Source code for khoros.objects.base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:Module:            khoros.objects.base
:Synopsis:          This module handles general (i.e. object-agnostic) functions relating to API objects.
:Usage:             ``from khoros.objects import base``
:Example:           ``node_id = base.get_node_id(absolute_url, 'blog')``
:Created By:        Jeff Shurtliff
:Last Modified:     Jeff Shurtliff
:Modified Date:     22 Apr 2022

import warnings

from ..structures import nodes
from ..utils import log_utils

# Initialize the logger for this module
logger = log_utils.initialize_logging(__name__)

[docs]def get_node_id(url, node_type=None): """This **deprecated** function retrieves the Node ID for a given node within a URL. .. deprecated:: 2.1.0 Use :py:func:`khoros.structures.nodes.get_node_id` instead. :param url: The URL from which to parse out the Node ID :type url: str :param node_type: The node type (e.g. ``blog``, ``tkb``, ``message``, etc.) for the object in the URL :type node_type: str, NoneType :returns: The Node ID retrieved from the URL :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidNodeTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.NodeIDNotFoundError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.NodeTypeNotFoundError` """ warnings.warn("The 'khoros.objects.base.get_node_id' function has been deprecated. Use " + "'khoros.structures.nodes.get_node_id' instead.", DeprecationWarning) return nodes.get_node_id(url, node_type)
def __get_node_type_identifier(_node_type_lookup): """This **deprecated** function attempts to identify the appropriate node type for a function. .. deprecated:: 2.1.0 Use :py:func:`khoros.structures.nodes._get_node_type_identifier` instead. :param _node_type_lookup: The value to look up as a node type :type _node_type_lookup: str :returns: The appropriate node type (if found) :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidNodeTypeError` """ warnings.warn("The 'khoros.objects.base.__get_node_type_identifier' function has been deprecated. Use " + "'khoros.structures.nodes._get_node_type_identifier' instead.", DeprecationWarning) return nodes._get_node_type_identifier(_node_type_lookup)
[docs]def get_node_type_from_url(url): """This function attempts to retrieve a node type by analyzing a supplied URL. .. deprecated:: 2.1.0 Use :py:func:`khoros.structures.nodes.get_node_type_from_url` instead. :param url: The URL from which to extract the node type :type url: str :returns: The node type based on the URL provided :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.NodeTypeNotFoundError` """ warnings.warn("The 'khoros.objects.base.get_node_type_from_url' function has been deprecated. Use " + "'khoros.structures.nodes.get_node_type_from_url' instead.", DeprecationWarning) return nodes.get_node_type_from_url(url)
[docs]class Mapping: """This class includes dictionaries that map API fields and values to those used in this SDK. .. deprecated:: 2.1.0 Use :py:class:`khoros.structures.nodes.Mapping` instead. """ node_url_mapping = nodes.Mapping.node_url_mapping proper_name_mapping = nodes.Mapping.proper_name_mapping