isinstance(var, tuple), isinstance(var, set), isinstance(var, type({}.keys())), isinstance(var, type({}.values())))) return is_iter
[docs]def get_random_string(length=32, prefix_string=""): """This function returns a random alphanumeric string to use as a salt or password. :param length: The length of the string (``32`` by default) :type length: int :param prefix_string: A string to which the salt should be appended (optional) :type prefix_string: str :returns: The alphanumeric string """ return f"{prefix_string}{''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for _ in range(length)])}"
[docs]def display_warning(warn_msg): """This function displays a :py:exc:`UserWarning` message via the :py:mod:`warnings` module. .. versionchanged:: 5.0.0 Removed the redundant return statement. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param warn_msg: The message to be displayed :type warn_msg: str :returns: None """ warnings.warn(warn_msg, UserWarning)
[docs]def get_file_type(file_path): """This function attempts to identify if a given file path is for a YAML or JSON file. .. versionadded:: 2.2.0 :param file_path: The full path to the file :type file_path: str :returns: The file type in string format (e.g. ``yaml`` or ``json``) :raises: :py:exc:`FileNotFoundError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.UnknownFileTypeError` """ file_type = 'unknown' if os.path.isfile(file_path): if file_path.endswith('.json'): file_type = 'json' elif file_path.endswith('.yml') or file_path.endswith('.yaml'): file_type = 'yaml' else: display_warning(f"Unable to recognize the file type of '{file_path}' by its extension.") with open(file_path) as cfg_file: for line in cfg_file: if line.startswith('#'): continue else: if '{' in line: file_type = 'json' break if file_type == 'unknown': raise errors.exceptions.UnknownFileTypeError(file=file_path) else: raise FileNotFoundError(f"Unable to locate the following file: {file_path}") return file_type
[docs]def convert_dict_id_values_to_strings(dict_list): """This function ensures that the ``id`` keys in a list of dictionaries use string values. :param dict_list: List (or tuple) of dictionaries (or a single dictionary) containing API object data :type dict_list: list, tuple, dict, None :returns: A new dictionary list with properly formatted ``id`` values :raises: :py:exc:`TypeError` """ dict_list = [dict_list] if isinstance(dict_list, dict) else dict_list new_dict_list = [] for single_dict in dict_list: if not isinstance(single_dict, dict): raise TypeError("The 'dict_list' argument must be a dictionary or a list of dictionaries.") if 'id' in single_dict and not isinstance(single_dict.get('id'), str): single_dict['id'] = str(single_dict.get('id')) new_dict_list.append(single_dict) return new_dict_list
[docs]def convert_dict_list_to_simple_list(dict_list, fields): """This function converts a list of dictionaries into a simple list consisting of the provided field(s). .. versionadded:: 3.5.0 :param dict_list: The original list of dictionaries :type dict_list: list :param fields: The field(s) with which to filter the dictionary list into a simple list :type fields: str, tuple, list :returns: The simple list of stings or tuples depending on the number of fields """ new_list = [] fields = convert_string_to_tuple(fields, ',') for field_dict in dict_list: field_list = [] for field in fields: if field_dict.get(field): field_list.append(field_dict.get(field)) if not field_list: field_list[0] = '' new_field = field_list[0] if len(field_list) == 1 else tuple(field_list) new_list.append(new_field) return new_list
[docs]def convert_list_values(values_list, convert_to='str', split_values=False, split_delimiter=','): """This function converts the values in a list to a different type. :param values_list: The list of values to be converted :type values_list: list, tuple, set :param convert_to: One of the following types: ``str`` (Default), ``int``, ``float``, ``tuple`` or ``set`` :param split_values: Determines if the values should be split with a specific delimiter (``False`` by default) .. note:: This only applies when converting to the ``tuple`` or ``set`` types. :type split_values: bool :param split_delimiter: The delimiter for which to split the values when applicable (comma by default) :type split_delimiter: str :returns: A new list of converted values :raises: :py:exc:`TypeError`, :py:exc:`ValueError` """ new_list = [] for value in values_list: if convert_to == 'str': new_list.append(str(value)) elif convert_to == 'int': new_list.append(int(value)) elif convert_to == 'float': new_list.append(float(value)) elif convert_to == 'tuple': value = tuple(value.split(split_delimiter)) if split_values else (value, ) new_list.append(value) elif convert_to == 'set': value = set(value.split(split_delimiter)) if split_values else {value} new_list.append(value) return new_list
[docs]def extract_key_values_from_dict_list(key_name, dict_list, exclude_if_present=None, convert_to_string=True): """This function extracts values for a specific key from a list of dictionaries. :param key_name: The name of the dictionary key from which to extract the value(s) :type key_name: str :param dict_list: The list of dictionaries (or single dictionary) from which to extract the value(s) :type dict_list: list, dict :param exclude_if_present: Will skip extracting the key value if this given key is also present (Optional) :type exclude_if_present: str, None :param convert_to_string: Determines if the values should be converted to string format (``True`` by default) :type convert_to_string: bool :returns: A list of values extracted from the dictionary list for the given key :raises: :py:exc:`TypeError` """ value_list, dict_list = [], [dict_list] if isinstance(dict_list, dict) else dict_list for single_dict in dict_list: if key_name in single_dict: skip_dict = True if exclude_if_present and exclude_if_present in single_dict else False if not skip_dict: key_value = str(single_dict.get(key_name)) if convert_to_string else single_dict.get(key_name) value_list.append(key_value) return value_list
[docs]def remove_tld(url, strip_anchors=True): """This function removes the top-level domain (TLD) from a Khoros Community platform URL. :param url: The URL from which the TLD should be removed :type url: str :param strip_anchors: Determines if anchors (e.g. ``#top``) should be stripped (``True`` by default) :type strip_anchors: bool :returns: The URL beginning with ``/t5/`` :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidURLError` """ if '/t5/' not in url: raise errors.exceptions.InvalidURLError('The provided URL is not from the Khoros Community platform.') url = f"/t5/{url.split('/t5/')[1]}" return url.split('#')[0] if strip_anchors and '#' in url else url
[docs]def merge_and_dedup(*data): """This function merges various data elements into a single, deduplicated list. :param data: One or more data elements to merge and deduplicate :returns: A merged and deduplicated list of data """ iter_types, unique_list = [list, tuple, set], [] for element in data: if type(element) not in iter_types: element = (element,) for item in element: if item not in unique_list: unique_list.append(item) return unique_list