Source code for khoros.bulk_data

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:Module:            khoros.objects.bulk_data
:Synopsis:          This module includes functions that relate to the Bulk Data API.
:Usage:             ``from khoros import bulk_data``
:Example:           ``base_url = bulk_data.get_base_url(community_id='')``
:Created By:        Jeff Shurtliff
:Last Modified:     Jeff Shurtliff
:Modified Date:     14 Jun 2023

import requests

from . import errors
from .utils import log_utils

# Initialize the logger for this module
logger = log_utils.initialize_logging(__name__)

[docs]def get_base_url(khoros_object=None, community_id=None, europe=False): """This function constructs and/or retrieves the base URL for the Bulk Data API. .. versionadded:: 5.0.0 .. note:: The URL from the helper settings will be leveraged when available unless the ``community_id`` is explicitly defined as a function parameter. :param khoros_object: The core :py:class:`khoros.Khoros` object :type khoros_object: class[khoros.Khoros], None :param community_id: The Community ID to leverage in the URL :type community_id: str, None :param europe: Determines if the European URL should be utilized (``False`` by default) :type europe: bool :returns: The base URL for the Bulk Data API """ base_url = None base_urls = { True: '', False: '' } # Retrieve the base URL from the helper settings when defined if not community_id and khoros_object: try: base_url = khoros_object.bulk_data_settings['base_url'] except (KeyError, AttributeError): # Attempt to define the community ID if found try: community_id = khoros_object.bulk_data_settings['community_id'] except (KeyError, AttributeError): pass # Construct the base URL when not defined in the helper settings if not base_url: europe = False if europe is None else europe base_url = base_urls.get(europe) if community_id: base_url = f'{base_url}{community_id}' return base_url
[docs]def query(khoros_object=None, community_id=None, client_id=None, token=None, from_date=None, to_date=None, fields=None, europe=None, export_type=None, full_response=False): """This function performs a query against the Bulk Data API to retrieve CSV or JSON data. .. versionchanged:: 5.3.0 Added logging error messages when exceptions are raised. .. versionchanged:: 5.2.0 Improved the error handling to display the response text in the raised exception when available. .. versionadded:: 5.0.0 :param khoros_object: The core :py:class:`khoros.Khoros` object :type khoros_object: class[khoros.Khoros], None :param community_id: The Community ID to leverage in the URL :type community_id: str, None :param client_id: The Client ID used to authenticate to the Bulk Data API :type client_id: str, None :param token: The access token used to authenticate to the Bulk Data API :type token: str, None :param from_date: The **From** Date in ``YYYYmmDD`` or ``YYYYmmDDhhMM`` format. :type from_date: str, None :param to_date: The **To** Date in ``YYYYmmDD`` or ``YYYYmmDDhhMM`` format. :type to_date: str, None :param fields: Optional fields to include in the data export as a comma-separated string or iterable :type fields: str, list, tuple, set, None :param europe: Determines if the European URL should be utilized (``False`` by default) :type europe: bool :param export_type: Determines if the data should be returned in ``csv`` (default) or ``json`` format :type export_type: str, None :param full_response: Determines if the full :py:mod:`requests` object should be returned (``False`` by default) :type full_response: bool :returns: The CSV or JSON data for the Bulk Data API request (or the full :py:mod:`requests` object) :raises: :py:exc:`TypeError`, :py:exc:`ValueError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingAuthDataError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.APIRequestError` """ # Get the base URL if khoros_object and khoros_object.bulk_data_settings.get('base_url'): base_url = khoros_object.bulk_data_settings.get('base_url') else: base_url = get_base_url(khoros_object, community_id, europe) # Get the client ID if not client_id: if khoros_object and khoros_object.bulk_data_settings.get('client_id'): client_id = khoros_object.bulk_data_settings.get('client_id') else: error_msg = 'A valid Client ID is required to utilize the Bulk Data API.' logger.error(error_msg) raise errors.exceptions.MissingAuthDataError(error_msg) # Get the auth token if not token: if khoros_object and khoros_object.bulk_data_settings.get('token'): token = khoros_object.bulk_data_settings.get('token') else: error_msg = 'A valid access token is required to utilize the Bulk Data API.' logger.error(error_msg) raise errors.exceptions.MissingAuthDataError(error_msg) # Construct the API headers headers = _construct_headers(khoros_object, client_id, export_type) # Construct the authentication tuple auth = (token, '') # Construct the parameters params = _construct_parameters(from_date, to_date, fields) # Perform the API call response = requests.get(base_url, params=params, auth=auth, headers=headers) if not full_response: if response.status_code != 200: exc_msg = f'Bulk Data API request failed with a {response.status_code} response.' if response.text: exc_msg = exc_msg.replace('.', f': {response.text}') logger.error(exc_msg) raise errors.exceptions.APIRequestError(exc_msg) if export_type.lower() == 'json': response = response.json() else: response = response.text return response
[docs]def filter_by_action(action_key, bulk_data): """This function filters a Bulk Data API export for only entries with a specific ``action.key`` value. .. versionadded:: 5.2.0 :param action_key: The ``action.key`` value :type action_key: str :param bulk_data: The Bulk Data API export in JSON format (i.e. dictionary) :type bulk_data: dict :returns: The filtered JSON data as a dictionary :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.DataMismatchError` """ filtered_data = [] _validate_bulk_data_export(bulk_data) for entry in bulk_data['records']: if entry.get('action.key') == action_key: filtered_data.append(entry) filtered_data = {'records': filtered_data} return filtered_data
[docs]def filter_anonymous(bulk_data, remove_anonymous=None, remove_registered=None): """This function filters bulk data entries to keep only registered (default) or anonymous user activities. .. versionchanged:: 5.3.0 Added logging error messages when exceptions are raised. .. versionadded:: 5.2.0 :param bulk_data: The Bulk Data API export in JSON format (i.e. dictionary) :type bulk_data: dict :param remove_anonymous: Determines if all anonymous user activities should be removed (Default) :type remove_anonymous: bool, None :param remove_registered: Determines if all registered user activities should be removed :type remove_registered: bool, None :returns: The filtered JSON data as a dictionary :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.DataMismatchError`, :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.InvalidParameterError` """ filtered_data = [] _validate_bulk_data_export(bulk_data) if remove_anonymous is None and remove_registered is None: remove_anonymous = True if remove_anonymous and remove_registered: error_msg = 'You cannot remove both anonymous and registered users.' logger.error(error_msg) raise errors.exceptions.InvalidParameterError(error_msg) if not remove_anonymous and not remove_registered: error_msg = 'You must remove either anonymous or registered users.' logger.error(error_msg) raise errors.exceptions.InvalidParameterError(error_msg) for entry in bulk_data['records']: if (remove_anonymous and entry.get('user.registration_status') != 'ANONYMOUS') or \ (remove_registered and entry.get('user.registration_status') == 'ANONYMOUS'): filtered_data.append(entry) filtered_data = {'records': filtered_data} return filtered_data
[docs]def count_actions(bulk_data, action_key): """This function counts the number of events for a specific action key in a collection of bulk data. .. versionadded:: 5.2.0 :param bulk_data: The Bulk Data API export in JSON format (i.e. dictionary) :type bulk_data: dict :param action_key: The ``action.key`` value :type action_key: str :returns: The number of events as an integer :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.DataMismatchError` """ bulk_data = filter_by_action(action_key, bulk_data) return len(bulk_data['records'])
[docs]def count_logins(bulk_data): """This function counts the number of login events in a collection of bulk data. .. versionadded:: 5.2.0 :param bulk_data: The Bulk Data API export in JSON format (i.e. dictionary) :type bulk_data: dict :returns: The number of login events as an integer :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.DataMismatchError` """ return count_actions(bulk_data, 'visits.member-entrance')
[docs]def count_views(bulk_data): """This function counts the number of view events in a collection of bulk data. .. versionadded:: 5.2.0 :param bulk_data: The Bulk Data API export in JSON format (i.e. dictionary) :type bulk_data: dict :returns: The number of view events as an integer :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.DataMismatchError` """ return count_actions(bulk_data, 'view')
def _validate_bulk_data_export(_bulk_data): """This function validates exported bulk data to ensure it is a dictionary and in a recognizable format. .. versionadded:: 5.2.0 :param _bulk_data: The exported Bulk Data API content :type _bulk_data: dict :returns: None :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.DataMismatchError` """ if not isinstance(_bulk_data, dict): raise errors.exceptions.DataMismatchError('The Bulk Data must be provided as a dictionary to be filtered.') if 'records' not in _bulk_data: raise errors.exceptions.DataMismatchError('The Bulk Data is not in a recognized format.') def _construct_parameters(_from_date=None, _to_date=None, _fields=None): """This function constructs the parameters to utilize in the API call. .. versionadded:: 5.0.0 :param _from_date: The beginning date range parameter :type _from_date: str, None :param _to_date: The ending date range parameter :type _to_date: str, None :param _fields: The optional list of fields to include :type _fields: str, list, tuple, set, None :returns: The dictionary of parameters to use in the API call :raises: :py:exc:`TypeError` """ # Validate and add the date parameters _validate_date_field(_from_date) _validate_date_field(_to_date) _params = { 'fromDate': _from_date, 'toDate': _to_date, } # Validate and add the fields parameter if applicable if _fields: if not isinstance(_fields, str): if isinstance(_fields, list) or isinstance(_fields, tuple) or isinstance(_fields, set): _fields = ','.join(_fields) else: raise TypeError('The fields parameter should be a comma-separated string or an iterable.') _params['fields'] = _fields return _params def _validate_date_field(_date_value): """This function validates the ``fromDate`` and ``toDate`` fields to ensure they are in a valid format. .. versionadded:: 5.0.0 :param _date_value: The date value to be evaluated (e.g. ``20220313``) :type _date_value: str :returns: None :raises: :py:exc:`ValueError` """ if not isinstance(_date_value, str) or not _date_value.isnumeric() or \ (len(_date_value) != 8 and len(_date_value) != 12): raise ValueError('The fromDate and toDate fields should be in yyyyMMdd or yyyyMMddHHmm format.') def _construct_headers(_khoros_object=None, _client_id=None, _export_type=None): """This function constructs the headers to use in a Bulk Data API call. .. versionchanged:: 5.3.0 Added logging error messages when exceptions are raised. .. versionadded:: 5.0.0 :param _khoros_object: The core :py:class:`khoros.Khoros` object :type _khoros_object: class[khoros.Khoros], None :param _client_id: The Client ID to use when authenticating the API calls :type _client_id: str, None :param _export_type: Indicates the export type as either ``csv`` (default) or ``json`` :type _export_type: str :returns: A dictionary containing the API headers :raises: :py:exc:`khoros.errors.exceptions.MissingAuthDataError` """ # Get the client ID if not _client_id: if _khoros_object and _khoros_object.bulk_data_settings.get('client_id'): _client_id = _khoros_object.bulk_data_settings.get('client_id') else: _error_msg = 'A valid Client ID is required to utilize the Bulk Data API.' logger.error(_error_msg) raise errors.exceptions.MissingAuthDataError(_error_msg) # Get the Accept value depending on the export type if not _export_type: if _khoros_object and _khoros_object.bulk_data_settings.get('export_type'): _export_type = _khoros_object.bulk_data_settings.get('export_type') else: # Default to CSV export _export_type = 'csv' _accept_value = _get_export_header(_export_type) # Construct and return the header _headers = { 'client-id': _client_id, 'Accept': _accept_value } return _headers def _get_export_header(_export_type='csv'): """This function retrieves the appropriate ``Accept`` header value depending on the export type. .. versionadded:: 5.0.0 :param _export_type: Indicates the export type as either ``csv`` (default) or ``json`` :type _export_type: str :returns: The appropriate ``Accept`` header value """ if _export_type.lower() == 'json': _export_header_value = 'application/json' else: # TODO: Add warning log entry if not CSV _export_header_value = 'text/csv' return _export_header_value