Source code for khoros.core

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:Module:            khoros.core
:Synopsis:          Collection of core functions and tools to work with the Khoros Community APIs
:Usage:             ``import khoros.core`` *(Imported by default in primary package)*
:Example:           ``khoros = Khoros(helper='helper.yml')``
:Created By:        Jeff Shurtliff
:Last Modified:     Jeff Shurtliff
:Modified Date:     11 Sep 2023

import sys
import copy
import logging
import warnings

from . import auth, errors, liql, api
from . import saml as saml_module
from . import studio as studio_module
from . import objects as objects_module
from . import structures as structures_module
from . import bulk_data as bulk_data_module
from .utils import environment, log_utils, version
from .utils.helper import get_helper_settings

# Initialize logging
logger = log_utils.initialize_logging(__name__)

# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences,PyTypeChecker
[docs]class Khoros(object): """This is the class for the core object leveraged in this library.""" # Define default configuration information DEFAULT_SETTINGS = { 'community_url': '', 'tenant_id': 'lithosphere', 'use_community_name': False, 'debug_mode': False, 'translate_errors': True } DEFAULT_AUTH = { 'auth_type': 'session_auth' } # Define the function that initializes the object instance (i.e. instantiates the object)
[docs] def __init__(self, defined_settings=None, community_url=None, tenant_id=None, community_name=None, auth_type=None, session_auth=None, oauth2=None, sso=None, helper=None, env_variables=None, auto_connect=True, use_community_name=False, prefer_json=True, debug_mode=False, skip_env_variables=False, empty=False, ssl_verify=None, bulk_data_settings=None, logging_level=None): """This method instantiates the core Khoros object. .. versionchanged:: 5.0.0 Added support for the Bulk Data API. .. versionchanged:: 4.3.0 Fixed an issue where the ``ssl_verify`` parameter was being mostly disregarded. .. versionchanged:: 4.2.0 Introduced support for LithiumSSO Token authentication and made some general code improvements. .. versionchanged:: 3.4.0 Introduced the ``ssl_verify`` parameter and established a key-value pair for it in the ``core_settings`` dictionary for the object. .. versionchanged:: 3.3.2 Method arguments are no longer ignored if they are implicitly ``False`` and instead only the arguments that explicitly have a ``None`` value are ignored. The ``skip_env_variables`` argument has also been introduced to explicitly ignore any valid environment variables, as well as the ``empty`` argument to optionally instantiate an empty instantiated object. Logging was also added in various locations throughout the method. .. versionchanged:: 3.3.0 Changed ``settings`` to ``defined_settings`` and ``_settings`` to ``_core_settings``. :param defined_settings: Predefined settings that the object should use :type defined_settings: dict, None :param community_url: The base URL of the Khoros community instance (e.g. ````) :type community_url: str, None :param tenant_id: The tenant ID for the Khoros community instance (e.g. ``lithosphere``) :type tenant_id: str, None :param community_name: The community name (e.g. ``community-name``) for the Khoros community instance :type community_name: str, None :param auth_type: The authentication type to use when connecting to the instance (``session_auth`` by default) :type auth_type: str, None :param session_auth: The ``username`` and ``password`` values for session key authentication :type session_auth: dict, None :param oauth2: The ``client_id``, ``client_secret`` and ``redirect_url`` values for OAuth 2.0 authentication :type oauth2: dict, None :param sso: The values for single sign-on (SSO) authentication :type sso: dict, None :param helper: The path (and optional file type) to the YAML or JSON helper configuration file :type helper: str, tuple, list, dict, None :param env_variables: A dictionary (or file path to a YAML or JSON file) that maps environment variable names :type env_variables: dict, str, None :param auto_connect: Determines if a connection should be established when initialized (``True`` by default) :type auto_connect: bool :param use_community_name: Defines if the community name should be used in the API URLs (``False`` by default) :type use_community_name: bool :param prefer_json: Defines preference that API responses be returned in JSON format (``True`` by default) :type prefer_json: bool :param debug_mode: Determines if Debug Mode should be enabled for development purposes (``False`` by default) :type debug_mode: bool :param skip_env_variables: Explicitly ignores any valid environment variables (``False`` by default) :type skip_env_variables: bool :param empty: Instantiates an empty object to act as a placeholder with default values (``False`` by default) :type empty: bool :param ssl_verify: Determines whether to verify the server's TLS certificate (``True`` by default) :type ssl_verify: bool, None :param bulk_data: The values for utilizing the Bulk Data API :type bulk_data: dict, None :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingAuthDataError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.CurrentlyUnsupportedError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.SessionAuthenticationError` """ # Define the current version self.version = version.get_full_version() # Establish logging self.logging = logging if logging_level: logging_levels = { 'DEBUG': logging.DEBUG, 'INFO': logging.INFO, 'WARNING': logging.WARNING, 'ERROR': logging.ERROR, 'CRITICAL': logging.CRITICAL, } if logging_level.upper() in logging_levels: self.logging.basicConfig(level=logging_levels.get(logging_level))'The {logging_level.upper()} logging level has been enabled.') # Initialize the predefined settings dictionary if not passed to the class defined_settings = {} if not defined_settings else defined_settings # Initialize other dictionaries that will be used by the class object self.auth = {} self.bulk_data_settings = {} self.core = {} self.construct = {} self._helper_settings = {} # Add supplied elements to the settings dictionary _individual_arguments = { 'community_url': community_url, 'community_name': community_name, 'tenant_id': tenant_id, 'auth_type': auth_type, 'session_auth': session_auth, 'oauth2': oauth2, 'sso': sso, 'auto_connect': auto_connect, 'use_community_name': use_community_name, 'prefer_json': prefer_json, 'debug_mode': debug_mode, 'skip_env_variables': skip_env_variables, 'empty': empty, 'ssl_verify': ssl_verify, 'bulk_data': bulk_data_settings, } for _arg_key, _arg_val in _individual_arguments.items(): if _arg_val is not None and defined_settings.get(_arg_key) is None: defined_settings[_arg_key] = _arg_val # Creates the private core_settings attribute using the default settings as a base self.core_settings = copy.copy(Khoros.DEFAULT_SETTINGS) self.core_settings.update(Khoros.DEFAULT_AUTH) # Capture any relevant environment variables if defined if not helper and not skip_env_variables and not empty: # Only define the environment variables if a helper file was not supplied as the file takes precedence environment.update_env_variable_names(env_variables) self._env_settings = environment.get_env_variables() self._parse_env_settings() else: self._env_settings = {} # Overwrite any settings with any that were passed in the settings argument self.core_settings.update(defined_settings) # Capture the helper settings if applicable if helper is None: self._helper_settings['connection'] = {} self._helper_settings['discussion_styles'] = ['blog', 'contest', 'forum', 'idea', 'qanda', 'tkb'] if ssl_verify is None and self.core_settings.get('ssl_verify') is None: self._helper_settings['ssl_verify'] = True else: self.core_settings['helper'] = helper if any((isinstance(helper, tuple), isinstance(helper, list))): file_path, file_type = helper elif isinstance(helper, str): file_path, file_type = (helper, 'yaml') elif isinstance(helper, dict): file_path, file_type = helper.values() else: error_msg = "The 'helper' argument can only be supplied as tuple, string, list or dict." logger.error(error_msg) raise TypeError(error_msg) self._helper_settings = get_helper_settings(file_path, file_type, defined_settings) # Parse the helper settings self._parse_helper_settings() # Add the SSL verification setting if applicable if 'ssl_verify' in self._helper_settings: self.core_settings['ssl_verify'] = self._helper_settings.get('ssl_verify') elif ssl_verify is None and self.core_settings.get('ssl_verify') is None: self.core_settings['ssl_verify'] = True # Update the global variable if SSL Verify is explicitly disabled if self.core_settings.get('ssl_verify') is False: api.ssl_verify_disabled = True logger.warn('SSL verification has been disabled for the core Khoros object.') # Add the Bulk Data API settings if applicable if bulk_data_settings is not None and isinstance(bulk_data_settings, dict): self.bulk_data_settings = bulk_data_settings elif 'connection' in self._helper_settings and 'bulk_data' in self._helper_settings['connection']: self.bulk_data_settings = self._helper_settings['connection']['bulk_data'] for bulk_data_field in ['community_id', 'client_id', 'token', 'europe', 'base_url', 'export_type']: if bulk_data_field not in self.bulk_data_settings: self.bulk_data_settings[bulk_data_field] = None # Add the authentication status if 'active' not in self.auth: self.auth['active'] = False # Update the default authentication type if necessary self.auth['type'] = self.core_settings.get('auth_type') if auth_type is not None: accepted_auth_types = ['session_auth', 'oauth2', 'sso'] auth_map = { 'session_auth': session_auth, 'oauth2': oauth2, 'sso': sso } if str(auth_type) in accepted_auth_types: self.core_settings['auth_type'] = auth_type self.auth['type'] = auth_type if auth_map.get(auth_type) is None and auth_type not in self._helper_settings.get('connection'): error_msg = f"The '{auth_type}' authentication type was specified but no associated data was found." logger.error(error_msg) raise errors.exceptions.MissingAuthDataError(error_msg) else: error_msg = f"'{auth_type}' is an invalid authentication type. Reverting to default. ('session_auth')" logger.warn(error_msg) errors.handlers.eprint(error_msg) self.core_settings.update(Khoros.DEFAULT_AUTH) self.auth['type'] = self.core_settings.get('auth_type') elif sso is not None: self.core_settings['auth_type'] = 'sso' self.auth['type'] = self.core_settings.get('auth_type') elif oauth2 is not None: self.core_settings['auth_type'] = 'oauth2' self.auth['type'] = self.core_settings.get('auth_type') else: if empty: self._populate_empty_object() if session_auth is not None or empty: # Session authentication is selected as the auth type when instantiating an empty object self.core_settings['auth_type'] = 'session_auth' elif self._session_auth_credentials_defined(): self.core_settings['auth_type'] = 'session_auth' elif 'session_auth' not in self._helper_settings.get('connection'): error_msg = f"No data was found for the default '{auth_type}' authentication type." logger.error(error_msg) raise errors.exceptions.MissingAuthDataError(error_msg) # Capture the version information self.sys_version_info = tuple([i for i in sys.version_info]) # Validate the settings self._validate_base_url() self._define_url_settings() # Populate the khoros.core dictionary with core settings self._populate_core_settings() # Populate the khoros.auth dictionary with authentication settings if not empty: self._populate_auth_settings() # Populate the khoros.construct dictionary with query and syntax constructors self._populate_construct_settings() # Auto-connect to the environment if specified (default) if self.core_settings.get('auto_connect'): if self.core_settings.get('auth_type') in ['sso', 'session_auth']: self.connect(self.core_settings.get('auth_type')) else: error_msg = f"Unable to auto-connect to the instance with the given " \ f"'{self.core_settings.get('auth_type')}' authentication type." logger.error(error_msg) errors.handlers.eprint(error_msg) # Import inner object classes so their methods can be called from the primary object self.v1 = self._import_v1_class() self.v2 = self._import_v2_class() self.albums = self._import_album_class() self.archives = self._import_archives_class() self.boards = self._import_board_class() self.bulk_data = self._import_bulk_data_class() self.categories = self._import_category_class() self.communities = self._import_community_class() self.grouphubs = self._import_grouphub_class() self.labels = self._import_label_class() self.messages = self._import_message_class() self.nodes = self._import_node_class() self.roles = self._import_role_class() self.saml = self._import_saml_class() self.settings = self._import_settings_class() = self._import_studio_class() self.subscriptions = self._import_subscription_class() self.tags = self._import_tag_class() self.users = self._import_user_class()
def _populate_empty_object(self): """This method populates necessary fields to allow an empty object to be instantiated successfully. .. versionadded:: 3.3.2 """ # Populate the core settings self.core_settings['auth_type'] = 'session_auth' self.core_settings['session_auth'] = {'username': 'anonymous', 'password': 'anonymous'} self.core_settings['session_auth']['session_key'] = '' self.core_settings['auth_header'] = {'li-api-session-key': ''} self.core_settings['auto_connect'] = False # Populate the authentication settings self.auth['session_key'] = '' self.auth['header'] = {'li-api-session-key': ''} def _populate_core_settings(self): """This method populates the khoros.core dictionary with the core public settings used by the object. .. versionchanged:: 4.2.0 The way in which the ``_setting`` value is retrieved from ``self.core_settings`` was improved. """ _core_settings = ['community_url', 'base_url', 'v1_base', 'v2_base'] for _setting in _core_settings: if _setting in self.core_settings: self.core[_setting] = self.core_settings.get(_setting) def _populate_auth_settings(self): """This method populates the khoros.auth dictionary to be leveraged in authentication/authorization tasks. .. versionchanged:: 5.0.0 Merged two ``if`` statements. .. versionchanged:: 4.2.0 General code improvements were made to avoid unnecessary :py:exc:`KeyError` exceptions. """ _auth_settings = ['auth_type', 'oauth2', 'session_auth', 'sso'] _setting_keys = { 'oauth2': ['client_id', 'client_secret', 'redirect_url'], 'sso': ['sso_token'] } for _setting in _auth_settings: if _setting in self.core_settings and _setting in _setting_keys: for _setting_key in _setting_keys.get(_setting): if _setting_key in self.core_settings.get(_setting): self.auth[_setting_key] = self.core_settings.get(_setting).get(_setting_key) def _populate_construct_settings(self): """This method populates the khoros.construct dictionary to assist in constructing API queries and responses. .. versionchanged:: 4.2.0 General code improvements were made to avoid unnecessary :py:exc:`KeyError` exceptions. """ if 'prefer_json' in self.core_settings: return_formats = {True: '&restapi.response_format=json', False: ''} self.construct['response_format'] = return_formats.get(self.core_settings.get('prefer_json')) def _parse_env_settings(self): """This method parses the settings identified from environment variables. .. versionadded:: 2.2.0 """ for env_var_name, env_var_value in self._env_settings.items(): if env_var_name in environment.env_settings_mapping: settings_fields = environment.env_settings_mapping.get(env_var_name) if len(settings_fields) == 1: self.core_settings[settings_fields[0]] = env_var_value elif len(settings_fields) == 2: if settings_fields[0] not in self.core_settings: self.core_settings[settings_fields[0]] = {} self.core_settings[settings_fields[0]][settings_fields[1]] = env_var_value def _parse_helper_settings(self): """This method parses the settings in the helper configuration file when provided. .. versionchanged:: 4.2.0 General code improvements were made to avoid unnecessary :py:exc:`KeyError` exceptions. .. versionchanged:: 2.8.0 Support was added for the ``translate_errors`` setting and any other top-level setting. """ # Parse the helper settings and add them to the primary settings if 'connection' in self._helper_settings: _helper_keys = ['connection', 'construct', 'translate_errors'] _auth_keys = ['oauth2', 'session_auth', 'sso'] # TODO: Determine if this variable is needed for _helper_key in _helper_keys: if _helper_key == 'connection': _connection_keys = ['community_url', 'tenant_id', 'default_auth_type', 'oauth2', 'session_auth', 'sso'] for _connection_key in _connection_keys: if _connection_key in self._helper_settings.get('connection'): _new_key = 'auth_type' if _connection_key == 'default_auth_type' else _connection_key self.core_settings[_new_key] = self._helper_settings.get('connection').get(_connection_key) elif _helper_key == 'construct': _construct_keys = ['prefer_json'] for _construct_key in _construct_keys: if _construct_key in self._helper_settings.get('construct'): self.core_settings[_construct_key] = \ self._helper_settings.get('construct').get(_construct_key) else: if _helper_key in self._helper_settings: self.core_settings[_helper_key] = self._helper_settings.get(_helper_key) if 'discussion_styles' in self._helper_settings: if isinstance(self._helper_settings.get('discussion_styles'), list): self.core_settings['discussion_styles'] = self._helper_settings.get('discussion_styles') def _validate_base_url(self): """This method ensures that the Community URL is defined appropriately. .. versionchanged:: 4.2.0 General code improvements were made to avoid unnecessary :py:exc:`KeyError` exceptions. """ if ('http://' not in self.core_settings['community_url']) and \ ('https://' not in self.core_settings.get('community_url')): self.core_settings['community_url'] = f"https://{self.core_settings.get('community_url')}" if self.core_settings.get('community_url').endswith('/'): self.core_settings['community_url'] = self.core_settings.get('community_url')[:-1] def _define_url_settings(self): """This method defines the URL settings associated with the Khoros environment. .. versionchanged:: 4.2.0 General code improvements were made to avoid unnecessary :py:exc:`KeyError` exceptions. """ if 'community_name' in self.core_settings and self.core_settings.get('use_community_name') is True: self.core_settings['base_url'] = f"{self.core_settings.get('community_url')}/" \ f"{self.core_settings.get('community_name')}" else: self.core_settings['base_url'] = self.core_settings.get('community_url') self.core_settings['v1_base'] = f"{self.core_settings.get('community_url')}/restapi/vc" self.core_settings['v2_base'] = f"{self.core_settings.get('base_url')}/api/2.0" def _session_auth_credentials_defined(self): """This method checks to see if session authentication credentials have been defined. .. versionchanged:: 4.2.0 General code improvements were made to avoid unnecessary :py:exc:`KeyError` exceptions. .. versionadded:: 2.2.0 """ _defined = False if 'session_auth' in self.core_settings: _defined = True if ('username' in self.core_settings.get('session_auth') and 'password' in self.core_settings.get('session_auth')) else _defined return _defined def _connect_with_session_key(self): """This method establishes a connection to the Khoros environment using basic / session key authentication. .. versionchanged:: 5.3.0 Added a logging message when the connection has been established. .. versionchanged:: 4.2.0 General code improvements were made to avoid unnecessary :py:exc:`KeyError` exceptions. .. versionchanged:: 3.3.2 Added logging for the :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingAuthDataError` exception. :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingAuthDataError` """ if ('username' not in self.core_settings.get('session_auth')) or \ ('password' not in self.core_settings.get('session_auth')): error_msg = f"The username and/or password for session key authentication cannot be found." logger.error(error_msg) raise errors.exceptions.MissingAuthDataError(error_msg) self.core_settings['session_auth']['session_key'] = auth.get_session_key(self) self.core_settings['auth_header'] = \ auth.get_session_header(self.core_settings.get('session_auth').get('session_key')) self.auth['session_key'] = self.core_settings.get('session_auth').get('session_key') self.auth['header'] = self.core_settings.get('auth_header') self.auth['active'] = True'The connection to the Khoros environment has been established successfully.') def _connect_with_lithium_token(self): """This method establishes a connection to the Khoros environment using SSO authentication. .. versionchanged:: 5.3.0 Added a logging message when the connection has been established. .. versionadded:: 4.2.0 :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingAuthDataError` """ if "sso.authentication_token" not in self.core_settings.get('sso'): raise errors.exceptions.MissingAuthDataError("SSO authentication requires a LithiumSSO token.") li_api_session_key = auth.get_sso_key(self) session_key = auth.get_session_header(li_api_session_key) self.auth['session_key'] = session_key self.auth['header'] = session_key self.auth['active'] = True'The connection to the Khoros environment has been established successfully.') def _import_v1_class(self): """This method allows the :py:class:`khoros.core.Khoros.V1` inner class to be utilized in the core object. .. versionadded:: 3.0.0 """ return Khoros.V1(self) def _import_v2_class(self): """This method allows the :py:class:`khoros.core.Khoros.V2` inner class to be utilized in the core object. .. versionadded:: 4.0.0 """ return Khoros.V2(self) def _import_album_class(self): """This method allows the :py:class:`khoros.core.Khoros.Album` inner class to be utilized in the core object. .. versionadded:: 2.3.0 """ return Khoros.Album(self) def _import_archives_class(self): """This method allows the :py:class:`khoros.core.Khoros.Archives` inner class to be utilized in the core object. .. versionadded:: 4.1.0 """ return Khoros.Archives(self) def _import_board_class(self): """This method allows the :py:class:`khoros.core.Khoros.Board` inner class to be utilized in the core object. .. versionadded:: 2.5.0 """ return Khoros.Board(self) def _import_bulk_data_class(self): """This method allows the :py:class:`khoros.core.Khoros.BulkData` inner class to be utilized in the core object. .. versionadded:: 5.0.0 """ return Khoros.BulkData(self) def _import_category_class(self): """This method allows the :py:class:`khoros.core.Khoros.Category` inner class to be utilized in the core object. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 """ return Khoros.Category(self) def _import_community_class(self): """This method allows the :py:class:`khoros.core.Khoros.Community` inner class to be utilized in the core object. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 """ return Khoros.Community(self) def _import_grouphub_class(self): """This method allows the :py:class:`khoros.core.Khoros.GroupHub` inner class to be utilized in the core object. .. versionadded:: 2.6.0 """ return Khoros.GroupHub(self) def _import_label_class(self): """This method allows the :py:class:`khoros.core.Khoros.Label` inner class to be utilized in the core object. .. versionadded:: 5.3.0 """ return Khoros.Label(self) def _import_message_class(self): """This method allows the :py:class:`khoros.core.Khoros.Message` inner class to be utilized in the core object. .. versionadded:: 2.3.0 """ return Khoros.Message(self) def _import_node_class(self): """This method allows the :py:class:`khoros.core.Khoros.Node` inner class to be utilized in the core object. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 """ return Khoros.Node(self) def _import_role_class(self): """This method allows the :py:class:`khoros.core.Khoros.Role` inner class to be utilized in the core object. .. versionadded:: 2.4.0 """ return Khoros.Role(self) def _import_saml_class(self): """This method allows the :py:class:`khoros.core.Khoros.SAML` inner class to be utilized in the core object. .. versionadded:: 4.3.0 """ return Khoros.SAML(self) def _import_settings_class(self): """This method allows the :py:class:`khoros.core.Khoros.Settings` inner class to be utilized in the core object. .. versionadded:: 3.2.0 """ return Khoros.Settings(self) def _import_studio_class(self): """This method allows the :py:class:`khoros.core.Khoros.Studio` inner class to be utilized in the core object. .. versionadded:: 2.5.1 """ return Khoros.Studio(self) def _import_subscription_class(self): """This method allows the :py:class:`khoros.core.Khoros.Subscription` inner class to be utilized in the core object. .. versionadded:: 3.5.0 """ return Khoros.Subscription(self) def _import_tag_class(self): """This method allows the :py:class:`khoros.core.Khoros.Tag` inner class to be utilized in the core object. .. versionadded:: 4.1.0 """ return Khoros.Tag(self) def _import_user_class(self): """This method allows the :py:class:`khoros.core.Khoros.User` inner class to be utilized in the core object. .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 """ return Khoros.User(self) # The public functions below provide ways to interact with the Khoros object
[docs] def connect(self, connection_type=None): """This method establishes a connection to the environment using a specified authentication type. .. versionchanged:: 4.2.0 Introduced support for LithiumSSO Token authentication and made general code improvements to avoid unnecessary :py:exc:`KeyError` exceptions. Also fixed an issue with the exception error message. .. versionchanged:: 3.3.2 Added logging for the :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.CurrentlyUnsupportedError` exception. :param connection_type: The type of authentication method (e.g. ``session_auth``) :type connection_type: str, None :returns: None :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.CurrentlyUnsupportedError` """ if connection_type is None: connection_type = self.core_settings.get('auth_type') if connection_type == 'session_auth': self._connect_with_session_key() elif connection_type == 'sso': self._connect_with_lithium_token() else: error_msg = f"The '{connection_type}' authentication type is currently unsupported." logger.error(error_msg) raise errors.exceptions.CurrentlyUnsupportedError(f"'{connection_type}' authentication type")
[docs] def get_session_key(self, username=None, password=None): """This method retrieves the session key for an authentication session. .. versionadded:: 3.5.0 :param username: The username (i.e. login) of a secondary user to authenticate *(optional)* :type username: str, None :param password: The password of a secondary user to authenticate *(optional)* .. caution:: It is recommended that the :py:func:`khoros.core.Khoros.users.impersonate_user`` method be used instead of authenticating as a secondary user with this method. :type password: str, None :returns: The session key in string format :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.SessionAuthenticationError` """ return auth.get_session_key(self, username, password)
[docs] def get(self, query_url, relative_url=True, return_json=True, headers=None, proxy_user_object=None): """This method performs a simple GET request that leverages the Khoros authorization headers. .. versionchanged:: 4.2.0 Resolved an issue that caused errors with absolute URLs, and made general code improvements were made to avoid unnecessary :py:exc:`KeyError` exceptions. .. versionchanged:: 4.0.0 Introduced the ``proxy_user_object`` parameter to allow API requests to be performed on behalf of other users. :param query_url: The relative (default) or fully-qualified URL for the API call :type query_url: str :param relative_url: Determines if the URL should be appended to the community domain (``True`` by default) :type relative_url: bool :param return_json: Determines if the API response should be converted into JSON format (``True`` by default) :type return_json: bool :param headers: Allows the API call headers to be manually defined rather than using only the core object :type headers: dict, None :param proxy_user_object: Instantiated :py:class:`khoros.objects.users.ImpersonatedUser` object to perform the API request on behalf of a secondary user. :type proxy_user_object: class[khoros.objects.users.ImpersonatedUser], None :returns: The API response from the GET request :raises: :py:exc:`ValueError`, :py:exc:`TypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.APIConnectionError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ query_url = f"/{query_url}" if not query_url.startswith('/') and relative_url else query_url query_url = f"{self.core_settings.get('community_url')}{query_url}" if relative_url else query_url return api.get_request_with_retries(query_url, return_json=return_json, headers=headers, khoros_object=self, proxy_user_object=proxy_user_object)
[docs] def post(self, query_url, payload=None, relative_url=True, return_json=True, content_type=None, headers=None, multipart=False, proxy_user_object=None): """This method performs a simple POST request that leverages the Khoros authorization headers. .. versionchanged:: 4.2.0 Resolved an issue that caused errors with absolute URLs, and made general code improvements were made to avoid unnecessary :py:exc:`KeyError` exceptions. .. versionchanged:: 4.0.0 Introduced the ``proxy_user_object`` parameter to allow API requests to be performed on behalf of other users. .. versionchanged:: 3.5.0 The ``query_url`` no longer gets prefixed with a slash (``/``) if ``relative_url`` is set to ``False``. .. versionchanged:: 3.1.1 The ``content_type`` parameter now gets defined as an empty string prior to calling the sub-function. .. versionadded:: 3.1.0 :param query_url: The relative (default) or fully-qualified URL for the API call :type query_url: str :param payload: The JSON or plaintext payload (if any) to be supplied with the API request .. todo:: Add support for other payload formats such as binary, etc. :type payload: dict, str, None :param relative_url: Determines if the URL should be appended to the community domain (``True`` by default) :type relative_url: bool :param return_json: Determines if the API response should be converted into JSON format (``True`` by default) :type return_json: bool :param content_type: Allows the ``content-type`` value to be explicitly defined if necessary .. note:: If this parameter is not defined then the content type will be identified based on the payload format and/or type of request. :type content_type: str, None :param headers: Allows the API call headers to be manually defined rather than using only the core object :type headers: dict, None :param multipart: Defines whether the query is a ``multipart/form-data`` query (``False`` by default) :type multipart: bool :param proxy_user_object: Instantiated :py:class:`khoros.objects.users.ImpersonatedUser` object to perform the API request on behalf of a secondary user. :type proxy_user_object: class[khoros.objects.users.ImpersonatedUser], None :returns: The API response from the POST request :raises: :py:exc:`ValueError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.APIConnectionError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.POSTRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.PayloadMismatchError` """ query_url = f"/{query_url}" if not query_url.startswith('/') and relative_url else query_url query_url = f"{self.core_settings.get('community_url')}{query_url}" if relative_url else query_url[1:] json_payload = payload if isinstance(payload, dict) else None plaintext_payload = payload if isinstance(payload, str) else None content_type = '' if not content_type else content_type return api.post_request_with_retries(query_url, json_payload=json_payload, plaintext_payload=plaintext_payload, return_json=return_json, headers=headers, multipart=multipart, content_type=content_type.lower(), khoros_object=self, proxy_user_object=proxy_user_object)
[docs] def put(self, query_url, payload=None, relative_url=True, return_json=True, content_type=None, headers=None, multipart=False, proxy_user_object=None): """This method performs a simple PUT request that leverages the Khoros authorization headers. .. versionchanged:: 4.2.0 Resolved an issue that caused errors with absolute URLs, and made general code improvements were made to avoid unnecessary :py:exc:`KeyError` exceptions. .. versionchanged:: 4.0.0 Introduced the ``proxy_user_object`` parameter to allow API requests to be performed on behalf of other users. .. versionchanged:: 3.1.1 The ``content_type`` parameter now gets defined as an empty string prior to calling the sub-function. .. versionadded:: 3.1.0 :param query_url: The relative (default) or fully-qualified URL for the API call :type query_url: str :param payload: The JSON or plaintext payload (if any) to be supplied with the API request .. todo:: Add support for other payload formats such as binary, etc. :type payload: dict, str, None :param relative_url: Determines if the URL should be appended to the community domain (``True`` by default) :type relative_url: bool :param return_json: Determines if the API response should be converted into JSON format (``True`` by default) :type return_json: bool :param content_type: Allows the ``content-type`` value to be explicitly defined if necessary .. note:: If this parameter is not defined then the content type will be identified based on the payload format and/or type of request. :type content_type: str, None :param headers: Allows the API call headers to be manually defined rather than using only the core object :type headers: dict, None :param multipart: Defines whether the query is a ``multipart/form-data`` query (``False`` by default) :type multipart: bool :param proxy_user_object: Instantiated :py:class:`khoros.objects.users.ImpersonatedUser` object to perform the API request on behalf of a secondary user. :type proxy_user_object: class[khoros.objects.users.ImpersonatedUser], None :returns: The API response from the PUT request :raises: :py:exc:`ValueError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.APIConnectionError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.PUTRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.PayloadMismatchError` """ query_url = f"/{query_url}" if not query_url.startswith('/') and relative_url else query_url query_url = f"{self.core_settings.get('community_url')}{query_url}" if relative_url else query_url json_payload = payload if isinstance(payload, dict) else None plaintext_payload = payload if isinstance(payload, str) else None content_type = '' if not content_type else content_type return api.put_request_with_retries(query_url, json_payload=json_payload, plaintext_payload=plaintext_payload, return_json=return_json, headers=headers, multipart=multipart, content_type=content_type.lower(), khoros_object=self, proxy_user_object=proxy_user_object)
[docs] def query(self, query, return_json=True, pretty_print=False, track_in_lsi=False, always_ok=False, error_code='', format_statements=True, return_items=False): """This method performs a Community API v2 query using LiQL with the full LiQL syntax. .. versionchanged:: 4.1.0 The JSON response can now be reduced to just the returned items by passing ``return_items=True``. :param query: The full LiQL query in its standard syntax (not URL-encoded) :type query: str :param return_json: Determines if the API response should be returned in JSON format (``True`` by default) :type return_json: bool :param pretty_print: Defines if the response should be "pretty printed" (``False`` by default) :type pretty_print: bool :param track_in_lsi: Defines if the query should be tracked within LSI (``False`` by default) :type track_in_lsi: bool :param always_ok: Defines if the HTTP response should **always** be ``200 OK`` (``False`` by default) :type always_ok: bool :param error_code: Allows an error code to optionally be supplied for testing purposes (ignored by default) :type error_code: str :param format_statements: Determines if statements (e.g. ``SELECT``, ``FROM``, et.) should be formatted to be in all caps (``True`` by default) :type format_statements: bool :param return_items: Reduces the JSON response to be only the list of items returned from the LiQL response (``False`` by default) .. note:: If an error response is returned then an empty list will be returned. :type return_items: bool :returns: The query response from the API in JSON format (unless defined otherwise) :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingAuthDataError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ query_url = liql.get_query_url(self.core, query, pretty_print, track_in_lsi, always_ok, error_code, format_statements) return liql.perform_query(self, query_url, return_json=return_json, return_items=return_items)
[docs] def search(self, select_fields, from_source, where_filter="", order_by=None, order_desc=True, limit=0, return_json=True, pretty_print=False, track_in_lsi=False, always_ok=False, error_code='', format_statements=True): """This method performs a LiQL query in the Community API v2 by specifying the query elements. :param select_fields: One or more fields to be selected within the SELECT statement (e.g. ``id``) :type select_fields: str, tuple, list, set :param from_source: The source of the data to use in the FROM statement (e.g. ``messages``) :type from_source: str :param where_filter: The filters (if any) to use in the WHERE clause (e.g. ``id = '2'``) :type where_filter: str, tuple, list, dict, set :param order_by: The field(s) by which to order the response data (optional) :type order_by: str, tuple, set, dict, list :param order_desc: Defines if the ORDER BY directionality is DESC (default) or ASC :type order_desc: bool :param limit: Allows an optional limit to be placed on the response items (ignored by default) :type limit: int :param return_json: Determines if the API response should be returned in JSON format (``True`` by default) :type return_json: bool :param pretty_print: Defines if the response should be "pretty printed" (``False`` by default) :type pretty_print: bool :param track_in_lsi: Defines if the query should be tracked within LSI (``False`` by default) :type track_in_lsi: bool :param always_ok: Defines if the HTTP response should **always** be ``200 OK`` (``False`` by default) :type always_ok: bool :param error_code: Allows an error code to optionally be supplied for testing purposes (ignored by default) :type error_code: str :param format_statements: Determines if statements (e.g. ``SELECT``, ``FROM``, et.) should be formatted to be in all caps (``True`` by default) :type format_statements: bool :returns: The query response from the API in JSON format (unless defined otherwise) :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingAuthDataError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.OperatorMismatchError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidOperatorError` """ query = liql.parse_query_elements(select_fields, from_source, where_filter, order_by, order_desc, limit) response = self.query(query, return_json, pretty_print, track_in_lsi, always_ok, error_code, format_statements) return response
[docs] def get_total_count(self, collection, where_filter="", verify_success=True): """This method retrieves the total asset count from a given collection (e.g. ``categories``). :param collection: The collection object to use in the FROM clause of the LiQL query (e.g. ``users``) :type collection: str :param where_filter: An optional filter to use as the WHERE clause in the LiQL query :type where_filter: str :param verify_success: Determines if the API query should be verified as successful (``True`` by default) :type verify_success: bool :returns: The total count as an integer :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return liql.get_total_count(self, collection, where_filter, verify_success)
[docs] def get_platform_version(self, full_release=False, simple=False, commit_id=False, timestamp=False): """This method retrieves the Khoros Community platform version information for a given environment. .. versionadded:: 3.4.0 :param full_release: Defines if the full platform release version should be returned .. note:: If none of the options are enabled then the ``full_release`` option will be enabled by default. :type full_release: bool :param simple: Defines if the simple X.Y version (e.g. 20.6) should be returned (``False`` by default) :type simple: bool :param commit_id: Defines if the Commit ID (i.e. hash) for the release should be returned (``False`` by default) :type commit_id: bool :param timestamp: Defines if the timestamp of the release (e.g. 2007092156) should be returned (``False`` by default) :type timestamp: bool :returns: One or more string with version information :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ base_url = self.core_settings.get('base_url') return api.get_platform_version(base_url, full_release, simple, commit_id, timestamp, self)
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_v2_response(json_response, return_dict=False, status=False, error_msg=False, http_code=False, data_id=False, data_url=False, data_api_uri=False, v2_base=''): """This method parses an API response for a Community API v2 operation and returns parsed data. .. versionchanged:: 3.2.0 The lower-level function call now utilizes keyword arguments to fix an argument mismatch issue. .. versionadded:: 2.5.0 :param json_response: The API response in JSON format :type json_response: dict :param return_dict: Defines if the parsed data should be returned within a dictionary :type return_dict: bool :param status: Defines if the **status** value should be returned :type status: bool :param error_msg: Defines if the error message (and **developer response** message) should be returned :type error_msg: bool :param http_code: Defines if the **HTTP status code** should be returned :type http_code: bool :param data_id: Defines if the **ID** should be returned :type data_id: bool :param data_url: Defines if the **URL** should be returned :type data_url: bool :param data_api_uri: Defines if the **API URI** should be returned :type data_api_uri: bool :param v2_base: The base URL for the API v2 :type v2_base: str :returns: A string, tuple or dictionary with the parsed data :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return api.parse_v2_response(json_response, return_dict, status, error_msg, dev_msg=error_msg, http_code=http_code, data_id=data_id, data_url=data_url, data_api_uri=data_api_uri, v2_base=v2_base)
[docs] class V1(object): """This class includes methods for performing base Community API v1 requests."""
[docs] def __init__(self, khoros_object): """This method initializes the :py:class:`khoros.core.Khoros.V1` inner class object. .. versionadded:: 3.0.0 :param khoros_object: The core :py:class:`khoros.Khoros` object :type khoros_object: class[khoros.Khoros] """ self.khoros_object = khoros_object
[docs] def get(self, endpoint, query_params=None, return_json=True, proxy_user_object=None): """This method makes a Community API v1 GET request. .. versionchanged:: 4.0.0 Introduced the ``proxy_user_object`` parameter to allow API requests to be performed on behalf of other users. .. versionadded:: 3.0.0 :param endpoint: The API endpoint to be queried :type endpoint: str :param query_params: The field and associated values to be leveraged in the query string :type query_params: dict :param return_json: Determines if the response should be returned in JSON format rather than the default :type return_json: bool :param proxy_user_object: Instantiated :py:class:`khoros.objects.users.ImpersonatedUser` object to perform the API request on behalf of a secondary user. :type proxy_user_object: class[khoros.objects.users.ImpersonatedUser], None :returns: The API response :raises: :py:exc:`ValueError`, :py:exc:`TypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.APIConnectionError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.CurrentlyUnsupportedError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidRequestTypeError` """ query_params = {} if not query_params else query_params return api.make_v1_request(self.khoros_object, endpoint, query_params, 'GET', return_json, proxy_user_object=proxy_user_object)
[docs] def post(self, endpoint, query_params=None, return_json=True, params_in_uri=False, json_payload=False, proxy_user_object=None): """This method makes a Community API v1 POST request. .. versionchanged:: 4.0.0 Introduced the ``proxy_user_object`` parameter to allow API requests to be performed on behalf of other users. .. versionchanged:: 3.2.0 Introduced the ability to pass the query parameters as payload to avoid URI length limits. .. versionadded:: 3.0.0 :param endpoint: The API endpoint to be queried :type endpoint: str :param query_params: The field and associated values to be leveraged in the query string :type query_params: dict :param return_json: Determines if the response should be returned in JSON format rather than the default :type return_json: bool :param params_in_uri: Determines if query parameters should be passed in the URI rather than in the request body (``False`` by default) :type params_in_uri: bool :param json_payload: Determines if query parameters should be passed as JSON payload rather than in the URI (``False`` by default) .. caution:: This is not yet fully supported and therefore should not be used at this time. :type json_payload: bool :param proxy_user_object: Instantiated :py:class:`khoros.objects.users.ImpersonatedUser` object to perform the API request on behalf of a secondary user. :type proxy_user_object: class[khoros.objects.users.ImpersonatedUser], None :returns: The API response :raises: :py:exc:`ValueError`, :py:exc:`TypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.POSTRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.APIConnectionError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.CurrentlyUnsupportedError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidRequestTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.PayloadMismatchError` """ query_params = {} if not query_params else query_params return api.make_v1_request(self.khoros_object, endpoint, query_params, 'POST', return_json=return_json, params_in_uri=params_in_uri, json_payload=json_payload, proxy_user_object=proxy_user_object)
[docs] def put(self, endpoint, query_params=None, return_json=True, params_in_uri=False, json_payload=False, proxy_user_object=None): """This method makes a Community API v1 PUT request. .. versionchanged:: 4.0.0 Introduced the ``proxy_user_object`` parameter to allow API requests to be performed on behalf of other users. .. versionchanged:: 3.2.0 Introduced the ability to pass the query parameters as payload to avoid URI length limits. .. versionadded:: 3.0.0 .. caution:: While ``PUT`` requests are technically supported in this library, at this time they are not yet supported by the Khoros Community API v1 endpoints. :param endpoint: The API endpoint to be queried :type endpoint: str :param query_params: The field and associated values to be leveraged in the query string :type query_params: dict :param return_json: Determines if the response should be returned in JSON format rather than the default :type return_json: bool :param params_in_uri: Determines if query parameters should be passed in the URI rather than in the request body (``False`` by default) :type params_in_uri: bool :param json_payload: Determines if query parameters should be passed as JSON payload rather than in the URI (``False`` by default) .. caution:: This is not yet fully supported and therefore should not be used at this time. :type json_payload: bool :param proxy_user_object: Instantiated :py:class:`khoros.objects.users.ImpersonatedUser` object to perform the API request on behalf of a secondary user. :type proxy_user_object: class[khoros.objects.users.ImpersonatedUser], None :returns: The API response :raises: :py:exc:`ValueError`, :py:exc:`TypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.PUTRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.APIConnectionError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.CurrentlyUnsupportedError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidRequestTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.PayloadMismatchError` """ query_params = {} if not query_params else query_params return api.make_v1_request(self.khoros_object, endpoint, query_params, 'PUT', return_json=return_json, params_in_uri=params_in_uri, json_payload=json_payload, proxy_user_object=proxy_user_object)
[docs] def search(self, endpoint, filter_field, filter_value, return_json=False, fail_on_no_results=False, proxy_user_object=None): """This method performs a search for a particular field value using a Community API v1 call. .. versionchanged:: 4.0.0 Introduced the ``proxy_user_object`` parameter to allow API requests to be performed on behalf of other users. .. versionadded:: 3.0.0 :param endpoint: The API v1 endpoint against which to perform the search query :type endpoint: str :param filter_field: The name of the field being queried within the API v1 endpoint :type filter_field: str :param filter_value: The value associated with the field being queried :type filter_value: str, int :param return_json: Determines if the response should be returned in JSON format (``False`` by default) :type return_json: bool :param fail_on_no_results: Raises an exception if no results are returned (``False`` by default) :type fail_on_no_results: bool :param proxy_user_object: Instantiated :py:class:`khoros.objects.users.ImpersonatedUser` object to perform the API request on behalf of a secondary user. :type proxy_user_object: class[khoros.objects.users.ImpersonatedUser], None :returns: The API response (optionally in JSON format) :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return api.perform_v1_search(self, endpoint, filter_field, filter_value, return_json, fail_on_no_results, proxy_user_object=proxy_user_object)
[docs] class V2(object): """This class includes methods for performing base Community API v2 requests."""
[docs] def __init__(self, khoros_object): """This method initializes the :py:class:`khoros.core.Khoros.V2` inner class object. .. versionadded:: 4.0.0 :param khoros_object: The core :py:class:`khoros.Khoros` object :type khoros_object: class[khoros.Khoros] """ self.khoros_object = khoros_object
[docs] def get(self, endpoint, return_json=True, headers=None, proxy_user_object=None): """This method performs a Community API v2 GET request that leverages the Khoros authorization headers. .. versionadded:: 4.0.0 :param endpoint: The API v2 endpoint aginst which to query :type endpoint: str :param return_json: Determines if the API response should be converted into JSON format (``True`` by default) :type return_json: bool :param headers: Allows the API call headers to be manually defined rather than using only the core object :type headers: dict, None :param proxy_user_object: Instantiated :py:class:`khoros.objects.users.ImpersonatedUser` object to perform the API request on behalf of a secondary user. :type proxy_user_object: class[khoros.objects.users.ImpersonatedUser], None :returns: The API response from the GET request :raises: :py:exc:`ValueError`, :py:exc:`TypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.APIConnectionError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ endpoint = f"/{endpoint}" if not endpoint.startswith('/') else endpoint query_url = f"{self.khoros_object.core.get('v2_base')}{endpoint}" return api.get_request_with_retries(query_url, return_json=return_json, headers=headers, khoros_object=self.khoros_object, proxy_user_object=proxy_user_object)
[docs] def post(self, endpoint, payload=None, return_json=True, content_type=None, headers=None, multipart=False, proxy_user_object=None): """This method performs a Community API v2 POST request that leverages the Khoros authorization headers. .. versionadded:: 4.0.0 :param endpoint: The relative (default) or fully-qualified URL for the API call :type endpoint: str :param payload: The JSON or plaintext payload (if any) to be supplied with the API request .. todo:: Add support for other payload formats such as binary, etc. :type payload: dict, str, None :param return_json: Determines if the API response should be converted into JSON format (``True`` by default) :type return_json: bool :param content_type: Allows the ``content-type`` value to be explicitly defined if necessary .. note:: If this parameter is not defined then the content type will be identified based on the payload format and/or type of request. :type content_type: str, None :param headers: Allows the API call headers to be manually defined rather than using only the core object :type headers: dict, None :param multipart: Defines whether the query is a ``multipart/form-data`` query (``False`` by default) :type multipart: bool :param proxy_user_object: Instantiated :py:class:`khoros.objects.users.ImpersonatedUser` object to perform the API request on behalf of a secondary user. :type proxy_user_object: class[khoros.objects.users.ImpersonatedUser], None :returns: The API response from the POST request :raises: :py:exc:`ValueError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.APIConnectionError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.POSTRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.PayloadMismatchError` """ endpoint = f"/{endpoint}" if not endpoint.startswith('/') else endpoint query_url = f"{self.khoros_object.core('v2_base')}{endpoint}" json_payload = payload if isinstance(payload, dict) else None plaintext_payload = payload if isinstance(payload, str) else None content_type = '' if not content_type else content_type return api.post_request_with_retries(query_url, json_payload=json_payload, plaintext_payload=plaintext_payload, return_json=return_json, headers=headers, multipart=multipart, content_type=content_type.lower(), khoros_object=self.khoros_object, proxy_user_object=proxy_user_object)
[docs] def put(self, endpoint, payload=None, return_json=True, content_type=None, headers=None, multipart=False, proxy_user_object=None): """This method performs a Community API v2 PUT request that leverages the Khoros authorization headers. .. versionadded:: 4.0.0 :param endpoint: The relative (default) or fully-qualified URL for the API call :type endpoint: str :param payload: The JSON or plaintext payload (if any) to be supplied with the API request .. todo:: Add support for other payload formats such as binary, etc. :type payload: dict, str, None :param return_json: Determines if the API response should be converted into JSON format (``True`` by default) :type return_json: bool :param content_type: Allows the ``content-type`` value to be explicitly defined if necessary .. note:: If this parameter is not defined then the content type will be identified based on the payload format and/or type of request. :type content_type: str, None :param headers: Allows the API call headers to be manually defined rather than using only the core object :type headers: dict, None :param multipart: Defines whether the query is a ``multipart/form-data`` query (``False`` by default) :type multipart: bool :param proxy_user_object: Instantiated :py:class:`khoros.objects.users.ImpersonatedUser` object to perform the API request on behalf of a secondary user. :type proxy_user_object: class[khoros.objects.users.ImpersonatedUser], None :returns: The API response from the PUT request :raises: :py:exc:`ValueError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.APIConnectionError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.PUTRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.PayloadMismatchError` """ endpoint = f"/{endpoint}" if not endpoint.startswith('/') else endpoint query_url = f"{self.khoros_object.core.get('v2_base')}{endpoint}" json_payload = payload if isinstance(payload, dict) else None plaintext_payload = payload if isinstance(payload, str) else None content_type = '' if not content_type else content_type return api.put_request_with_retries(query_url, json_payload=json_payload, plaintext_payload=plaintext_payload, return_json=return_json, headers=headers, multipart=multipart, content_type=content_type.lower(), khoros_object=self.khoros_object, proxy_user_object=proxy_user_object)
[docs] class Album(object): """This class includes methods for interacting with the `albums <>`_ collection."""
[docs] def __init__(self, khoros_object): """This method initializes the :py:class:`khoros.core.Khoros.Album` inner class object. :param khoros_object: The core :py:class:`khoros.Khoros` object :type khoros_object: class[khoros.Khoros] """ self.khoros_object = khoros_object
[docs] def create(self, title=None, description=None, owner_id=None, hidden=False, default=False, full_response=False): """This method creates a new image album for a user. .. versionadded:: 2.3.0 :param title: The title of the album to be created :type title: str, None :param description: The description of the album :type description: str, None :param owner_id: The User ID of the album owner .. note:: If not defined, the owner will be the user performing the API call. :type owner_id: str, int, None :param hidden: Defines if the album should be public (default) or hidden :type hidden: bool :param default: Defines if this will be the default album for the user (``False`` by default) :type default: bool :param full_response: Defines if the full response should be returned instead of the outcome (``False`` by default) :type full_response: bool :returns: Boolean value indicating a successful outcome (default) or the full API response """ return objects_module.albums.create(self.khoros_object, title, description, owner_id, hidden, default, full_response)
[docs] def get_albums_for_user(self, user_id=None, login=None, public=None, private=None, verify_success=False, allow_exceptions=True): """This method returns data for the albums owned by a given user. .. versionadded:: 2.3.0 :param user_id: The User ID for the album owner :type user_id: str, int :param login: The username of the album owner :type login: str :param public: Indicates that **public** albums should be returned (all albums returned by default) :type public: bool :param private: Indicates that **private** albums should be returned (all albums returned by default) :type private: bool :param verify_success: Optionally check to confirm that the API query was successful (``False`` by default) :type verify_success: bool :param allow_exceptions: Defines whether exceptions can be raised for responses returning errors .. caution:: This does not apply to exceptions for missing required data. :type allow_exceptions: bool :returns: A list of dictionaries representing each album :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingAuthDataError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return objects_module.albums.get_albums_for_user(self.khoros_object, user_id, login, public, private, verify_success, allow_exceptions)
[docs] class Archives(object): """This class includes methods for archiving content. .. versionadded:: 4.1.0 """
[docs] def __init__(self, khoros_object): """This method initializes the :py:class:`khoros.core.Khoros.Archives` inner class object. .. versionadded:: 4.1.0 :param khoros_object: The core :py:class:`khoros.Khoros` object :type khoros_object: class[khoros.Khoros] """ self.khoros_object = khoros_object
[docs] def archive(self, message_id=None, message_url=None, suggested_url=None, archive_entries=None, aggregate_results=False, include_raw=False): """This method archives one or more messages while providing an optional suggested URL as a placeholder. .. versionadded:: 4.1.0 :param message_id: The message ID for the content to be archived :type message_id: str, int, None :param message_url: The URL of the message to be archived (as an alternative to the ``message_id`` argument) :type message_url: str, None :param suggested_url: The full URL to suggest to the user when navigating to the archived message :type suggested_url: str, None :param archive_entries: A dictionary mapping one or more message IDs with accompanying suggested URLs .. note:: Alternatively, a list, tuple or set of message IDs can be supplied which will be converted into a dictionary with blank suggested URLs. :type archive_entries: dict, list, tuple, set, None :param aggregate_results: Aggregates the operation results into an easy-to-parse dictionary (``False`` by default) :type aggregate_results: bool :param include_raw: Includes the raw API response in the aggregated data dictionary under the ``raw`` key (``False`` by default) .. note:: This parameter is only relevant when the ``aggregate_results`` parameter is ``True``. :type include_raw: bool :returns: Boolean value indicating a successful outcome (default), the full API response or one or more specific fields defined by function arguments :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.APIConnectionError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.POSTRequestError` """ return objects_module.archives.archive(self.khoros_object, message_id, message_url, suggested_url, archive_entries, aggregate_results, include_raw)
[docs] def unarchive(self, message_id=None, message_url=None, new_board_id=None, archive_entries=None, aggregate_results=False, include_raw=False): """This method unarchives one or more messages and moves them to a given board. .. versionadded:: 4.1.0 :param message_id: The message ID for the content to be archived :type message_id: str, int, None :param message_url: The URL of the message to be archived (as an alternative to the ``message_id`` argument) :type message_url: str, None :param new_board_id: The board ID of what will be the new parent board of a message getting unarchived :type new_board_id: str, None :param archive_entries: A dictionary mapping one or more message IDs with accompanying board IDs .. note:: Alternatively, a list, tuple or set of message IDs can be supplied which will be converted into a dictionary with blank board IDs. :type archive_entries: dict, list, tuple, set, None :param aggregate_results: Aggregates the operation results into an easy-to-parse dictionary (``False`` by default) :type aggregate_results: bool :param include_raw: Includes the raw API response in the aggregated data dictionary under the ``raw`` key (``False`` by default) .. note:: This parameter is only relevant when the ``aggregate_results`` parameter is ``True``. :type include_raw: bool :returns: Boolean value indicating a successful outcome (default), the full API response or one or more specific fields defined by function arguments :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.APIConnectionError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.POSTRequestError` """ return objects_module.archives.unarchive(self.khoros_object, message_id, message_url, new_board_id, archive_entries, aggregate_results, include_raw)
[docs] def is_archived(self, message_id): """This method checks to see whether a message is currently archived. .. versionadded:: 5.2.0 :param message_id: The message ID for the content to be archived :type message_id: str, int :returns: Boolean value indicating whether the message is archived :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.APIConnectionError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return objects_module.archives.is_archived(self.khoros_object, message_id=message_id)
[docs] @staticmethod def aggregate_results(results, include_raw=False): """This method aggregates the results of an archive/unarchive operation into an easy-to-parse dictionary. .. versionadded:: 4.1.0 :param results: The results from an archive or unarchive operation :type results: list, dict :param include_raw: Includes the raw API response in the aggregated data dictionary under the ``raw`` key (``False`` by default) :type include_raw: bool :returns: A dictionary with fields for ``status``, ``archived``, ``unarchived``, ``failed`` and ``unknown`` or the raw response when the API call completely fails, with the optional raw data when requested """ return objects_module.archives.aggregate_results_data(results, include_raw)
[docs] class Board(object): """This class includes methods for interacting with boards. .. versionadded:: 2.5.0 """
[docs] def __init__(self, khoros_object): """This method initializes the :py:class:`khoros.core.Khoros.Board` inner class object. .. versionadded:: 2.5.0 :param khoros_object: The core :py:class:`khoros.Khoros` object :type khoros_object: class[khoros.Khoros] """ self.khoros_object = khoros_object
[docs] def create(self, board_id, board_title, discussion_style, description=None, parent_category_id=None, hidden=None, allowed_labels=None, use_freeform_labels=None, use_predefined_labels=None, predefined_labels=None, media_type=None, blog_authors=None, blog_author_ids=None, blog_author_logins=None, blog_comments_enabled=None, blog_moderators=None, blog_moderator_ids=None, blog_moderator_logins=None, one_entry_per_contest=None, one_kudo_per_contest=None, posting_date_end=None, posting_date_start=None, voting_date_end=None, voting_date_start=None, winner_announced_date=None, full_response=None, return_id=None, return_url=None, return_api_url=None, return_http_code=None, return_status=None, return_error_messages=None, split_errors=False): """This method creates a new board within a Khoros Community environment. .. versionchanged:: 2.5.2 Changed the functionality around the ``return_error_messages`` argument and added the ``split_errors`` argument. .. versionadded:: 2.5.0 :param board_id: The unique identifier (i.e. ``id`` field) for the new board **(Required)** :type board_id: str :param board_title: The title of the new board **(Required)** :type board_title: str :param discussion_style: Defines the board as a ``blog``, ``contest``, ``forum``, ``idea``, ``qanda`` or ``tkb`` **(Required)** :type discussion_style: str :param description: A brief description of the board :type description: str, None :param parent_category_id: The ID of the parent category (if applicable) :type parent_category_id: str, None :param hidden: Defines whether the new board should be hidden from lists and menus (disabled by default) :type hidden: bool, None :param allowed_labels: The type of labels allowed on the board (``freeform-only``, ``predefined-only`` or ``freeform and pre-defined``) :type allowed_labels: str, None :param use_freeform_labels: Determines if freeform labels should be utilized :type use_freeform_labels: bool, None :param use_predefined_labels: Determines if pre-defined labels should be utilized :type use_predefined_labels: bool, None :param predefined_labels: The pre-defined labels to utilized on the board as a list of dictionaries .. todo:: The ability to provide labels as a simple list and optionally standardize their format (e.g. Pascal Case, etc.) will be available in a future release. :type predefined_labels: list, None :param media_type: The media type associated with a contest. (``image``, ``video`` or ``story`` meaning text) :type media_type: str, None :param blog_authors: The approved blog authors in a blog board as a list of user data dictionaries :type blog_authors: list, None :param blog_author_ids: A list of User IDs representing the approved blog authors in a blog board :type blog_author_ids: list, None :param blog_author_logins: A list of User Logins (i.e. usernames) representing approved blog authors in a blog board :type blog_author_logins: list, None :param blog_comments_enabled: Determines if comments should be enabled on blog posts within a blog board :type blog_comments_enabled: bool, None :param blog_moderators: The designated blog moderators in a blog board as a list of user data dictionaries :type blog_moderators: list, None :param blog_moderator_ids: A list of User IDs representing the blog moderators in a blog board :type blog_moderator_ids: list, None :param blog_moderator_logins: A list of User Logins (i.e. usernames) representing blog moderators in a blog board :type blog_moderator_logins: list, None :param one_entry_per_contest: Defines whether a user can submit only one entry to a single contest :type one_entry_per_contest: bool, None :param one_kudo_per_contest: Defines whether a user can vote only once per contest :type one_kudo_per_contest: bool, None :param posting_date_end: The date/time when the contest is closed to submissions :type posting_date_end: type[datetime.datetime], None :param posting_date_start: The date/time when the voting period for a contest begins :type posting_date_start: type[datetime.datetime], None :param voting_date_end: The date/time when the voting period for a contest ends :type voting_date_end: type[datetime.datetime], None :param voting_date_start: The date/time when the voting period for a contest begins :type voting_date_start: type[datetime.datetime], None :param winner_announced_date: The date/time the contest winner will be announced :type winner_announced_date: type[datetime.datetime], None :param full_response: Determines whether the full, raw API response should be returned by the function :type full_response: bool, None :param return_id: Determines if the **ID** of the new board should be returned by the function :type return_id: bool, None :param return_url: Determines if the **URL** of the new board should be returned by the function :type return_url: bool, None :param return_api_url: Determines if the **API URL** of the new board should be returned by the function :type return_api_url: bool, None :param return_http_code: Determines if the **HTTP Code** of the API response should be returned by the function :type return_http_code: bool, None :param return_status: Determines if the **Status** of the API response should be returned by the function :type return_status: bool, None :param return_error_messages: Determines if the **Developer Response Message** (if any) associated with the API response should be returned by the function :type return_error_messages: bool, None :param split_errors: Defines whether error messages should be merged when applicable :type split_errors: bool :returns: Boolean value indicating a successful outcome (default), the full API response or one or more specific fields defined by function arguments :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidNodeTypeError`, :py:exc:`ValueError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.APIConnectionError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.POSTRequestError` """ return structures_module.boards.create(self.khoros_object, board_id, board_title, discussion_style, description, parent_category_id, hidden, allowed_labels, use_freeform_labels, use_predefined_labels, predefined_labels, media_type, blog_authors, blog_author_ids, blog_author_logins, blog_comments_enabled, blog_moderators, blog_moderator_ids, blog_moderator_logins, one_entry_per_contest, one_kudo_per_contest, posting_date_end, posting_date_start, voting_date_end, voting_date_start, winner_announced_date, full_response, return_id, return_url, return_api_url, return_http_code, return_status, return_error_messages, split_errors)
[docs] def structure_payload(self, board_id, board_title, discussion_style, description=None, parent_category_id=None, hidden=None, allowed_labels=None, use_freeform_labels=None, use_predefined_labels=None, predefined_labels=None, media_type=None, blog_authors=None, blog_author_ids=None, blog_author_logins=None, blog_comments_enabled=None, blog_moderators=None, blog_moderator_ids=None, blog_moderator_logins=None, one_entry_per_contest=None, one_kudo_per_contest=None, posting_date_end=None, posting_date_start=None, voting_date_end=None, voting_date_start=None, winner_announced_date=None): """This method structures the payload to use in a Community API v2 request involving a board. .. versionadded:: 2.6.0 :param board_id: The unique identifier (i.e. ``id`` field) for the new board **(Required)** :type board_id: str :param board_title: The title of the new board **(Required)** :type board_title: str :param discussion_style: Defines the board as a ``blog``, ``contest``, ``forum``, ``idea``, ``qanda`` or ``tkb`` **(Required)** :type discussion_style: str :param description: A brief description of the board :type description: str, None :param parent_category_id: The ID of the parent category (if applicable) :type parent_category_id: str, None :param hidden: Defines whether the new board should be hidden from lists and menus (disabled by default) :type hidden: bool, None :param allowed_labels: The type of labels allowed on the board (``freeform-only``, ``predefined-only`` or ``freeform and pre-defined``) :type allowed_labels: str, None :param use_freeform_labels: Determines if freeform labels should be utilized :type use_freeform_labels: bool, None :param use_predefined_labels: Determines if pre-defined labels should be utilized :type use_predefined_labels: bool, None :param predefined_labels: The pre-defined labels to utilized on the board as a list of dictionaries .. todo:: The ability to provide labels as a simple list and optionally standardize their format (e.g. Pascal Case, etc.) will be available in a future release. :type predefined_labels: list, None :param media_type: The media type associated with a contest. (``image``, ``video`` or ``story`` i.e. text) :type media_type: str, None :param blog_authors: The approved blog authors in a blog board as a list of user data dictionaries :type blog_authors: list, None :param blog_author_ids: A list of User IDs representing the approved blog authors in a blog board :type blog_author_ids: list, None :param blog_author_logins: A list of User Logins (i.e. usernames) representing approved blog authors in a blog board :type blog_author_logins: list, None :param blog_comments_enabled: Determines if comments should be enabled on blog posts within a blog board :type blog_comments_enabled: bool, None :param blog_moderators: The designated blog moderators in a blog board as a list of user data dictionaries :type blog_moderators: list, None :param blog_moderator_ids: A list of User IDs representing the blog moderators in a blog board :type blog_moderator_ids: list, None :param blog_moderator_logins: A list of User Logins (i.e. usernames) representing blog moderators in a blog board :type blog_moderator_logins: list, None :param one_entry_per_contest: Defines whether a user can submit only one entry to a single contest :type one_entry_per_contest: bool, None :param one_kudo_per_contest: Defines whether a user can vote only once per contest :type one_kudo_per_contest: bool, None :param posting_date_end: The date/time when the contest is closed to submissions :type posting_date_end: type[datetime.datetime], None :param posting_date_start: The date/time when the voting period for a contest begins :type posting_date_start: type[datetime.datetime], None :param voting_date_end: The date/time when the voting period for a contest ends :type voting_date_end: type[datetime.datetime], None :param voting_date_start: The date/time when the voting period for a contest begins :type voting_date_start: type[datetime.datetime], None :param winner_announced_date: The date/time the contest winner will be announced :type winner_announced_date: type[datetime.datetime], None :returns: The full and properly formatted payload for the API request :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidNodeTypeError` """ return structures_module.boards.structure_payload(self.khoros_object, board_id, board_title, discussion_style, description, parent_category_id, hidden, allowed_labels, use_freeform_labels, use_predefined_labels, predefined_labels, media_type, blog_authors, blog_author_ids, blog_author_logins, blog_comments_enabled, blog_moderators, blog_moderator_ids, blog_moderator_logins, one_entry_per_contest, one_kudo_per_contest, posting_date_end, posting_date_start, voting_date_end, voting_date_start, winner_announced_date)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_board_id(url): """This method retrieves the Board ID for a given board when provided its URL. .. versionadded:: 2.6.0 :param url: The URL from which to parse out the Board ID :type url: str :returns: The Board ID retrieved from the URL :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidURLError` """ return structures_module.boards.get_board_id(url)
[docs] def board_exists(self, board_id=None, board_url=None): """This method checks to see if a board (i.e. blog, contest, forum, idea exchange, Q&A or TKB) exists. .. versionadded:: 2.7.0 :param board_id: The ID of the board to check :type board_id: str, None :param board_url: The URL of the board to check :type board_url: str, None :returns: Boolean value indicating whether the board already exists :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return structures_module.boards.board_exists(self.khoros_object, board_id, board_url)
[docs] def get_message_count(self, board_id): """This method retrieves the total number of messages within a given board. .. versionadded:: 5.3.0 :param board_id: The ID of the board to query :type board_id: str :returns: The number of messages within the node """ return structures_module.boards.get_message_count(self.khoros_object, board_id)
[docs] def get_all_messages(self, board_id, fields=None, where_filter=None, descending=True): """This function retrieves data for all messages within a given board. .. versionchanged:: 5.4.0 Introduced the ``where_filter`` and ``descending`` parameters to optionally filter the LiQL query. .. versionadded:: 5.3.0 :param board_id: The ID of the board to query :type board_id: str :param fields: Specific fields to query if not all fields are needed (comma-separated string or iterable) :type fields: str, tuple, list, set, None :param where_filter: One or more optional WHERE filters to include in the LiQL query :type where_filter: str, tuple, list, set, None :param descending: Determines if the data should be returned in descending order (``True`` by default) :type descending: bool :returns: A list containing a dictionary of data for each message within the board :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return structures_module.boards.get_all_messages(self.khoros_object, board_id, fields, where_filter, descending)
[docs] def get_all_topic_messages(self, board_id, fields=None, descending=True): """This function retrieves data for all topic messages (i.e. zero-depth messages) within a given board. .. versionadded:: 5.4.0 :param board_id: The ID of the board to query :type board_id: str :param fields: Specific fields to query if not all fields are needed (comma-separated string or iterable) :type fields: str, tuple, list, set, None :param descending: Determines if the data should be returned in descending order (``True`` by default) :type descending: bool :returns: A list containing a dictionary of data for each topic message within the board :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return structures_module.boards.get_all_topic_messages(self.khoros_object, board_id, fields, descending)
[docs] class BulkData(object): """This class includes methods for interacting with the Bulk Data API. .. versionadded:: 5.0.0 """
[docs] def __init__(self, khoros_object): """This method initializes the :py:class:`khoros.core.Khoros.Board` inner class object. .. versionadded:: 5.0.0 :param khoros_object: The core :py:class:`khoros.Khoros` object :type khoros_object: class[khoros.Khoros] """ self.khoros_object = khoros_object
[docs] def query(self, community_id=None, client_id=None, token=None, from_date=None, to_date=None, fields=None, europe=None, export_type=None, full_response=False): """This method performs a query against the Bulk Data API to retrieve CSV or JSON data. .. versionadded:: 5.0.0 :param community_id: The Community ID to leverage in the URL :type community_id: str, None :param client_id: The Client ID used to authenticate to the Bulk Data API :type client_id: str, None :param token: The access token used to authenticate to the Bulk Data API :type token: str, None :param from_date: The **From** Date in ``YYYYmmDD`` or ``YYYYmmDDhhMM`` format. :type from_date: str, None :param to_date: The **To** Date in ``YYYYmmDD`` or ``YYYYmmDDhhMM`` format. :type to_date: str, None :param fields: Optional fields to include in the data export as a comma-separated string or iterable :type fields: str, list, tuple, set, None :param europe: Determines if the European URL should be utilized (``False`` by default) :type europe: bool :param export_type: Determines if the data should be returned in ``csv`` (default) or ``json`` format :type export_type: str, None :param full_response: Determines if the full :py:mod:`requests` object should be returned (``False`` by default) :type full_response: bool :returns: The CSV or JSON data for the Bulk Data API request (or the full :py:mod:`requests` object) :raises: :py:exc:`TypeError`, :py:exc:`ValueError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingAuthDataError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.APIRequestError` """ return bulk_data_module.query(self.khoros_object, community_id=community_id, client_id=client_id, token=token, from_date=from_date, to_date=to_date, fields=fields, europe=europe, export_type=export_type, full_response=full_response)
[docs] def get_base_url(self, community_id=None, europe=False): """This method constructs and/or retrieves the base URL for the Bulk Data API. .. versionadded:: 5.0.0 .. note:: The URL from the helper settings will be leveraged when available unless the ``community_id`` is explicitly defined as a function parameter. :param community_id: The Community ID to leverage in the URL :type community_id: str, None :param europe: Determines if the European URL should be utilized (``False`` by default) :type europe: bool :returns: The base URL for the Bulk Data API """ return bulk_data_module.get_base_url(self.khoros_object, community_id=community_id, europe=europe)
[docs] @staticmethod def filter_by_action(action_key, bulk_data): """This method filters a Bulk Data API export for only entries with a specific ``action.key`` value. .. versionadded:: 5.2.0 :param action_key: The ``action.key`` value :type action_key: str :param bulk_data: The Bulk Data API export in JSON format (i.e. dictionary) :type bulk_data: dict :returns: The filtered JSON data as a dictionary :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.DataMismatchError` """ return bulk_data_module.filter_by_action(action_key=action_key, bulk_data=bulk_data)
[docs] @staticmethod def filter_anonymous(bulk_data, remove_anonymous=None, remove_registered=None): """This method filters bulk data entries to keep only registered (default) or anonymous user activities. .. versionadded:: 5.2.0 :param bulk_data: The Bulk Data API export in JSON format (i.e. dictionary) :type bulk_data: dict :param remove_anonymous: Determines if all anonymous user activities should be removed (Default) :type remove_anonymous: bool, None :param remove_registered: Determines if all registered user activities should be removed :type remove_registered: bool, None :returns: The filtered JSON data as a dictionary :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.DataMismatchError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidParameterError` """ return bulk_data_module.filter_anonymous(bulk_data=bulk_data, remove_anonymous=remove_anonymous, remove_registered=remove_registered)
[docs] @staticmethod def count_actions(bulk_data, action_key): """This function counts the number of events for a specific action key in a collection of bulk data. .. versionadded:: 5.2.0 :param bulk_data: The Bulk Data API export in JSON format (i.e. dictionary) :type bulk_data: dict :param action_key: The ``action.key`` value :type action_key: str :returns: The number of events as an integer :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.DataMismatchError` """ return bulk_data_module.count_actions(bulk_data=bulk_data, action_key=action_key)
[docs] @staticmethod def count_logins(bulk_data): """This function counts the number of login events in a collection of bulk data. .. versionadded:: 5.2.0 :param bulk_data: The Bulk Data API export in JSON format (i.e. dictionary) :type bulk_data: dict :returns: The number of login events as an integer :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.DataMismatchError` """ return bulk_data_module.count_logins(bulk_data=bulk_data)
[docs] @staticmethod def count_views(bulk_data): """This function counts the number of view events in a collection of bulk data. .. versionadded:: 5.2.0 :param bulk_data: The Bulk Data API export in JSON format (i.e. dictionary) :type bulk_data: dict :returns: The number of view events as an integer :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.DataMismatchError` """ return bulk_data_module.count_views(bulk_data=bulk_data)
[docs] class Category(object): """This class includes methods for interacting with categories."""
[docs] def __init__(self, khoros_object): """This method initializes the :py:class:`khoros.core.Khoros.Category` inner class object. :param khoros_object: The core :py:class:`khoros.Khoros` object :type khoros_object: class[khoros.Khoros] """ self.khoros_object = khoros_object
[docs] def create(self, category_id, category_title, parent_id=None, return_json=True): """This method creates a new category. .. versionadded:: 2.5.0 :param category_id: The Category ID of the new category (e.g. ``video-games``) :type category_id: str :param category_title: The title of the new category (e.g. ``Video Games``) :type category_title: str :param parent_id: The Category ID of the parent category (optional) :type parent_id: str, None :param return_json: Determines whether the response should be returned in JSON format (``True`` by default) :type return_json: bool :returns: The response from the API call :raises: :py:exc:`ValueError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.POSTRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.APIConnectionError` """ return structures_module.categories.create(self.khoros_object, category_id, category_title, parent_id, return_json)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_category_id(url): """This method retrieves the Category ID for a given category when provided its URL. :param url: The URL from which to parse out the Category ID :type url: str :returns: The Category ID retrieved from the URL :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidURLError` """ return structures_module.categories.get_category_id(url)
[docs] def get_total_count(self): """This method returns the total number of categories within the Khoros Community environment. .. versionadded:: 2.6.0 :returns: The total number of categories as an integer :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return structures_module.categories.get_total_count(self.khoros_object)
[docs] def get_total_category_count(self): """This method returns the total number of categories within the Khoros Community environment. .. versionchanged:: 3.3.2 Added logging for the :py:exc:`DeprecationWarning`. .. deprecated:: 2.6.0 Use the :py:meth:`khoros.core.Khoros.Category.get_total_count` method instead. :returns: The total number of categories as an integer :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ deprecation_msg = "The 'categories.get_total_category_count' method has been replaced with the " \ "'categories.get_total_count' method and will be removed in a future release." logger.warn(deprecation_msg) warnings.warn(deprecation_msg, DeprecationWarning) return self.get_total_count()
[docs] def category_exists(self, category_id=None, category_url=None): """This method checks to see if a category exists. .. versionadded:: 2.7.0 :param category_id: The ID of the category to check :type category_id: str, None :param category_url: The URL of the category to check :type category_url: str, None :returns: Boolean value indicating whether the category already exists :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return structures_module.categories.category_exists(self.khoros_object, category_id, category_url)
[docs] def get_category_details(self, identifier, first_item=True): """This method returns a dictionary of community configuration settings. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param identifier: The Category ID or Category URL with which to identify the category :type identifier: str :param first_item: Filters the response data to the first item returned (``True`` by default) :type first_item: bool :returns: The community details within a dictionary :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidStructureTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return structures_module.categories.get_category_details(self.khoros_object, identifier, first_item)
[docs] def get_category_field(self, field, identifier=None, category_details=None): """This method returns a specific community field from the Khoros Community API. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param field: The field whose value to return from the :py:class:`khoros.structures.base.Mapping` class :type field: str :param identifier: The Category ID or Category URL with which to identify the category :type identifier: str, None :param category_details: The data captured from the :py:func:`khoros.structures.base.get_details` function :type category_details: dict, None :returns: The requested field in its native format :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidFieldError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidStructureTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return structures_module.categories.get_category_field(self.khoros_object, field, identifier, category_details)
[docs] def get_url(self, category_id=None, category_details=None): """This method retrieves the URL of a given category. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param category_id: The ID of the category to be evaluated (optional if ``category_details`` provided) :type category_id: str, None :param category_details: The data captured from the :py:func:`khoros.structures.base.get_details` function :type category_details: dict, None :returns: The full URL of the category :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidFieldError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidStructureTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return structures_module.categories.get_url(self.khoros_object, category_id, category_details)
[docs] def get_title(self, identifier=None, full_title=True, short_title=False, category_details=None): """This method retrieves the full and/or short title of the category. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param identifier: The Category ID or Category URL with which to identify the category :type identifier: str, None :param full_title: Return the full title of the environment (``True`` by default) :type full_title: bool :param short_title: Return the short title of the environment (``False`` by default) :type short_title: bool :param category_details: Dictionary containing community details (optional) :type category_details: dict, None :returns: The title(s) of the environment as a string or a tuple of strings :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidFieldError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidStructureTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return structures_module.categories.get_title(self.khoros_object, identifier, full_title, short_title, category_details)
[docs] def get_description(self, identifier=None, category_details=None): """This method retrieves the description for a given category. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param identifier: The Category ID or Category URL with which to identify the category :type identifier: str, None :param category_details: Dictionary containing community details (optional) :type category_details: dict, None :returns: The description in string format :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidFieldError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidStructureTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return structures_module.categories.get_description(self.khoros_object, identifier, category_details)
[docs] def get_parent_type(self, identifier=None, category_details=None): """This method retrieves the parent type for a given category. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param identifier: The Category ID or Category URL with which to identify the category :type identifier: str, None :param category_details: Dictionary containing community details (optional) :type category_details: dict, None :returns: The parent type in string format :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidFieldError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidStructureTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return structures_module.categories.get_parent_type(self.khoros_object, identifier, category_details)
[docs] def get_parent_id(self, identifier=None, category_details=None): """This method retrieves the parent ID for a given category. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param identifier: The Category ID or Category URL with which to identify the category :type identifier: str, None :param category_details: Dictionary containing community details (optional) :type category_details: dict, None :returns: The parent ID in string format :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidFieldError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidStructureTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return structures_module.categories.get_parent_id(self.khoros_object, identifier, category_details)
[docs] def get_parent_url(self, identifier=None, category_details=None): """This method retrieves the parent URL for a given category. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param identifier: The Category ID or Category URL with which to identify the category :type identifier: str, None :param category_details: Dictionary containing community details (optional) :type category_details: dict, None :returns: The parent URL in string format :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidFieldError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidStructureTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return structures_module.categories.get_parent_url(self.khoros_object, identifier, category_details)
[docs] def get_root_type(self, identifier=None, category_details=None): """This method retrieves the root category type for a given category. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param identifier: The Category ID or Category URL with which to identify the category :type identifier: str, None :param category_details: Dictionary containing community details (optional) :type category_details: dict, None :returns: The root category type in string format :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidFieldError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidStructureTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return structures_module.categories.get_root_type(self.khoros_object, identifier, category_details)
[docs] def get_root_id(self, identifier=None, category_details=None): """This method retrieves the root category ID for a given category. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param identifier: The Category ID or Category URL with which to identify the category :type identifier: str, None :param category_details: Dictionary containing community details (optional) :type category_details: dict, None :returns: The root category ID in string format :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidFieldError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidStructureTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return structures_module.categories.get_root_id(self.khoros_object, identifier, category_details)
[docs] def get_root_url(self, identifier=None, category_details=None): """This method retrieves the root category URL for a given category. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param identifier: The Category ID or Category URL with which to identify the category :type identifier: str, None :param category_details: Dictionary containing community details (optional) :type category_details: dict, None :returns: The root category URL in string format :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidFieldError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidStructureTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return structures_module.categories.get_root_url(self.khoros_object, identifier, category_details)
[docs] def get_language(self, identifier=None, category_details=None): """This method retrieves the defined language for a given category. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param identifier: The Category ID or Category URL with which to identify the category :type identifier: str, None :param category_details: Dictionary containing community details (optional) :type category_details: dict, None :returns: The language (e.g. ``en``) in string format :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidFieldError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidStructureTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return structures_module.categories.get_language(self.khoros_object, identifier, category_details)
[docs] def is_hidden(self, identifier=None, category_details=None): """This method identifies whether a given category is hidden. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param identifier: The Category ID or Category URL with which to identify the category :type identifier: str, None :param category_details: Dictionary containing community details (optional) :type category_details: dict, None :returns: Boolean value indicating if the category is hidden :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidFieldError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidStructureTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return structures_module.categories.is_hidden(self.khoros_object, identifier, category_details)
[docs] def get_views(self, identifier=None, category_details=None): """This method retrieves the total view count for a given category. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param identifier: The Category ID or Category URL with which to identify the category :type identifier: str, None :param category_details: Dictionary containing community details (optional) :type category_details: dict, None :returns: The total number of views :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidFieldError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidStructureTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return structures_module.categories.get_views(self.khoros_object, identifier, category_details)
[docs] def friendly_date_enabled(self, identifier=None, category_details=None): """This method identifies if friendly dates are enabled for a given category. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param identifier: The Category ID or Category URL with which to identify the category :type identifier: str, None :param category_details: Dictionary containing community details (optional) :type category_details: dict, None :returns: Boolean indicating if friendly dates are enabled :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidFieldError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidStructureTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return structures_module.categories.friendly_date_enabled(self.khoros_object, identifier, category_details)
[docs] def get_friendly_date_max_age(self, identifier=None, category_details=None): """This method retrieves the maximum age where friendly dates should be used (if enabled) for a category. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param identifier: The Category ID or Category URL with which to identify the category :type identifier: str, None :param category_details: Dictionary containing community details (optional) :type category_details: dict, None :returns: Integer representing the number of days the friendly date feature should be leveraged if enabled :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidFieldError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidStructureTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return structures_module.categories.get_friendly_date_max_age(self, identifier, category_details)
[docs] def get_active_skin(self, identifier=None, category_details=None): """This method retrieves the skin being used with a given category. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param identifier: The Category ID or Category URL with which to identify the category :type identifier: str, None :param category_details: Dictionary containing community details (optional) :type category_details: dict, None :returns: The name of the active skin in string format :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidFieldError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidStructureTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return structures_module.categories.get_active_skin(self.khoros_object, identifier, category_details)
[docs] def get_depth(self, identifier=None, category_details=None): """This method retrieves the depth of a given category. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param identifier: The Category ID or Category URL with which to identify the category :type identifier: str, None :param category_details: Dictionary containing community details (optional) :type category_details: dict, None :returns: The depth of the category as an integer :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidFieldError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidStructureTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return structures_module.categories.get_depth(self.khoros_object, identifier, category_details)
[docs] def get_position(self, identifier=None, category_details=None): """This method retrieves the position of a given category. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param identifier: The Category ID or Category URL with which to identify the category :type identifier: str, None :param category_details: Dictionary containing community details (optional) :type category_details: dict, None :returns: The position of the category as an integer :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidFieldError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidStructureTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return structures_module.categories.get_position(self.khoros_object, identifier, category_details)
[docs] def get_creation_date(self, identifier=None, category_details=None): """This method retrieves the creation date of a given category. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param identifier: The Category ID or Category URL with which to identify the category :type identifier: str, None :param category_details: Dictionary containing community details (optional) :type category_details: dict, None :returns: The creation of the category in string format :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidFieldError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidStructureTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ # TODO: Allow a format to be specified and the ability to parse as a datetime object if needed return structures_module.categories.get_creation_date(self.khoros_object, identifier, category_details)
[docs] class Community(object): """This class includes methods for interacting with the overall Khoros Community."""
[docs] def __init__(self, khoros_object): """This method initializes the :py:class:`khoros.core.Khoros.Community` inner class object. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param khoros_object: The core :py:class:`khoros.Khoros` object :type khoros_object: class[khoros.Khoros] """ self.khoros_object = khoros_object
[docs] def get_community_details(self): """This method returns a dictionary of community configuration settings. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :returns: The community details within a dictionary :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return structures_module.communities.get_community_details(self.khoros_object)
[docs] def get_community_field(self, field, community_details=None): """This method retrieves a particular field from the community collection in the API. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param field: The field whose value to return from the :py:class:`khoros.structures.base.Mapping` class :type field: str :param community_details: The data captured from the :py:func:`khoros.structures.base.get_details` function :type community_details: dict, None :returns: The requested field in its native format :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidFieldError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidStructureTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return structures_module.communities.get_community_field(self.khoros_object, field, community_details)
[docs] def get_tenant_id(self, community_details=None): """This method retrieves the tenant ID of the environment. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param community_details: Dictionary containing community details (optional) :type community_details: dict, None :returns: The tenant ID in string format :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return structures_module.communities.get_tenant_id(self.khoros_object, community_details)
[docs] def get_title(self, full_title=True, short_title=False, community_details=None): """This method retrieves the full and/or short title of the environment. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param full_title: Return the full title of the environment (``True`` by default) :type full_title: bool :param short_title: Return the short title of the environment (``False`` by default) :type short_title: bool :param community_details: Dictionary containing community details (optional) :type community_details: dict, None :returns: The title(s) of the environment as a string or a tuple of strings :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return structures_module.communities.get_title(self.khoros_object, full_title, short_title, community_details)
[docs] def get_description(self, community_details=None): """This method retrieves the description of the environment. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param community_details: Dictionary containing community details (optional) :type community_details: dict, None :returns: The description in string format :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return structures_module.communities.get_description(self.khoros_object, community_details)
[docs] def get_primary_url(self, community_details=None): """This method retrieves the primary URL of the environment. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param community_details: Dictionary containing community details (optional) :type community_details: dict, None :returns: The primary URL in string format :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return structures_module.communities.get_primary_url(self.khoros_object, community_details)
[docs] def get_max_attachments(self, community_details=None): """This method retrieves the maximum number of attachments permitted per message within the environment. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param community_details: Dictionary containing community details (optional) :type community_details: dict, None :returns: The value as an integer :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return structures_module.communities.get_max_attachments(self.khoros_object, community_details)
[docs] def get_permitted_attachment_types(self, community_details=None): """This method retrieves the attachment file types permitted within the environment. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param community_details: Dictionary containing community details (optional) :type community_details: dict, None :returns: The permitted file types within a list :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return structures_module.communities.get_permitted_attachment_types(self.khoros_object, community_details)
[docs] def email_confirmation_required_to_post(self, community_details=None): """This method identifies if an email configuration is required before posting in the environment. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param community_details: Dictionary containing community details (optional) :type community_details: dict, None :returns: Boolean value indicating if email configuration is required before posting :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return structures_module.communities.email_confirmation_required_to_post(self.khoros_object, community_details)
[docs] def get_language(self, community_details=None): """This method retrieves the language (e.g. ``en``) utilized in the environment. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param community_details: Dictionary containing community details (optional) :type community_details: dict, None :returns: The language code as a string :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return structures_module.communities.get_language(self.khoros_object, community_details)
[docs] def get_ooyala_player_branding_id(self, community_details=None): """This method retrieves the branding ID for the Ooyala Player utilized within the environment. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param community_details: Dictionary containing community details (optional) :type community_details: dict, None :returns: The branding ID in string format :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return structures_module.communities.get_ooyala_player_branding_id(self.khoros_object, community_details)
[docs] def get_date_pattern(self, community_details=None): """This method retrieves the date pattern (e.g. ``yyyy-MM-dd``) utilized within the environment. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param community_details: Dictionary containing community details (optional) :type community_details: dict, None :returns: The date pattern in string format :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return structures_module.communities.get_date_pattern(self.khoros_object, community_details)
[docs] def friendly_date_enabled(self, community_details=None): """This method if the friendly date functionality is utilized within the environment. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param community_details: Dictionary containing community details (optional) :type community_details: dict, None :returns: Boolean value indicating if the feature is enabled :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return structures_module.communities.friendly_date_enabled(self.khoros_object, community_details)
[docs] def get_friendly_date_max_age(self, community_details=None): """This method identifies if the friendly date functionality is utilized within the environment. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param community_details: Dictionary containing community details (optional) :type community_details: dict, None :returns: Boolean value indicating if the feature is enabled :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return structures_module.communities.get_friendly_date_max_age(self.khoros_object, community_details)
[docs] def get_active_skin(self, community_details=None): """This method retrieves the primary active skin that is utilized within the environment. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param community_details: Dictionary containing community details (optional) :type community_details: dict, None :returns: The skin name as a string :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return structures_module.communities.get_active_skin(self.khoros_object, community_details)
[docs] def get_sign_out_url(self, community_details=None): """This method retrieves the Sign Out URL for the environment. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param community_details: Dictionary containing community details (optional) :type community_details: dict, None :returns: The Sign Out URL as a string :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return structures_module.communities.get_sign_out_url(self.khoros_object, community_details)
[docs] def get_creation_date(self, community_details=None): """This method retrieves the timestamp for the initial creation of the environment. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param community_details: Dictionary containing community details (optional) :type community_details: dict, None :returns: The creation date as a string (e.g. ``2020-02-03T22:41:36.408-08:00``) :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ # TODO: Allow a format to be specified and the ability to parse as a datetime object if needed return structures_module.communities.get_creation_date(self.khoros_object, community_details)
[docs] def top_level_categories_enabled(self, community_details=None): """This method identifies if top level categories are enabled within the environment. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param community_details: Dictionary containing community details (optional) :type community_details: dict, None :returns: Boolean value indicating if top level categories are enabled :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return structures_module.communities.top_level_categories_enabled(self.khoros_object, community_details)
[docs] def show_community_node_in_breadcrumb(self, community_details=None): """This method identifies if the community node should be shown in breadcrumbs. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param community_details: Dictionary containing community details (optional) :type community_details: dict, None :returns: Boolean value indicating if the community node is displayed in bredcrumbs :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return structures_module.communities.show_community_node_in_breadcrumb(self.khoros_object, community_details)
[docs] def show_breadcrumb_at_top_level(self, community_details=None): """This method identifies if breadcrumbs should be shown at the top level of the environment. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param community_details: Dictionary containing community details (optional) :type community_details: dict, None :returns: Boolean value indicating if breadcrumbs are displayed at the top level of the environment :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return structures_module.communities.show_breadcrumb_at_top_level(self.khoros_object, community_details)
[docs] def top_level_categories_on_community_page(self, community_details=None): """This method identifies if top level categories are enabled on community pages. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param community_details: Dictionary containing community details (optional) :type community_details: dict, None :returns: Boolean value indicating if top level categories are enabled on community pages :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return structures_module.communities.top_level_categories_on_community_page(self.khoros_object, community_details)
[docs] def sso_enabled(self, community_details=None): """This function checks whether SSO is enabled for the community. .. versionadded:: 5.0.0 :param community_details: Dictionary containing community details (optional) :type community_details: dict, None :returns: A Boolean value indicating whether SSO is enabled """ return structures_module.communities.sso_enabled(self.khoros_object, community_details)
[docs] class GroupHub(object): """This class includes methods for interacting with group hubs."""
[docs] def __init__(self, khoros_object): """This method initializes the :py:class:`khoros.core.Khoros.GroupHub` inner class object. :param khoros_object: The core :py:class:`khoros.Khoros` object :type khoros_object: class[khoros.Khoros] """ self.khoros_object = khoros_object
[docs] def create(self, group_id, group_title, description=None, membership_type=None, open_group=None, closed_group=None, hidden_group=None, discussion_styles=None, enable_blog=None, enable_contest=None, enable_forum=None, enable_idea=None, enable_qanda=None, enable_tkb=None, all_styles_default=True, parent_category_id=None, avatar_image_path=None, full_response=None, return_id=None, return_url=None, return_api_url=None, return_http_code=None, return_status=None, return_error_messages=None, split_errors=False): """This method creates a new group hub within a Khoros Community environment. .. versionadded:: 2.6.0 :param group_id: The unique identifier (i.e. ``id`` field) for the new group hub **(Required)** :type group_id: str, int :param group_title: The title of the group hub **(Required)** :type group_title: str :param description: A brief description of the group hub :type description: str, None :param membership_type: The ``membership_type`` value (``open``, ``closed`` or ``closed_hidden``) :type membership_type: dict, None :param open_group: Defines the group hub as an open group :type open_group: bool, None :param closed_group: Defines the group hub as a closed group :type closed_group: bool, None :param hidden_group: Defines the group hub as a closed and hidden group :type hidden_group: bool, None :param discussion_styles: A list of discussion styles that will be permitted in the group hub :type discussion_styles: list, None :param enable_blog: Defines that the **blog** discussion style should be enabled for the group hub :type enable_blog: bool, None :param enable_contest: Defines that the **contest** discussion style should be enabled for the group hub :type enable_contest: bool, None :param enable_forum: Defines that the **forum** discussion style should be enabled for the group hub :type enable_forum: bool, None :param enable_idea: Defines that the **idea** discussion style should be enabled for the group hub :type enable_idea: bool, None :param enable_qanda: Defines that the **Q&A** (``qanda``) discussion style should be enabled for the group hub :type enable_qanda: bool, None :param enable_tkb: Defines that the **TKB** (``tkb``) discussion style should be enabled for the group hub :type enable_tkb: bool, None :param all_styles_default: Enables all discussion styles if not otherwise specified :type all_styles_default: bool :param parent_category_id: The parent category identifier (if applicable) :type parent_category_id: str, int, None :param avatar_image_path: The file path to the avatar image to be uploaded (if applicable) :type avatar_image_path: str, None :param full_response: Determines whether the full, raw API response should be returned by the function .. caution:: This argument overwrites the ``return_id``, ``return_url``, ``return_api_url``, ``return_http_code``, ``return_status`` and ``return_error_messages`` arguments. :type full_response: bool, None :param return_id: Determines if the **ID** of the new group hub should be returned by the function :type return_id: bool, None :param return_url: Determines if the **URL** of the new group hub should be returned by the function :type return_url: bool, None :param return_api_url: Determines if the **API URL** of the new group hub should be returned by the function :type return_api_url: bool, None :param return_http_code: Determines if the **HTTP Code** of the API response should be returned by the function :type return_http_code: bool, None :param return_status: Determines if the **Status** of the API response should be returned by the function :type return_status: bool, None :param return_error_messages: Determines if any error messages associated with the API response should be returned by the function :type return_error_messages: bool, None :param split_errors: Defines whether error messages should be merged when applicable :type split_errors: bool :returns: Boolean value indicating a successful outcome (default), the full API response or one or more specific fields defined by function arguments :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidPayloadValueError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.APIConnectionError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.POSTRequestError` """ return structures_module.grouphubs.create(self.khoros_object, group_id, group_title, description, membership_type, open_group, closed_group, hidden_group, discussion_styles, enable_blog, enable_contest, enable_forum, enable_idea, enable_qanda, enable_tkb, all_styles_default, parent_category_id, avatar_image_path, full_response, return_id, return_url, return_api_url, return_http_code, return_status, return_error_messages, split_errors)
[docs] def structure_payload(self, group_id, group_title, description=None, membership_type=None, open_group=None, closed_group=None, hidden_group=None, discussion_styles=None, enable_blog=None, enable_contest=None, enable_forum=None, enable_idea=None, enable_qanda=None, enable_tkb=None, all_styles_default=True, parent_category_id=None): """This method structures the payload to use in a Group Hub API request. .. versionadded:: 2.6.0 :param group_id: The unique identifier (i.e. ``id`` field) for the new group hub **(Required)** :type group_id: str, int :param group_title: The title of the group hub **(Required)** :type group_title: str :param description: A brief description of the group hub :type description: str, None :param membership_type: The ``membership_type`` value (``open``, ``closed`` or ``closed_hidden``) :type membership_type: dict, None :param open_group: Defines the group hub as an open group :type open_group: bool, None :param closed_group: Defines the group hub as a closed group :type closed_group: bool, None :param hidden_group: Defines the group hub as a closed and hidden group :type hidden_group: bool, None :param discussion_styles: A list of discussion styles that will be permitted in the group hub :type discussion_styles: list, None :param enable_blog: Defines if the **blog** discussion style should be enabled for the group hub :type enable_blog: bool, None :param enable_contest: Defines if the **contest** discussion style should be enabled for the group hub :type enable_contest: bool, None :param enable_forum: Defines if the **forum** discussion style should be enabled for the group hub :type enable_forum: bool, None :param enable_idea: Defines if the **idea** discussion style should be enabled for the group hub :type enable_idea: bool, None :param enable_qanda: Defines if the **Q&A** (``qanda``) discussion style should be enabled for the group hub :type enable_qanda: bool, None :param enable_tkb: Defines if the **TKB** (``tkb``) discussion style should be enabled for the group hub :type enable_tkb: bool, None :param all_styles_default: Defines if all discussion styles should be enabled if not otherwise specified :type all_styles_default: bool :param parent_category_id: The parent category identifier (if applicable) :type parent_category_id: str, int, None :returns: The properly formatted payload for the API request :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidPayloadValueError` """ return structures_module.grouphubs.structure_payload(self.khoros_object, group_id, group_title, description, membership_type, open_group, closed_group, hidden_group, discussion_styles, enable_blog, enable_contest, enable_forum, enable_idea, enable_qanda, enable_tkb, all_styles_default, parent_category_id)
[docs] def get_total_count(self): """This method returns the total number of group hubs within the Khoros Community environment. :returns: The total number of group hubs as an integer """ return structures_module.grouphubs.get_total_count(self.khoros_object)
[docs] def grouphub_exists(self, grouphub_id=None, grouphub_url=None): """This method checks to see if a group hub exists. .. versionadded:: 2.7.0 :param grouphub_id: The ID of the group hub to check :type grouphub_id: str, None :param grouphub_url: The URL of the group hub to check :type grouphub_url: str, None :returns: Boolean value indicating whether the group hub already exists :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return structures_module.grouphubs.grouphub_exists(self.khoros_object, grouphub_id, grouphub_url)
[docs] def update_title(self, new_title, group_hub_id=None, group_hub_url=None, full_response=None, return_id=None, return_url=None, return_api_url=None, return_http_code=None, return_status=None, return_error_messages=None, split_errors=False): """This method updates the title of an existing group hub. .. versionadded:: 2.6.0 :param new_title: The new title for the group hub :type new_title: str :param group_hub_id: The group hub ID that identifies the group hub to update (necessary if URL not provided) :type group_hub_id: str, None :param group_hub_url: The group hub URL that identifies the group hub to update (necessary if ID not provided) :type group_hub_url: str, None :param full_response: Determines whether the full, raw API response should be returned by the function .. caution:: This argument overwrites the ``return_id``, ``return_url``, ``return_api_url``, ``return_http_code``, ``return_status`` and ``return_error_messages`` arguments. :type full_response: bool, None :param return_id: Determines if the **ID** of the new group hub should be returned by the function :type return_id: bool, None :param return_url: Determines if the **URL** of the new group hub should be returned by the function :type return_url: bool, None :param return_api_url: Determines if the **API URL** of the new group hub should be returned by the function :type return_api_url: bool, None :param return_http_code: Determines if the **HTTP Code** of the API response should be returned by the function :type return_http_code: bool, None :param return_status: Determines if the **Status** of the API response should be returned by the function :type return_status: bool, None :param return_error_messages: Determines if any error messages associated with the API response should be returned by the function :type return_error_messages: bool, None :param split_errors: Defines whether error messages should be merged when applicable :type split_errors: bool :returns: Boolean value indicating a successful outcome (default), the full API response or one or more specific fields defined by function arguments :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.APIConnectionError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.PUTRequestError` """ return structures_module.grouphubs.update_title(self.khoros_object, new_title, group_hub_id, group_hub_url, full_response, return_id, return_url, return_api_url, return_http_code, return_status, return_error_messages, split_errors)
[docs] class Label(object): """This class includes methods for interacting with labels."""
[docs] def __init__(self, khoros_object): """This method initializes the :py:class:`khoros.core.Khoros.Label` inner class object. :param khoros_object: The core :py:class:`khoros.Khoros` object :type khoros_object: class[khoros.Khoros] """ self.khoros_object = khoros_object
[docs] def get_labels_for_message(self, message_id): """This method retrieves the labels associated with a specific message. .. versionadded:: 5.3.0 :param message_id: The ID associated with the message to query :type message_id: str, int :returns: A list of strings for the labels :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return objects_module.labels.get_labels_for_message(self.khoros_object, message_id)
[docs] class Message(object): """This class includes methods for interacting with messages."""
[docs] def __init__(self, khoros_object): """This method initializes the :py:class:`khoros.core.Khoros.Message` inner class object. :param khoros_object: The core :py:class:`khoros.Khoros` object :type khoros_object: class[khoros.Khoros] """ self.khoros_object = khoros_object
[docs] def create(self, subject=None, body=None, node=None, node_id=None, node_url=None, canonical_url=None, context_id=None, context_url=None, cover_image=None, images=None, is_answer=None, is_draft=None, labels=None, product_category=None, products=None, read_only=None, seo_title=None, seo_description=None, tags=None, ignore_non_string_tags=False, teaser=None, topic=None, videos=None, attachment_file_paths=None, full_payload=None, full_response=None, return_id=None, return_url=None, return_api_url=None, return_http_code=None, return_status=None, return_error_messages=None, split_errors=False, proxy_user_object=None): """This method creates a new message within a given node. .. versionchanged:: 4.4.0 Introduced the ``proxy_user_object`` parameter to allow messages to be created on behalf of other users. .. versionchanged:: 4.3.0 It is now possible to pass the pre-constructed full JSON payload into the function via the ``full_payload`` parameter as an alternative to defining each field individually. .. versionchanged:: 2.8.0 The ``ignore_non_string_tags``, ``return_status``, ``return_error_messages`` and ``split_errors`` arguments were introduced. .. versionadded:: 2.3.0 :param subject: The title or subject of the message :type subject: str, None :param body: The body of the message in HTML format :type body: str, None :param node: A dictionary containing the ``id`` key and its associated value indicating the destination :type node: dict, None :param node_id: The ID of the node in which the message will be published :type node_id: str, None :param node_url: The URL of the node in which the message will be published .. note:: This argument is necessary in the absence of the ``node`` and ``node_id`` arguments. :type node_url: str, None :param canonical_url: The search engine-friendly URL to the message :type canonical_url: str, None :param context_id: Metadata on a message to identify the message with an external identifier of your choice :type context_id: str, None :param context_url: Metadata on a message representing a URL to associate with the message (external identifier) :type context_url: str, None :param cover_image: The cover image set for the message :type cover_image: dict, None :param images: The query to retrieve images uploaded to the message :type images: dict, None :param is_answer: Designates the message as an answer on a Q&A board :type is_answer: bool, None :param is_draft: Indicates whether the message is still a draft (i.e. unpublished) :type is_draft: bool, None :param labels: The query to retrieve labels applied to the message :type labels: dict, None :param product_category: The product category (i.e. container for ``products``) associated with the message :type product_category: dict, None :param products: The product in a product catalog associated with the message :type products: dict, None :param read_only: Indicates whether the message should be read-only or have replies/comments blocked :type read_only: bool, None :param seo_title: The title of the message used for SEO purposes :type seo_title: str, None :param seo_description: A description of the message used for SEO purposes :type seo_description: str, None :param tags: The query to retrieve tags applied to the message :type tags: dict, None :param ignore_non_string_tags: Determines if non-strings (excluding iterables) should be ignored rather than converted to strings (``False`` by default) :type ignore_non_string_tags: bool :param teaser: The message teaser (used with blog articles) :type teaser: str, None :param topic: The root message of the conversation in which the message appears :type topic: dict, None :param videos: The query to retrieve videos uploaded to the message :type videos: dict, None :param attachment_file_paths: The full path(s) to one or more attachment (e.g. ``path/to/file1.pdf``) :type attachment_file_paths: str, tuple, list, set, None :param full_payload: Pre-constructed full JSON payload as a dictionary (*preferred*) or a JSON string with the following syntax: .. code-block:: json { "data": { "type": "message", } } .. note:: The ``type`` field shown above is essential for the payload to be valid. :type full_payload: dict, str, None :param full_response: Defines if the full response should be returned instead of the outcome (``False`` by default) .. caution:: This argument overwrites the ``return_id``, ``return_url``, ``return_api_url`` and ``return_http_code`` arguments. :type full_response: bool, None :param return_id: Indicates that the **Message ID** should be returned (``False`` by default) :type return_id: bool, None :param return_url: Indicates that the **Message URL** should be returned (``False`` by default) :type return_url: bool, None :param return_api_url: Indicates that the **API URL** of the message should be returned (``False`` by default) :type return_api_url: bool, None :param return_http_code: Indicates that the **HTTP status code** of the response should be returned (``False`` by default) :type return_http_code: bool, None :param return_status: Determines if the **Status** of the API response should be returned by the function :type return_status: bool, None :param return_error_messages: Determines if the **Developer Response Message** (if any) associated with the API response should be returned by the function :type return_error_messages: bool, None :param split_errors: Defines whether error messages should be merged when applicable :type split_errors: bool :param proxy_user_object: Instantiated :py:class:`khoros.objects.users.ImpersonatedUser` object to create the message on behalf of a secondary user. :type proxy_user_object: class[khoros.objects.users.ImpersonatedUser], None :returns: Boolean value indicating a successful outcome (default) or the full API response :raises: :py:exc:`TypeError`, :py:exc:`ValueError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.DataMismatchError` """ return objects_module.messages.create(self.khoros_object, subject, body, node, node_id, node_url, canonical_url, context_id, context_url, cover_image, images, is_answer, is_draft, labels, product_category, products, read_only, seo_title, seo_description, tags, ignore_non_string_tags, teaser, topic, videos, attachment_file_paths, full_payload, full_response, return_id, return_url, return_api_url, return_http_code, return_status, return_error_messages, split_errors, proxy_user_object)
[docs] def update(self, msg_id=None, msg_url=None, subject=None, body=None, node=None, node_id=None, node_url=None, canonical_url=None, context_id=None, context_url=None, cover_image=None, is_draft=None, labels=None, moderation_status=None, parent=None, product_category=None, products=None, read_only=None, topic=None, status=None, seo_title=None, seo_description=None, tags=None, overwrite_tags=False, ignore_non_string_tags=False, teaser=None, attachments_to_add=None, attachments_to_remove=None, full_response=None, return_id=None, return_url=None, return_api_url=None, return_http_code=None, return_status=None, return_error_messages=None, split_errors=False, proxy_user_object=None): """This method updates one or more elements of an existing message. .. versionchanged:: 4.4.0 Introduced the ``proxy_user_object`` parameter to allow messages to be updated on behalf of other users. .. versionadded:: 2.8.0 :param msg_id: The ID of the existing message :type msg_id: str, int, None :param msg_url: The URL of the existing message :type msg_url: str, None :param subject: The title or subject of the message :type subject: str, None :param body: The body of the message in HTML format :type body: str, None :param node: A dictionary containing the ``id`` key and its associated value indicating the destination :type node: dict, None :param node_id: The ID of the node in which the message will be published :type node_id: str, None :param node_url: The URL of the node in which the message will be published .. note:: This argument is necessary in the absence of the ``node`` and ``node_id`` arguments. :type node_url: str, None :param canonical_url: The search engine-friendly URL to the message :type canonical_url: str, None :param context_id: Metadata on a message to identify the message with an external identifier of your choosing :type context_id: str, None :param context_url: Metadata on a message representing a URL to associate with the message (external identifier) :type context_url: str, None :param cover_image: The cover image set for the message :type cover_image: dict, None :param is_draft: Indicates whether the message is still a draft (i.e. unpublished) :type is_draft: bool, None :param labels: The query to retrieve labels applied to the message :type labels: dict, None :param moderation_status: The moderation status of the message .. note:: Acceptable values are ``unmoderated``, ``approved``, ``rejected``, ``marked_undecided``, ``marked_approved`` and ``marked_rejected``. :type moderation_status: str, None :param parent: The parent of the message :type parent: str, None :param product_category: The product category (i.e. container for ``products``) associated with the message :type product_category: dict, None :param products: The product in a product catalog associated with the message :type products: dict, None :param read_only: Indicates whether the message should be read-only or have replies/comments blocked :type read_only: bool, None :param topic: The root message of the conversation in which the message appears :type topic: dict, None :param status: The message status for messages where is ``idea`` or ``contest`` .. caution:: This property is not returned if the message has the default ``Unspecified`` status assigned. It will only be returned for ideas with a status of Completed or with a custom status created in Community Admin. :type status: dict, None :param seo_title: The title of the message used for SEO purposes :type seo_title: str, None :param seo_description: A description of the message used for SEO purposes :type seo_description: str, None :param tags: The query to retrieve tags applied to the message :type tags: dict, None :param overwrite_tags: Determines if tags should overwrite any existing tags (where applicable) or if the tags should be appended to the existing tags (default) :type overwrite_tags: bool :param ignore_non_string_tags: Determines if non-strings (excluding iterables) should be ignored rather than converted to strings (``False`` by default) :type ignore_non_string_tags: bool :param teaser: The message teaser (used with blog articles) :type teaser: str, None :param attachments_to_add: The full path(s) to one or more attachments (e.g. ``path/to/file1.pdf``) to be added to the message :type attachments_to_add: str, tuple, list, set, None :param attachments_to_remove: One or more attachments to remove from the message .. note:: Each attachment should specify the attachment id of the attachment to remove, which begins with ``m#_``. (e.g. ``m283_file1.pdf``) :type attachments_to_remove: str, tuple, list, set, None :param full_response: Defines if the full response should be returned instead of the outcome (``False`` by default) .. caution:: This argument overwrites the ``return_id``, ``return_url``, ``return_api_url`` and ``return_http_code`` arguments. :type full_response: bool, None :param return_id: Indicates that the **Message ID** should be returned (``False`` by default) :type return_id: bool, None :param return_url: Indicates that the **Message URL** should be returned (``False`` by default) :type return_url: bool, None :param return_api_url: Indicates that the **API URL** of the message should be returned (``False`` by default) :type return_api_url: bool, None :param return_http_code: Indicates that the **HTTP status code** of the response should be returned (``False`` by default) :type return_http_code: bool, None :param return_status: Determines if the **Status** of the API response should be returned by the function :type return_status: bool, None :param return_error_messages: Determines if the **Developer Response Message** (if any) associated with the API response should be returned by the function :type return_error_messages: bool, None :param split_errors: Defines whether error messages should be merged when applicable :type split_errors: bool :param proxy_user_object: Instantiated :py:class:`khoros.objects.users.ImpersonatedUser` object to create the message on behalf of a secondary user. :type proxy_user_object: class[khoros.objects.users.ImpersonatedUser], None :returns: Boolean value indicating a successful outcome (default) or the full API response :raises: :py:exc:`TypeError`, :py:exc:`ValueError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.DataMismatchError` """ return objects_module.messages.update(self.khoros_object, msg_id, msg_url, subject, body, node, node_id, node_url, canonical_url, context_id, context_url, cover_image, is_draft, labels, moderation_status, parent, product_category, products, read_only, topic, status, seo_title, seo_description, tags, overwrite_tags, ignore_non_string_tags, teaser, attachments_to_add, attachments_to_remove, full_response, return_id, return_url, return_api_url, return_http_code, return_status, return_error_messages, split_errors, proxy_user_object)
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_v2_response(json_response, return_dict=False, status=False, response_msg=False, http_code=False, message_id=False, message_url=False, message_api_uri=False, v2_base=''): """This method parses an API response for a message operation (e.g. creating a message) and returns data. .. versionchanged:: 3.3.2 Added logging for the :py:exc:`DeprecationWarning`. .. versionchanged:: 3.2.0 The lower-level function call now utilizes keyword arguments to fix an argument mismatch issue. .. deprecated:: 2.5.0 Use the :py:func:`khoros.core.Khoros.parse_v2_response` function instead. .. versionadded:: 2.3.0 :param json_response: The API response in JSON format :type json_response: dict :param return_dict: Defines if the parsed data should be returned within a dictionary :type return_dict: bool :param status: Defines if the **status** value should be returned :type status: bool :param response_msg: Defines if the **developer response** message should be returned :type response_msg: bool :param http_code: Defines if the **HTTP status code** should be returned :type http_code: bool :param message_id: Defines if the **message ID** should be returned :type message_id: bool :param message_url: Defines if the **message URL** should be returned :type message_url: bool :param message_api_uri: Defines if the ** message API URI** should be returned :type message_api_uri: bool :param v2_base: The base URL for the API v2 :type v2_base: str :returns: A string, tuple or dictionary with the parsed data :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ deprecation_msg = "The 'messages.parse_v2_response' method is deprecated and the 'parse_v2_response' " \ "method should be used instead." warnings.warn(deprecation_msg, DeprecationWarning) logger.warn(deprecation_msg) dev_msg = response_msg return api.parse_v2_response(json_response, return_dict, status, response_msg, dev_msg, http_code=http_code, data_id=message_id, data_url=message_url, data_api_uri=message_api_uri, v2_base=v2_base)
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_message_payload(payload): """This method validates the payload for a message to ensure that it can be successfully utilized. .. versionadded:: 4.3.0 :param payload: The message payload to be validated as a dictionary (*preferred*) or a JSON string. :type payload: dict, str :returns: The payload as a dictionary :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidMessagePayloadError` """ return objects_module.messages.validate_message_payload(payload)
[docs] def kudo(self, msg_id): """This method kudos (i.e. "likes") a message. .. versionadded:: 5.1.0 :param msg_id: The ID of the message to be kudoed :type msg_id: str, int :returns: The API response in JSON format :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.APIConnectionError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.POSTRequestError` """ return objects_module.messages.kudo(self.khoros_object, msg_id)
[docs] def flag(self, msg_id): """This method flags a message as spam. .. versionadded:: 5.1.0 :param msg_id: The ID of the message to be flagged :type msg_id: str, int :returns: The API response in JSON format :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.APIConnectionError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.POSTRequestError` """ return objects_module.messages.flag(self.khoros_object, msg_id)
[docs] def unflag(self, msg_id): """This method flags a message as not being spam. .. versionadded:: 5.1.0 :param msg_id: The ID of the message to be flagged :type msg_id: str, int :returns: The API response in JSON format :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.APIConnectionError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.POSTRequestError` """ return objects_module.messages.unflag(self.khoros_object, msg_id)
[docs] def label(self, msg_id, label_text): """This function adds a single label to a given message. .. versionadded:: 5.1.0 :param msg_id: The ID of the message to be flagged :type msg_id: str, int :param label_text: The label to be added :type label_text: str :returns: The API response in JSON format :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.APIConnectionError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.POSTRequestError` """ return objects_module.messages.label(self.khoros_object, msg_id, label_text)
[docs] def tag(self, msg_id, tag_text): """This function adds a single tag to a given message. .. versionadded:: 5.1.0 :param msg_id: The ID of the message to be flagged :type msg_id: str, int :param tag_text: The tag to be added :type tag_text: str :returns: The API response in JSON format :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.APIConnectionError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.POSTRequestError` """ return objects_module.messages.tag(self.khoros_object, msg_id, tag_text)
[docs] def get_metadata(self, msg_id, metadata_key): """This method retrieves the value for a specific metadata key associated with a given message. .. versionadded:: 4.5.0 :param msg_id: The ID of the message for which the metadata will be retrieved :type msg_id: str, int :param metadata_key: The metadata key for which the value will be retrieved :type metadata_key: str :returns: The metadata value :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError', :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidMetadataError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return objects_module.messages.get_metadata(self.khoros_object, msg_id, metadata_key)
[docs] def get_context_id(self, msg_id): """This method retrieves the Context ID value for a given message ID. .. versionadded:: 5.0.0 :param msg_id: The message ID to query :type msg_id: str :returns: The value of the Context ID metadata field :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.get_context_id` """ return objects_module.messages.get_context_id(self.khoros_object, msg_id)
[docs] def get_context_url(self, msg_id): """This method retrieves the Context URL value for a given message ID. .. versionadded:: 5.0.0 :param msg_id: The message ID to query :type msg_id: str :returns: The value of the Context URL metadata field :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.get_context_id` """ return objects_module.messages.get_context_url(self.khoros_object, msg_id)
[docs] def define_context_id(self, msg_id, context_id='', full_response=False): """This method defines the context_id metadata value for a given message. .. versionadded:: 5.0.0 :param msg_id: The message ID to query :type msg_id: str :param context_id: The value to be written to the context_id metadata field (Empty by default) :type context_id: str :param full_response: Determines if the full API response should be returned (``False`` by default) :type full_response: bool :returns: A Boolean value to indicate the success of the operation or alternatively the full API response :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.APIRequestError` """ return objects_module.messages.define_context_id(self.khoros_object, msg_id, context_id, full_response)
[docs] def define_context_url(self, msg_id, context_url='', full_response=False): """This function defines the context_url metadata value for a given message. .. versionadded:: 5.0.0 :param msg_id: The message ID to query :type msg_id: str :param context_url: The value to be written to the context_url metadata field (Empty by default) :type context_url: str :param full_response: Determines if the full API response should be returned (``False`` by default) :type full_response: bool :returns: A Boolean value to indicate the success of the operation or alternatively the full API response :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.APIRequestError` """ return objects_module.messages.define_context_url(self.khoros_object, msg_id, context_url, full_response)
[docs] def format_content_mention(self, content_info=None, content_id=None, title=None, url=None): """This method formats the ``<li-message>`` HTML tag for a content @mention. .. versionadded:: 2.4.0 :param content_info: A dictionary containing the ``'id'`` and/or ``'login'`` key(s) with the user data .. note:: This argument is necessary if the Title and URL are not explicitly passed using the ``title`` and ``url`` function arguments. :type content_info: dict, None :param content_id: The Message ID (aka Content ID) associated with the content mention .. note:: This is an optional argument as the ID can be retrieved from the URL. :type content_id: str, int, None :param title: The display title for the content mention (e.g. ``"Click Here"``) :type title: str, None :param url: The fully-qualified URL of the message being mentioned :type url: str, None :returns: The properly formatted ``<li-message>`` HTML tag in string format :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MessageTypeNotFoundError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MessageTypeNotFoundError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidURLError` """ return objects_module.messages.format_content_mention(self.khoros_object, content_info, content_id, title, url)
[docs] def format_user_mention(self, user_info=None, user_id=None, login=None): """This method formats the ``<li-user>`` HTML tag for a user @mention. .. versionadded:: 2.4.0 :param user_info: A dictionary containing the ``'id'`` and/or ``'login'`` key(s) with the user information .. note:: This argument is necessary if the User ID and/or Login are not explicitly passed using the ``user_id`` and/or ``login`` function arguments. :type user_info: dict, None :param user_id: The unique user identifier (i.e. User ID) for the user :type user_id: str, int, None :param login: The login (i.e. username) for the user :type login: str, None :returns: The properly formatted ``<li-user>`` HTML tag in string format :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingAuthDataError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return objects_module.messages.format_user_mention(self.khoros_object, user_info, user_id, login)
[docs] def get_all_messages(self, board_id, fields=None, where_filter=None, descending=True): """This function retrieves data for all messages within a given board. .. versionadded:: 5.4.0 :param board_id: The ID of the board to query :type board_id: str :param fields: Specific fields to query if not all fields are needed (comma-separated string or iterable) :type fields: str, tuple, list, set, None :param where_filter: One or more optional WHERE filters to include in the LiQL query :type where_filter: str, tuple, list, set, None :param descending: Determines if the data should be returned in descending order (``True`` by default) :type descending: bool :returns: A list containing a dictionary of data for each message within the board :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return objects_module.messages.get_all_messages(self.khoros_object, board_id, fields, where_filter, descending)
[docs] def get_all_topic_messages(self, board_id, fields=None, descending=True): """This function retrieves data for all topic messages (i.e. zero-depth messages) within a given board. .. versionadded:: 5.4.0 :param board_id: The ID of the board to query :type board_id: str :param fields: Specific fields to query if not all fields are needed (comma-separated string or iterable) :type fields: str, tuple, list, set, None :param descending: Determines if the data should be returned in descending order (``True`` by default) :type descending: bool :returns: A list containing a dictionary of data for each topic message within the board :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return objects_module.messages.get_all_topic_messages(self.khoros_object, board_id, fields, descending)
[docs] def get_kudos_for_message(self, message_id, count_only=False): """This function retrieves the kudos for a given message ID and returns the full data or the kudos count. .. versionadded:: 5.4.0 :param message_id: The ID of the message for which to retrieve the kudos :type message_id: str :param count_only: Determines if only the kudos count should be returned (``False`` by default) :type count_only: bool :returns: The JSON data for the message kudos or the simple kudos count as an integer :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return objects_module.messages.get_kudos_for_message(self.khoros_object, message_id, count_only)
[docs] class Node(object): """This class includes methods for interacting with nodes."""
[docs] def __init__(self, khoros_object): """This method initializes the :py:class:`khoros.core.Khoros.Node` inner class object. :param khoros_object: The core :py:class:`khoros.Khoros` object :type khoros_object: class[khoros.Khoros] """ self.khoros_object = khoros_object
[docs] @staticmethod def get_node_id(url, node_type=None): """This method retrieves the Node ID for a given node within a URL. :param url: The URL from which to parse out the Node ID :type url: str :param node_type: The node type (e.g. ``blog``, ``tkb``, ``message``, etc.) for the object in the URL :type node_type: str, None :returns: The Node ID retrieved from the URL :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidNodeTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.NodeIDNotFoundError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.NodeTypeNotFoundError` """ return structures_module.nodes.get_node_id(url, node_type)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_node_type_from_url(url): """This method attempts to retrieve a node type by analyzing a supplied URL. :param url: The URL from which to extract the node type :type url: str :returns: The node type based on the URL provided :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.NodeTypeNotFoundError` """ return structures_module.nodes.get_node_type_from_url(url)
[docs] def get_total_node_count(self): """This method returns the total number of nodes within the Khoros Community environment. :returns: The total number of nodes as an integer :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return structures_module.nodes.get_total_node_count(self.khoros_object)
[docs] def node_exists(self, node_id=None, node_url=None): """This method checks to see if a node exists. .. versionadded:: 2.7.0 :param node_id: The ID of the node to check :type node_id: str, None :param node_url: The URL of the node to check :type node_url: str, None :returns: Boolean value indicating whether the node already exists :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return structures_module.nodes.node_exists(self.khoros_object, node_id, node_url)
[docs] def get_node_details(self, identifier, first_item=True): """This method returns a dictionary of node configuration settings. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param identifier: The Node ID or Node URL with which to identify the node :type identifier: str :param first_item: Filters the response data to the first item returned (``True`` by default) :type first_item: bool :returns: The node details within a dictionary :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidStructureTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return structures_module.nodes.get_node_details(self.khoros_object, identifier, first_item)
[docs] def get_node_field(self, field, identifier=None, node_details=None): """This method returns a specific node field from the Khoros Community API. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param field: The field to return from the :py:class:`khoros.structures.base.Mapping` class :type field: str :param identifier: The Node ID or Node URL with which to identify the node :type identifier: str, None :param node_details: The data captured from the :py:func:`khoros.structures.base.get_details` function :type node_details: dict, None :returns: The requested field in its native format :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidFieldError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidStructureTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return structures_module.nodes.get_node_field(self.khoros_object, field, identifier, node_details)
[docs] def get_url(self, node_id=None, node_details=None): """This method returns the full URL of a given Node ID. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param node_id: The Node ID with which to identify the node :type node_id: str, None :param node_details: The data captured from the :py:func:`khoros.structures.base.get_details` function :type node_details: dict, None :returns: The node URl as a string :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidStructureTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return structures_module.nodes.get_url(self.khoros_object, node_id, node_details)
[docs] def get_type(self, identifier, node_details=None): """This method returns the full URL of a given Node ID. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param identifier: The Node ID with which to identify the node :type identifier: str, None :param node_details: The data captured from the :py:func:`khoros.structures.base.get_details` function :type node_details: dict, None :returns: The node URl as a string :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidFieldError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidStructureTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return structures_module.nodes.get_type(self.khoros_object, identifier, node_details)
[docs] def get_discussion_style(self, identifier, node_details=None): """This method returns the full URL of a given Node ID. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param identifier: The Node ID with which to identify the node :type identifier: str, None :param node_details: The data captured from the :py:func:`khoros.structures.base.get_details` function :type node_details: dict, None :returns: The node URl as a string :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidFieldError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidStructureTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return structures_module.nodes.get_discussion_style(self.khoros_object, identifier, node_details)
[docs] def get_title(self, identifier=None, full_title=True, short_title=False, node_details=None): """This method retrieves the full and/or short title of the node. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param identifier: The Node ID or Node URL with which to identify the node :type identifier: str, None :param full_title: Determines if the full title of the node should be returned (``True`` by default) :type full_title: bool :param short_title: Determines if the short title of the node should be returned (``False`` by default) :type short_title: bool :param node_details: Dictionary containing node details (optional) :type node_details: dict, None :returns: The node title(s) as a string or a tuple of strings :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidFieldError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidStructureTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return structures_module.nodes.get_title(self.khoros_object, identifier, full_title, short_title, node_details)
[docs] def get_description(self, identifier, node_details=None): """This method returns the description of a given node. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param identifier: The Node ID or Node URL with which to identify the node :type identifier: str, None :param node_details: The data captured from the :py:func:`khoros.structures.base.get_details` function :type node_details: dict, None :returns: The node description as a string :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidFieldError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidStructureTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return structures_module.nodes.get_description(self.khoros_object, identifier, node_details)
[docs] def get_parent_type(self, identifier, node_details=None): """This method returns the parent type of a given node. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param identifier: The Node ID or Node URL with which to identify the node :type identifier: str, None :param node_details: The data captured from the :py:func:`khoros.structures.base.get_details` function :type node_details: dict, None :returns: The parent type as a string :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidFieldError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidStructureTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return structures_module.nodes.get_parent_type(self.khoros_object, identifier, node_details)
[docs] def get_parent_id(self, identifier, node_details=None, include_prefix=False): """This method returns the Parent ID of a given node. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param identifier: The Node ID or Node URL with which to identify the node :type identifier: str, None :param node_details: The data captured from the :py:func:`khoros.structures.base.get_details` function :type node_details: dict, None :param include_prefix: Determines if the prefix (e.g. ``category:``) should be included (Default: ``False``) :type include_prefix: bool :returns: The Parent ID as a string :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidFieldError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidStructureTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return structures_module.nodes.get_parent_id(self.khoros_object, identifier, node_details, include_prefix)
[docs] def get_parent_url(self, identifier, node_details=None): """This method returns the parent URL of a given node. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param identifier: The Node ID or Node URL with which to identify the node :type identifier: str, None :param node_details: The data captured from the :py:func:`khoros.structures.base.get_details` function :type node_details: dict, None :returns: The parent URL as a string :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidFieldError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidStructureTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return structures_module.nodes.get_parent_url(self.khoros_object, identifier, node_details)
[docs] def get_root_type(self, identifier, node_details=None): """This method returns the root category type of a given node. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param identifier: The Node ID or Node URL with which to identify the node :type identifier: str, None :param node_details: The data captured from the :py:func:`khoros.structures.base.get_details` function :type node_details: dict, None :returns: The root category type as a string :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidFieldError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidStructureTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return structures_module.nodes.get_root_type(self.khoros_object, identifier, node_details)
[docs] def get_root_id(self, identifier, node_details=None, include_prefix=False): """This method returns the Root Category ID of a given node. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param identifier: The Node ID or Node URL with which to identify the node :type identifier: str, None :param node_details: The data captured from the :py:func:`khoros.structures.base.get_details` function :type node_details: dict, None :param include_prefix: Defines if the prefix (e.g. ``category:``) should be included (``False`` by default) :type include_prefix: bool :returns: The Root Category ID as a string :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidFieldError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidStructureTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return structures_module.nodes.get_root_id(self.khoros_object, identifier, node_details, include_prefix)
[docs] def get_root_url(self, identifier, node_details=None): """This method returns the root category URL of a given node. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param identifier: The Node ID or Node URL with which to identify the node :type identifier: str, None :param node_details: The data captured from the :py:func:`khoros.structures.base.get_details` function :type node_details: dict, None :returns: The root category URL as a string :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidFieldError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidStructureTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return structures_module.nodes.get_root_url(self.khoros_object, identifier, node_details)
[docs] def get_avatar_url(self, identifier, node_details=None, original=True, tiny=False, small=False, medium=False, large=False): """This method retrieves one or more avatar URLs for a given node. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param identifier: The Node ID or Node URL with which to identify the node :type identifier: str, None :param node_details: The data captured from the :py:func:`khoros.structures.base.get_details` function :type node_details: dict, None :param original: Indicates if the URL for the original-size image should be returned (``True`` by default) :type original: bool :param tiny: Indicates if the URL for the image in a tiny size should be returned (``False`` by default) :type tiny: bool :param small: Indicates if the URL for the image in a small size should be returned (``False`` by default) :type small: bool :param medium: Indicates if the URL for the image in a medium size should be returned (``False`` by default) :type medium: bool :param large: Indicates if the URL for the image in a large size should be returned (``False`` by default) :type large: bool :returns: A single URL as a string (default) or a dictionary of multiple URLs by size :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidFieldError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidStructureTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return structures_module.nodes.get_avatar_url(self.khoros_object, identifier, node_details, original, tiny, small, medium, large)
[docs] def get_creation_date(self, identifier, node_details=None, friendly=False): """This method returns the creation date of a given node. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param identifier: The Node ID or Node URL with which to identify the node :type identifier: str, None :param node_details: The data captured from the :py:func:`khoros.structures.base.get_details` function :type node_details: dict, None :param friendly: Defines if the "friendly" date (e.g. ``Friday``) should be returned (``False`` by default) :type friendly: bool :returns: The creation date as a string :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidFieldError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidStructureTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return structures_module.nodes.get_creation_date(self.khoros_object, identifier, node_details, friendly)
[docs] def get_depth(self, identifier, node_details=None): """This method returns the depth of a given node. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param identifier: The Node ID or Node URL with which to identify the node :type identifier: str, None :param node_details: The data captured from the :py:func:`khoros.structures.base.get_details` function :type node_details: dict, None :returns: The depth as an integer :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidFieldError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidStructureTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return structures_module.nodes.get_depth(self.khoros_object, identifier, node_details)
[docs] def get_position(self, identifier, node_details=None): """This method returns the position of a given node. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param identifier: The Node ID or Node URL with which to identify the node :type identifier: str, None :param node_details: The data captured from the :py:func:`khoros.structures.base.get_details` function :type node_details: dict, None :returns: The position as an integer :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidFieldError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidStructureTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return structures_module.nodes.get_position(self.khoros_object, identifier, node_details)
[docs] def is_hidden(self, identifier, node_details=None): """This method identifies whether a given node is hidden. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param identifier: The Node ID or Node URL with which to identify the node :type identifier: str, None :param node_details: The data captured from the :py:func:`khoros.structures.base.get_details` function :type node_details: dict, None :returns: Boolean indicating whether the node is hidden :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidFieldError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidStructureTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return structures_module.nodes.is_hidden(self.khoros_object, identifier, node_details)
[docs] def get_views(self, identifier, node_details=None): """This method returns the views for a given node. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 :param identifier: The Node ID or Node URL with which to identify the node :type identifier: str, None :param node_details: The data captured from the :py:func:`khoros.structures.base.get_details` function :type node_details: dict, None :returns: The views as an integer :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidFieldError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidStructureTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return structures_module.nodes.get_views(self.khoros_object, identifier, node_details)
[docs] class Role(object): """This class includes methods relating to roles and permissions."""
[docs] def __init__(self, khoros_object): """This method initializes the :py:class:`khoros.core.Khoros.Role` inner class object. .. versionadded:: 2.4.0 :param khoros_object: The core :py:class:`khoros.Khoros` object :type khoros_object: class[khoros.Khoros] """ self.khoros_object = khoros_object
[docs] @staticmethod def get_role_id(role_name, scope='community', node_id=None): """This method constructs and returns the Role ID associated with a given role name and scope. .. versionadded:: 4.0.0 :param role_name: The name of the role (e.g. ``Administrator``, ``Moderator``, ``Owner``, etc.) :type role_name: str :param scope: The scope of the role (``community`` by default) :type scope: str :param node_id: The associated Node ID for any role that does not have a global/community scope. :type node_id: str, None :returns: The properly constructed Role ID where applicable :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidRoleError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return objects_module.roles.get_role_id(role_name, scope, node_id)
[docs] def assign_roles_to_user(self, user, lookup_type='id', roles_to_add=None, node=None, node_type='board', v1=False, return_json=True): """This method assigns a user to one or more roles. .. versionadded:: 4.0.0 :param user: The identifier (i.e. ID, login or email) of the user to be assigned to the role :type user: str :param lookup_type: The lookup type for the user identifier (``id``, ``login`` or ``email``) :type lookup_type: str :param roles_to_add: One or more roles (Role IDs or Role Names) to which the user will be assigned :type roles_to_add: str, list, tuple, set :param node: The Node ID of the node to which the role is scoped when applicable :type node: str, None :param node_type: The type of node to which the role is scoped (e.g. ``board`` (default), ``category``, etc.) :type node_type: str :param v1: Determines if the Community API v1 should be used to perform the operation (``False`` by default) :type v1: bool :param return_json: Determines if the response should be returned as JSON rather than XML (``True`` by default) :type return_json: bool :returns: The response from the API request :raises: :py:exc:`ValueError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.APIConnectionError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.CurrentlyUnsupportedError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.UnsupportedNodeTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidNodeTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.POSTRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.PUTRequestError` """ return objects_module.roles.assign_roles_to_user(self.khoros_object, user, lookup_type, roles_to_add, node, node_type, v1, return_json)
[docs] def get_total_role_count(self, return_dict=False, total=True, top_level=False, board=False, category=False, group_hub=False): """This method retrieves the total role count for one or more role type(s). .. versionadded:: 2.4.0 :param return_dict: Determines if the data should be returned as a dictionary (``False`` by default) :type return_dict: bool :param total: Indicates that the total overall role count should be returned (``True`` by default) :type total: bool :param top_level: Indicates that the total top-level role count should be returned (``False`` by default) :type top_level: bool :param board: Indicates that the total board-level role count should be returned (``False`` by default) :type board: bool :param category: Indicates that the total category-level role count should be returned (``False`` by default) :type category: bool :param group_hub: Indicates that the total group hub-level role count should be returned (``False`` by default) :type group_hub: bool :returns: The role count(s) as an integer, tuple or dictionary, depending on the arguments supplied :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.objects.roles.InvalidRoleTypeError` """ return objects_module.roles.get_total_role_count(self.khoros_object, return_dict, total, top_level, board, category, group_hub)
[docs] def get_roles_for_user(self, user_id, fields=None): """This method returns all roles associated with a given User ID. .. versionchanged:: 4.1.0 The docstring has been updated to reference the correct exception raised by this method. .. versionchanged:: 3.5.0 Fields to return in the LiQL query can now be explicitly defined. .. versionadded:: 2.4.0 :param user_id: The User ID for which to retrieve the roles data :type user_id: str :param fields: The field(s) to retrieve from the LiQL query as a string or list .. note:: All fields (i.e. ``SELECT *``) are returned unless fields are explicitly defined. :type fields: str, list, tuple, set, None :returns: A dictionary with data for each role associated with the given User ID :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return objects_module.roles.get_roles_for_user(self.khoros_object, user_id, fields)
[docs] def get_users_with_role(self, fields='login', role_id=None, role_name=None, scope=None, node_id=None, limit_per_query=1000, simple=False): """This method retrieves a list of all users that have a specific role. .. versionadded:: 3.5.0 :param fields: One or more fields from the ``Users`` object to return (``login`` field by default) .. seealso:: The fields that can be used are found in the `Khoros developer documentation <>`_. :type fields: str, tuple, list, set :param role_id: The identifier for the role in ``node_type:node_id:role_name`` format :type role_id: str, None :param role_name: The simple role name (e.g. ``Administrator``) .. caution:: This option should only be used when the role name is unique within the community at all node levels. :type role_name: str, None :param scope: The scope of the role (e.g. ``board``, ``category``, ``community``, ``grouphub``) .. note:: If a value is not supplied and only a role name is defined then the role scope is assumed to be at the ``community`` level. (i.e. global) :type scope: str, None :param node_id: The Node ID associated with the role (where applicable) .. note:: If a value is not supplied and only a role name is defined then the role scope is assumed to be at the ``community`` level. (i.e. global) :type node_id: str, None :param limit_per_query: Defines a ``LIMIT`` constraint other than the default ``1000`` limit per LiQL query .. note:: Unless modified by Khoros Support or Professional Services, ``1000`` is the maximum number of entries that can be returned in a single LiQL query. :type limit_per_query: int, str :param simple: Returns a simple list of the strings or tuples of the value(s) for each user (``False`` by default) :type simple: bool :returns: A list of users as strings, tuples or dictionaries depending if ``simple`` mode is enabled :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.DataMismatchError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return objects_module.roles.get_users_with_role(self.khoros_object, fields, role_id, role_name, scope, node_id, limit_per_query, simple=simple)
[docs] class SAML(object): """This class includes methods relating to SAML 2.0 authentication and user provisioning. .. versionadded:: 4.3.0 """
[docs] def __init__(self, khoros_object): """This method initializes the :py:class:`khoros.core.Khoros.SAML` inner class object. :param khoros_object: The core :py:class:`khoros.Khoros` object :type khoros_object: class[khoros.Khoros] """ self.khoros_object = khoros_object
[docs] @staticmethod def import_assertion(file_path, base64_encode=True, url_encode=True): """This method imports an XML SAML assertion as a string and optionally base64- and/or URL-encodes it. .. versionadded:: 4.3.0 :param file_path: The file path to the XML file to import :type file_path: str :param base64_encode: Determines if the assertion should be base64-encoded (``True`` by default) :type base64_encode: bool :param url_encode: Determines if the assertion should be URL-encoded (``True`` by default) :type url_encode: bool :returns: The SAML assertion string :raises: :py:exc:`FileNotFoundError` """ return saml_module.import_assertion(file_path, base64_encode, url_encode)
[docs] def send_assertion(self, assertion=None, file_path=None, base64_encode=True, url_encode=True): """This method sends a SAML assertion as a POST request in order to provision a new user. .. versionadded:: 4.3.0 :param assertion: The SAML assertion in string format and optionally base64- and/or URL-encoded :type assertion: str, None :param file_path: The file path to the XML file to import that contains the SAML assertion :type file_path: str, None :param base64_encode: Determines if the assertion should be base64-encoded (``True`` by default) :type base64_encode: bool :param url_encode: Determines if the assertion should be URL-encoded (``True`` by default) :type url_encode: bool :returns: The API response from the POST request :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return saml_module.send_assertion(self.khoros_object, assertion, file_path, base64_encode, url_encode)
[docs] class Settings(object): """This class includes methods relating to the retrieval and defining of various settings. .. versionadded:: 3.2.0 """
[docs] def __init__(self, khoros_object): """This method initializes the :py:class:`khoros.core.Khoros.Settings` inner class object. :param khoros_object: The core :py:class:`khoros.Khoros` object :type khoros_object: class[khoros.Khoros] """ self.khoros_object = khoros_object
[docs] def get_node_setting(self, setting_name, node_id, node_type='board', v1=None, convert_json=False): """This method retrieves the value of a specific node setting. .. versionchanged:: 3.3.2 The ``convert_json`` parameter has been introduced which optionally converts a JSON string into a dictionary. .. versionadded:: 3.2.0 :param setting_name: The name of the setting field for which to retrieve the value :type setting_name: str :param node_id: The ID of the node associated with the setting to retrieve :type node_id: str :param node_type: Defines the node as a ``board`` (default), ``category`` or ``grouphub`` :type node_type: str :param v1: Optionally defines a specific Community API version to use when retrieving the value :type v1: bool, None :param convert_json: Optionally converts a JSON string into a Python dictionary (``False`` by default) :type convert_json: bool :returns: The value of the setting for the node :raises: :py:exc:`ValueError`, :py:exc:`TypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.APIConnectionError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidNodeTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.LiQLParseError` """ return objects_module.settings.get_node_setting(self.khoros_object, setting_name, node_id, node_type, v1, convert_json)
[docs] def define_node_setting(self, setting_name, setting_val, node_id, node_type='board', return_json=True): """This method defines a particular setting value for a given node. .. versionchanged:: 4.0.0 The default value for the ``return_json`` parameter is now ``True``. .. versionchanged:: 3.3.2 The ``return_json`` parameter has been introduced which returns a simple JSON object (as a ``dict``) indicating whether the operation was successful. (Currently ``False`` by default) .. versionadded:: 3.2.0 :param setting_name: The name of the setting field for which to retrieve the value :type setting_name: str :param setting_val: The value of the setting to be defined :type setting_val: str :param node_id: The ID of the node associated with the setting to retrieve :type node_id: str :param node_type: Defines the node as a ``board`` (default), ``category`` or ``grouphub`` :type node_type: str :param return_json: Returns a simple JSON dictionary indicating the operation result (``True`` by default) .. caution:: An unsuccessful REST call will result in the raising of the :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.PostRequestError` exception if the ``return_json`` parameter is set to ``False``. :type return_json: bool :returns: The API response as a dictionary :raises: :py:exc:`ValueError`, :py:exc:`TypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.APIConnectionError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.POSTRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidNodeTypeError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.PayloadMismatchError` """ return objects_module.settings.define_node_setting(self.khoros_object, setting_name, setting_val, node_id, node_type, return_json)
[docs] class Studio(object): """This class includes methods relating to the Lithium SDK and Studio Plugin."""
[docs] def __init__(self, khoros_object): """This method initializes the :py:class:`khoros.core.Khoros.Studio` inner class object. :param khoros_object: The core :py:class:`khoros.Khoros` object :type khoros_object: class[khoros.Khoros] """ self.khoros_object = khoros_object
[docs] @staticmethod def sdk_installed(): """This method checks to see if the Lithium SDK is installed. .. versionadded:: 2.5.1 :returns: Boolean value indicating whether the Lithium SDK is installed """ return studio_module.base.sdk_installed()
[docs] @staticmethod def get_sdk_version(): """This method identifies the currently installed version of the Lithium SDK. .. versionadded:: 2.5.1 :returns: The SDK version in string format or ``None`` if not installed """ return studio_module.base.get_sdk_version()
[docs] @staticmethod def node_installed(): """This method checks whether Node.js is installed. .. versionadded:: 2.5.1 :returns: Boolean value indicating whether Node.js is installed """ return studio_module.base.node_installed()
[docs] @staticmethod def get_node_version(): """This method identifies and returns the installed Node.js version. .. versionadded:: 2.5.1 :returns: The version as a string or ``None`` if not installed """ return studio_module.base.get_node_version()
[docs] @staticmethod def npm_installed(): """This method checks whether npm is installed. .. versionadded:: 2.5.1 :returns: Boolean value indicating whether npm is installed """ return studio_module.base.npm_installed()
[docs] @staticmethod def get_npm_version(): """This method identifies and returns the installed npm version. .. versionadded:: 2.5.1 :returns: The version as a string or ``None`` if not installed """ return studio_module.base.get_npm_version()
[docs] class Subscription(object): """This class includes methods relating to subscriptions."""
[docs] def __init__(self, khoros_object): """This method initializes the :py:class:`khoros.core.Khoros.Subscription` inner class object. :param khoros_object: The core :py:class:`khoros.Khoros` object :type khoros_object: class[khoros.Khoros] """ self.khoros_object = khoros_object
[docs] def add_subscription(self, target_id, target_type='board', payload=None, included_boards=None, excluded_boards=None, proxy_user_object=None): """This method adds a subscription to a given target for the current user. .. versionchanged:: 4.0.0 Introduced the ``proxy_user_object`` parameter to allow API requests to be performed on behalf of other users. .. versionadded:: 3.5.0 :param target_id: The unique identifier for the target (e.g. Node ID, Message ID, etc.) :type target_id: str, int :param target_type: The target type such as ``board`` (default), ``message``, ``category``, etc. :param payload: Pre-constructed payload to use in the API call :type payload: dict, None :param included_boards: One or more boards (represented by Node ID) to be included in the partial subscription :type included_boards: list, tuple, set, str, None :param excluded_boards: One or more boards (represented by Node ID) to be excluded from the partial subscription :type excluded_boards: list, tuple, set, str, None :param proxy_user_object: Instantiated :py:class:`khoros.objects.users.ImpersonatedUser` object to perform the API request on behalf of a secondary user. :type proxy_user_object: class[khoros.objects.users.ImpersonatedUser], None :returns: The API response in JSON format :raises: :py:exc:`ValueError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.APIConnectionError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.POSTRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.PayloadMismatchError` """ return objects_module.subscriptions.add_subscription(self.khoros_object, target_id, target_type, payload, included_boards, excluded_boards, proxy_user_object=proxy_user_object)
[docs] def get_subscription_uri(self): """This method returns the subscriptions URI for the v2 API to perform API calls. .. versionadded:: 3.5.0 :returns: The full (absolute) URI for the ``subscriptions`` v2 API endpoint """ return objects_module.subscriptions.get_subscription_uri(self.khoros_object)
[docs] def subscribe_to_board(self, node_id, proxy_user_object=None): """This method subscribes the current user to an individual message. .. versionchanged:: 4.0.0 Introduced the ``proxy_user_object`` parameter to allow API requests to be performed on behalf of other users. .. versionadded:: 3.5.0 :param node_id: The unique identifier for a board (i.e. Board ID) :type node_id: str :param proxy_user_object: Instantiated :py:class:`khoros.objects.users.ImpersonatedUser` object to perform the API request on behalf of a secondary user. :type proxy_user_object: class[khoros.objects.users.ImpersonatedUser], None :returns: The API response in JSON format :raises: :py:exc:`ValueError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.APIConnectionError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.POSTRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.PayloadMismatchError` """ return objects_module.subscriptions.subscribe_to_board(self.khoros_object, node_id, proxy_user_object)
[docs] def subscribe_to_category(self, node_id, included_boards=None, excluded_boards=None, proxy_user_object=None): """This method subscribes the current user to a full or partial category. .. versionchanged:: 4.0.0 Introduced the ``proxy_user_object`` parameter to allow API requests to be performed on behalf of other users. .. versionadded:: 3.5.0 :param node_id: The unique identifier (i.e. Node ID) for the category :type node_id: str :param included_boards: One or more boards (represented by Node ID) to be included in the partial subscription :type included_boards: list, tuple, set, str, None :param excluded_boards: One or more boards (represented by Node ID) to be excluded from the partial subscription :type excluded_boards: list, tuple, set, str, None :param proxy_user_object: Instantiated :py:class:`khoros.objects.users.ImpersonatedUser` object to perform the API request on behalf of a secondary user. :type proxy_user_object: class[khoros.objects.users.ImpersonatedUser], None :returns: The API response in JSON format :raises: :py:exc:`ValueError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.APIConnectionError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.POSTRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.PayloadMismatchError` """ return objects_module.subscriptions.subscribe_to_category(self.khoros_object, node_id, included_boards, excluded_boards, proxy_user_object)
[docs] def subscribe_to_label(self, label, board_id, proxy_user_object=None): """This method subscribes the current user to label found on a board. .. versionchanged:: 4.0.0 Introduced the ``proxy_user_object`` parameter to allow API requests to be performed on behalf of other users. .. versionadded:: 3.5.0 :param label: The label to which to subscribe :type label: str, int :param board_id: The unique identifier (i.e. Node ID) for the board where the label is found :type board_id: str :param proxy_user_object: Instantiated :py:class:`khoros.objects.users.ImpersonatedUser` object to perform the API request on behalf of a secondary user. :type proxy_user_object: class[khoros.objects.users.ImpersonatedUser], None :returns: The API response in JSON format :raises: :py:exc:`ValueError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.APIConnectionError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.POSTRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.PayloadMismatchError` """ return objects_module.subscriptions.subscribe_to_label(self.khoros_object, label, board_id, proxy_user_object)
[docs] def subscribe_to_message(self, msg_id, proxy_user_object=None): """This method subscribes the current user to an individual message. .. versionchanged:: 4.0.0 Introduced the ``proxy_user_object`` parameter to allow API requests to be performed on behalf of other users. .. versionadded:: 3.5.0 :param msg_id: The unique identifier for an individual message :type msg_id: str, int :param proxy_user_object: Instantiated :py:class:`khoros.objects.users.ImpersonatedUser` object to perform the API request on behalf of a secondary user. :type proxy_user_object: class[khoros.objects.users.ImpersonatedUser], None :returns: The API response in JSON format :raises: :py:exc:`ValueError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.APIConnectionError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.POSTRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.PayloadMismatchError` """ return objects_module.subscriptions.subscribe_to_message(self.khoros_object, msg_id, proxy_user_object)
[docs] def subscribe_to_product(self, product_id, proxy_user_object=None): """This method subscribes the current user to a product. .. versionchanged:: 4.0.0 Introduced the ``proxy_user_object`` parameter to allow API requests to be performed on behalf of other users. .. versionadded:: 3.5.0 :param product_id: The unique identifier for a product :type product_id: str, int :param proxy_user_object: Instantiated :py:class:`khoros.objects.users.ImpersonatedUser` object to perform the API request on behalf of a secondary user. :type proxy_user_object: class[khoros.objects.users.ImpersonatedUser], None :returns: The API response in JSON format :raises: :py:exc:`ValueError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.APIConnectionError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.POSTRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.PayloadMismatchError` """ return objects_module.subscriptions.subscribe_to_product(self.khoros_object, product_id, proxy_user_object)
[docs] class Tag(object): """This class includes methods relating to the tagging of content. .. versionadded:: 4.1.0 """
[docs] def __init__(self, khoros_object): """This method initializes the :py:class:`khoros.core.Khoros.Tag` inner class object. .. versionadded:: 4.1.0 :param khoros_object: The core :py:class:`khoros.Khoros` object :type khoros_object: class[khoros.Khoros] """ self.khoros_object = khoros_object
[docs] def get_tags_for_message(self, msg_id): """This method retrieves the tags for a given message. .. versionadded:: 4.1.0 :param msg_id: The Message ID for the message from which to retrieve tags :type msg_id: str, int :returns: A list of tags associated with the message """ return objects_module.tags.get_tags_for_message(self.khoros_object, msg_id)
[docs] def add_single_tag_to_message(self, tag, msg_id, allow_exceptions=False): """This method adds a single tag to an existing message. .. versionadded:: 4.1.0 :param tag: The tag value to be added :type tag: str :param msg_id: The unique identifier for the message :type msg_id: str, int :param allow_exceptions: Determines if exceptions are permitted to be raised (``False`` by default) :type allow_exceptions: bool :returns: None :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.POSTRequestError` """ return objects_module.tags.add_single_tag_to_message(self.khoros_object, tag, msg_id, allow_exceptions)
[docs] def add_tags_to_message(self, tags, msg_id, allow_exceptions=False): """This method adds one or more tags to an existing message. .. versionchanged:: 5.0.0 Removed the redundant return statement. .. versionadded:: 4.1.0 ..caution:: This function is not the most effective way to add multiple tags to a message. It is recommended that the :py:meth:`khoros.core.Khoros.messages.update` method be used instead with its ``tags`` argument, which is more efficient and performance-conscious. :param tags: One or more tags to be added to the message :type tags: str, tuple, list, set :param msg_id: The unique identifier for the message :type msg_id: str, int :param allow_exceptions: Determines if exceptions are permitted to be raised (``False`` by default) :type allow_exceptions: bool :returns: None :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.POSTRequestError` """ objects_module.tags.add_tags_to_message(self.khoros_object, tags, msg_id, allow_exceptions)
[docs] @staticmethod def structure_single_tag_payload(tag_text): """This method structures the payload for a single tag. .. versionadded:: 4.1.0 :param tag_text: The tag to be included in the payload :type tag_text: str :returns: The payload as a dictionary :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidPayloadValueError` """ return objects_module.tags.structure_single_tag_payload(tag_text)
[docs] def structure_tags_for_message(self, *tags, msg_id=None, overwrite=False, ignore_non_strings=False, wrap_json=False): """This method structures tags to use within the payload for creating or updating a message. .. versionchanged:: 4.3.0 Introduced the ``wrap_json`` parameter to wrap the tags in a dictionary within the ``items`` key. .. versionadded:: 4.1.0 :param tags: One or more tags or list of tags to be structured :type tags: str, list, tuple, set :param msg_id: Message ID of an existing message so that its existing tags can be retrieved (optional) :type msg_id: str, int, None :param overwrite: Determines if tags should overwrite any existing tags (where applicable) or if the tags should be appended to the existing tags (default) :type overwrite: bool :param ignore_non_strings: Determines if non-strings (excluding iterables) should be ignored rather than converted to strings (``False`` by default) :type ignore_non_strings: bool :param wrap_json: Determines if the list of tags should be wrapped in the ``{"items": []}`` JSON structure -- In other words, a dictionary rather than a list (``False`` by default) :type wrap_json: bool :returns: A list of properly formatted tags to act as the value for the ``tags`` field in the message payload """ return objects_module.tags.structure_tags_for_message(*tags, khoros_object=self.khoros_object, msg_id=msg_id, overwrite=overwrite, ignore_non_strings=ignore_non_strings, wrap_json=wrap_json)
[docs] class User(object): """This class includes methods for interacting with users."""
[docs] def __init__(self, khoros_object): """This method initializes the :py:class:`khoros.core.Khoros.User` inner class object. :param khoros_object: The core :py:class:`khoros.Khoros` object :type khoros_object: class[khoros.Khoros] """ self.khoros_object = khoros_object
[docs] def impersonate_user(self, user_login): """This method instantiates and returns the :py:class`khoros.objects.users.ImpersonatedUser` object which can then be passed to other methods and functions to perform operations as a secondary user. .. note:: The authenticated user must have the **Administrator** role and/or have the **Switch User** permission enabled. .. versionadded:: 4.0.0 :param user_login: The username (i.e. login) of the user to be impersonated :type user_login: str :returns: The instantiated :py:class`khoros.objects.users.ImpersonatedUser` object """ return objects_module.users.impersonate_user(self.khoros_object, user_login)
[docs] def create(self, user_settings=None, login=None, email=None, password=None, first_name=None, last_name=None, biography=None, sso_id=None, web_page_url=None, cover_image=None, ignore_exceptions=False): """This method creates a new user in the Khoros Community environment. .. versionchanged:: 4.0.0 This function now returns the API response and the ``ignore_exceptions`` parameter has been introduced. .. versionchanged:: 3.5.0 The unnecessary ``return`` statement at the end of the method has been removed. :param user_settings: Allows all user settings to be passed to the function within a single dictionary :type user_settings: dict, None :param login: The username (i.e. ``login``) for the user (**required**) :type login: str, None :param email: The email address for the user (**required**) :type email: str, None :param password: The password for the user :type password: str, None :param first_name: The user's first name (i.e. given name) :type first_name: str, None :param last_name: The user's last name (i.e. surname) :type last_name: str, None :param biography: The user's biography for their profile :type biography: str, None :param sso_id: The Single Sign-On (SSO) ID for the user :type sso_id: str, None :param web_page_url: The URL to the user's website :type web_page_url: str, None :param cover_image: The cover image to be used on the user's profile :type cover_image: str, None :param ignore_exceptions: Defines whether to raise the :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.UserCreationError` exception if the creation attempt fails (``False`` by default) :type ignore_exceptions: bool :returns: The response to the user creation API request :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.UserCreationError` """ return objects_module.users.create(self.khoros_object, user_settings, login, email, password, first_name, last_name, biography, sso_id, web_page_url, cover_image, ignore_exceptions)
[docs] def delete(self, user_id, return_json=False): """This method deletes a user from the Khoros Community environment. :param user_id: The User ID of the user to be deleted :type user_id: str, int :param return_json: Determines if the API response should be returned in JSON format (``False`` by default) :type return_json: bool :returns: The API response (optionally in JSON format) :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.FeatureNotConfiguredError` """ return objects_module.users.delete(self.khoros_object, user_id, return_json)
[docs] def get_user_id(self, user_settings=None, login=None, email=None, first_name=None, last_name=None, allow_multiple=False, display_warnings=True): """This method looks up and retrieves the User ID for a user by leveraging supplied user information. .. note:: The priority of supplied fields are as follows: login, email, first and last name, last name, first name :param user_settings: A dictionary containing all relevant user settings supplied in the parent function :type user_settings: dict, None :param login: The username of the user :type login: str, None :param email: The email address of the user :type email: str, None :param first_name: The first name (i.e. given name) of the user :type first_name: str, None :param last_name: The last name (i.e. surname) of the user :type last_name: str, None :param allow_multiple: Allows a list of User IDs to be returned if multiple results are found :type allow_multiple: bool :param display_warnings: Determines if warning messages should be displayed (``True`` by default) :type display_warnings: bool :returns: The User ID of the user as an integer or a list of User IDs if ``allow_multiple`` is ``True`` """ return objects_module.users.get_user_id(self.khoros_object, user_settings, login, email, first_name, last_name, allow_multiple, display_warnings)
[docs] def get_username(self, user_settings=None, user_id=None, email=None, first_name=None, last_name=None, allow_multiple=False, display_warnings=True): """This method looks up and retrieves the username for a user by leveraging supplied user information. .. note:: The priority of supplied fields are as follows: User ID, email, first and last name, last name, first name :param user_settings: A dictionary containing all relevant user settings supplied in the parent function :type user_settings: dict, None :param user_id: The User ID of the user :type user_id: str, None :param email: The email address of the user :type email: str, None :param first_name: The first name (i.e. given name) of the user :type first_name: str, None :param last_name: The last name (i.e. surname) of the user :type last_name: str, None :param allow_multiple: Allows a list of usernames to be returned if multiple results are found :type allow_multiple: bool :param display_warnings: Determines if warning messages should be displayed (``True`` by default) :type display_warnings: bool :returns: The username (i.e. login) of the user or a list of usernames if ``allow_multiple`` is ``True`` """ return objects_module.users.get_username(self.khoros_object, user_settings, user_id, email, first_name, last_name, allow_multiple, display_warnings)
[docs] def get_login(self, user_settings=None, user_id=None, email=None, first_name=None, last_name=None, allow_multiple=False, display_warnings=True): """This is an alternative method name for the :py:meth:`khoros.core.Khoros.User.get_username` method.""" return objects_module.users.get_login(self.khoros_object, user_settings, user_id, email, first_name, last_name, allow_multiple, display_warnings)
[docs] def get_email(self, user_settings=None, user_id=None, login=None, first_name=None, last_name=None, allow_multiple=False, display_warnings=True): """This method retrieves the email address for a user by leveraging supplied user information. .. note:: The priority of supplied fields are as follows: User ID, username, first and last name, last name, first name :param user_settings: A dictionary containing all relevant user settings supplied in the parent function :type user_settings: dict, None :param user_id: The User ID of the user :type user_id: str, None :param login: The username of the user :type login: str, None :param first_name: The first name (i.e. given name) of the user :type first_name: str, None :param last_name: The last name (i.e. surname) of the user :type last_name: str, None :param allow_multiple: Allows a list of email addresses to be returned if multiple results are found :type allow_multiple: bool :param display_warnings: Determines if warning messages should be displayed (``True`` by default) :type display_warnings: bool :returns: The email address of the user as a string or a list of emails if ``allow_multiple`` is ``True`` """ return objects_module.users.get_email(self.khoros_object, user_settings, user_id, login, first_name, last_name, allow_multiple, display_warnings)
[docs] def get_ids_from_login_list(self, login_list, return_type='list'): """This method identifies the User IDs associated with a list of user logins. (i.e. usernames) :param login_list: List of user login (i.e. username) values in string format :type login_list: list, tuple :param return_type: Determines if the data should be returned as a ``list`` (default) or a ``dict`` :type return_type: str :returns: A list or dictionary with the User IDs :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return objects_module.users.get_ids_from_login_list(self.khoros_object, login_list, return_type)
[docs] def query_users_table_by_id(self, select_fields, user_id): """This method queries the ``users`` table for one or more given SELECT fields for a specific User ID. :param select_fields: One or more SELECT field (e.g. ``login``, ``messages.count(*)``, etc.) to query :type select_fields: str, tuple, list, set :param user_id: The User ID associated with the user :type user_id: int, str :returns: The API response for the performed LiQL query :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return objects_module.users.query_users_table_by_id(self.khoros_object, select_fields, user_id)
[docs] def get_user_data(self, user_settings=None, user_id=None, login=None, email=None): """This method retrieves all user data for a given user. :param user_settings: A dictionary containing all relevant user settings supplied in the parent function :type user_settings: dict, None :param user_id: The User ID associated with the user :type user_id: int, str, None :param login: The username of the user :type login: str, None :param email: The email address of the user :type email: str, None :returns: A dictionary containing the user data for the user :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return objects_module.users.get_user_data(self.khoros_object, user_settings, user_id, login, email)
[docs] def get_album_count(self, user_settings=None, user_id=None, login=None, email=None): """This method gets the number of albums for a user. :param user_settings: A dictionary containing all relevant user settings supplied in the parent function :type user_settings: dict, None :param user_id: The User ID associated with the user :type user_id: int, str, None :param login: The username of the user :type login: str, None :param email: The email address of the user :type email: str, None :returns: The number of albums found for the user as an integer :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return objects_module.users.get_album_count(self.khoros_object, user_settings, user_id, login, email)
[docs] def get_followers_count(self, user_settings=None, user_id=None, login=None, email=None): """This method gets the count of community members who have added the user as a friend in the community. :param user_settings: A dictionary containing all relevant user settings supplied in the parent function :type user_settings: dict, None :param user_id: The User ID associated with the user :type user_id: int, str, None :param login: The username of the user :type login: str, None :param email: The email address of the user :type email: str, None :returns: The number of community members who have added the user as a friend in integer format :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return objects_module.users.get_followers_count(self.khoros_object, user_settings, user_id, login, email)
[docs] def get_following_count(self, user_settings=None, user_id=None, login=None, email=None): """This method gets the count of community members the user has added as a friend in the community. :param user_settings: A dictionary containing all relevant user settings supplied in the parent function :type user_settings: dict, None :param user_id: The User ID associated with the user :type user_id: int, str, None :param login: The username of the user :type login: str, None :param email: The email address of the user :type email: str, None :returns: The number of community members the user has added as a friend in integer format :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return objects_module.users.get_following_count(self.khoros_object, user_settings, user_id, login, email)
[docs] def get_images_count(self, user_settings=None, user_id=None, login=None, email=None): """This method gets the count of images uploaded by the user. :param user_settings: A dictionary containing all relevant user settings supplied in the parent function :type user_settings: dict, None :param user_id: The User ID associated with the user :type user_id: int, str, None :param login: The username of the user :type login: str, None :param email: The email address of the user :type email: str, None :returns: The number of images uploaded by the user in integer format :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return objects_module.users.get_images_count(self.khoros_object, user_settings, user_id, login, email)
[docs] def get_public_images_count(self, user_settings=None, user_id=None, login=None, email=None): """This method gets the count of public images uploaded by the user. :param user_settings: A dictionary containing all relevant user settings supplied in the parent function :type user_settings: dict, None :param user_id: The User ID associated with the user :type user_id: int, str, None :param login: The username of the user :type login: str, None :param email: The email address of the user :type email: str, None :returns: The number of public images uploaded by the user in integer format :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return objects_module.users.get_public_images_count(self.khoros_object, user_settings, user_id, login, email)
[docs] def get_messages_count(self, user_settings=None, user_id=None, login=None, email=None): """This method gets the count of messages (topics and replies) posted by the user. :param user_settings: A dictionary containing all relevant user settings supplied in the parent function :type user_settings: dict, None :param user_id: The User ID associated with the user :type user_id: int, str, None :param login: The username of the user :type login: str, None :param email: The email address of the user :type email: str, None :returns: The number of messages (topics and replies) posted by the user in integer format :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return objects_module.users.get_messages_count(self.khoros_object, user_settings, user_id, login, email)
[docs] def get_roles_count(self, user_settings=None, user_id=None, login=None, email=None): """This method gets the count of roles applied to the user. :param user_settings: A dictionary containing all relevant user settings supplied in the parent function :type user_settings: dict, None :param user_id: The User ID associated with the user :type user_id: int, str, None :param login: The username of the user :type login: str, None :param email: The email address of the user :type email: str, None :returns: The number of roles applied to the user in integer format :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return objects_module.users.get_roles_count(self.khoros_object, user_settings, user_id, login, email)
[docs] def get_solutions_authored_count(self, user_settings=None, user_id=None, login=None, email=None): """This method gets the count of messages created by the user that are marked as accepted solutions. :param user_settings: A dictionary containing all relevant user settings supplied in the parent function :type user_settings: dict, None :param user_id: The User ID associated with the user :type user_id: int, str, None :param login: The username of the user :type login: str, None :param email: The email address of the user :type email: str, None :returns: The number of messages created by the user that are marked as accepted solutions in integer format :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return objects_module.users.get_solutions_authored_count(self.khoros_object, user_settings, user_id, login, email)
[docs] def get_topics_count(self, user_settings=None, user_id=None, login=None, email=None): """This method gets the count of topic messages (excluding replies) posted by the user. :param user_settings: A dictionary containing all relevant user settings supplied in the parent function :type user_settings: dict, None :param user_id: The User ID associated with the user :type user_id: int, str, None :param login: The username of the user :type login: str, None :param email: The email address of the user :type email: str, None :returns: The number of topic messages (excluding replies) posted by the user in integer format :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return objects_module.users.get_topics_count(self.khoros_object, user_settings, user_id, login, email)
[docs] def get_replies_count(self, user_settings=None, user_id=None, login=None, email=None): """This method gets the count of replies posted by the user. :param user_settings: A dictionary containing all relevant user settings supplied in the parent function :type user_settings: dict, None :param user_id: The User ID associated with the user :type user_id: int, str, None :param login: The username of the user :type login: str, None :param email: The email address of the user :type email: str, None :returns: The number of replies posted by the user in integer format :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return objects_module.users.get_replies_count(self.khoros_object, user_settings, user_id, login, email)
[docs] def get_videos_count(self, user_settings=None, user_id=None, login=None, email=None): """This method gets the count of videos uploaded by the user. :param user_settings: A dictionary containing all relevant user settings supplied in the parent function :type user_settings: dict, None :param user_id: The User ID associated with the user :type user_id: int, str, None :param login: The username of the user :type login: str, None :param email: The email address of the user :type email: str, None :returns: The number of videos uploaded by the user in integer format :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return objects_module.users.get_videos_count(self.khoros_object, user_settings, user_id, login, email)
[docs] def get_kudos_given_count(self, user_settings=None, user_id=None, login=None, email=None): """This method gets the count of kudos a user has given. :param user_settings: A dictionary containing all relevant user settings supplied in the parent function :type user_settings: dict, None :param user_id: The User ID associated with the user :type user_id: int, str, None :param login: The username of the user :type login: str, None :param email: The email address of the user :type email: str, None :returns: The number of kudos given by the user in integer format :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return objects_module.users.get_kudos_given_count(self.khoros_object, user_settings, user_id, login, email)
[docs] def get_kudos_received_count(self, user_settings=None, user_id=None, login=None, email=None): """This method gets the count of kudos a user has received. :param user_settings: A dictionary containing all relevant user settings supplied in the parent function :type user_settings: dict, None :param user_id: The User ID associated with the user :type user_id: int, str, None :param login: The username of the user :type login: str, None :param email: The email address of the user :type email: str, None :returns: The number of kudos received by the user in integer format :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return objects_module.users.get_kudos_received_count(self.khoros_object, user_settings, user_id, login, email)
[docs] def get_users_count(self, registered=False, online=False): """This method returns the total number of users in an environment. (Filtering possible for registered and online) .. versionadded:: 5.3.0 :param registered: Return a count of registered users (``False`` by default) :type registered: bool :param online: Return a count of online users (``False`` by default) :type online: bool :returns: An integer defining the total user count for the environment :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidParameterError` """ return objects_module.users.get_users_count(self.khoros_object, registered=registered, online=online)
[docs] def get_online_user_count(self): """This method retrieves the number of users currently online. :returns: The user count for online users as an integer :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return objects_module.users.get_online_user_count(self.khoros_object)
[docs] def get_all_users_count(self): """This method retrieves the total number of users on the community. .. versionadded:: 5.2.0 :returns: The user count for total users as an integer :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return objects_module.users.get_all_users_count(self.khoros_object)
[docs] def get_all_users(self, fields=None, order_by='last_visit_time', order_by_desc=True): """This function retrieves data for all users. .. versionadded:: 5.3.0 :param fields: Specific fields to query if not all fields are needed (comma-separated string or iterable) :type fields: str, tuple, list, set, None :param order_by: The order by which to sort the data (``last_visit_time`` by default) :type order_by: str :param order_by_desc: Indicates if the data should be sorted in descending (default) or ascending order :type order_by_desc: bool :returns: A list containing a dictionary of data for each user :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return objects_module.users.get_all_users(self.khoros_object, fields, order_by, order_by_desc)
[docs] def get_registered_users_count(self): """This method returns the total count of registered users on the community. .. versionadded:: 5.0.0 :returns: An integer of the total registered users count """ return objects_module.users.get_registered_users_count(self.khoros_object)
[docs] def get_registration_data(self, user_settings=None, user_id=None, login=None, email=None): """This method retrieves the registration data for a given user. :param user_settings: A dictionary containing all relevant user settings supplied in the parent function :type user_settings: dict, None :param user_id: The User ID associated with the user :type user_id: int, str, None :param login: The username of the user :type login: str, None :param email: The email address of the user :type email: str, None :returns: A dictionary containing the registration data for the user :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return objects_module.users.get_registration_data(self.khoros_object, user_settings, user_id, login, email)
[docs] def get_registration_timestamp(self, user_settings=None, user_id=None, login=None, email=None): """This method retrieves the timestamp for when a given user registered for an account. :param user_settings: A dictionary containing all relevant user settings supplied in the parent function :type user_settings: dict, None :param user_id: The User ID associated with the user :type user_id: int, str, None :param login: The username of the user :type login: str, None :param email: The email address of the user :type email: str, None :returns: The registration timestamp in string format :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return objects_module.users.get_registration_timestamp(self.khoros_object, user_settings, user_id, login, email)
[docs] def get_registration_status(self, user_settings=None, user_id=None, login=None, email=None): """This method retrieves the registration status for a given user. :param user_settings: A dictionary containing all relevant user settings supplied in the parent function :type user_settings: dict, None :param user_id: The User ID associated with the user :type user_id: int, str, None :param login: The username of the user :type login: str, None :param email: The email address of the user :type email: str, None :returns: The registration status in string format :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return objects_module.users.get_registration_status(self.khoros_object, user_settings, user_id, login, email)
[docs] def get_last_visit_timestamp(self, user_settings=None, user_id=None, login=None, email=None): """This method retrieves the timestamp for the last time the user logged into the community. :param user_settings: A dictionary containing all relevant user settings supplied in the parent function :type user_settings: dict, None :param user_id: The User ID associated with the user :type user_id: int, str, None :param login: The username of the user :type login: str, None :param email: The email address of the user :type email: str, None :returns: The last visit timestamp in string format :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return objects_module.users.get_last_visit_timestamp(self.khoros_object, user_settings, user_id, login, email)
[docs] def update_sso_id(self, new_sso_id, user_id=None, user_login=None): """This method updates the SSO ID for a user. .. versionadded:: 4.5.0 :param new_sso_id: The new SSO ID for the user :type new_sso_id: str :param user_id: The numeric User ID that identifies the user :type user_id: str, int, None :param user_login: The username that identifies the user :type user_login: str, None :returns: The API response :raises: py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingRequiredDataError` """ return objects_module.users.update_sso_id(self.khoros_object, new_sso_id, user_id, user_login)
[docs] def get_online_users_count(self, anonymous=None, registered=None): """This method returns the total count of users currently online. .. versionadded:: 5.0.0 :param anonymous: Filters the results to only anonymous (non-registered) users :type anonymous: bool, None :param registered: Filters the results to only registered users :type registered: bool, None :returns: An integer of the total online users count :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ return objects_module.users.get_online_users_count(self.khoros_object, anonymous, registered)
[docs] def signout(self): """This method invalidates the active session key or SSO authentication session. .. versionchanged:: 3.5.0 The unnecessary ``return`` statement at the end of the method has been removed. .. versionchanged:: 3.3.2 Logging was introduced to report the successful session invalidation. """ session_terminated = auth.invalidate_session(self) if session_terminated: self.auth['active'] = False'The session has been successfully invalidated and the API is no longer connected.')
def __del__(self): """This method fully destroys the instance.""" self.close()
[docs] def close(self): """This core method destroys the instance. .. versionchanged:: 3.5.0 The unnecessary ``pass`` statement at the end of the method has been removed. """